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-   -   Toothpaste Terrorism? (https://www.pprune.org/australia-new-zealand-pacific/281097-toothpaste-terrorism.html)

RaverFlaver 22nd Jun 2007 11:40

Is it just me or does anyone else think it's stupid that this only applies to international flights?

Kind of defeats the purpose.

So there's how many other aircraft flying around Australia that can be blown up with a 110g tube of toothpaste or a 150ml bottle of moisturiser?

Kind of defeats the purpose. :confused:

squawk6969 22nd Jun 2007 12:14

If the flight is to the USA its even worse than say NZ.

Love the YOUTUBE....that is classic:ok: Love the girl and the 2 people with three ounces get together......:D

We should all start a "common sense party" and oust these buggers at the polls:}


Taildragger67 22nd Jun 2007 12:40


Indeed. But that's logic you're using there.

So... we have an A320 with only enough gas to get it to Auckland and we need to have every orifice examined to get on it.

Meanwhile, on the other side, we might have a 747 juiced up to get to Perth - but we can take pretty much any liquid we want on.

Which would make the 'juicier' target? :ugh:

While we're at it, with respect to buying things airside after the 'security' point - as this has effectively created a monopoly (eg. I can only buy my water at the outlets there, which don't face competition) has anyone heard of any measures to prevent price gouging? No? Thought not. Why? Well one uncharitable idea might be that that would dent a certain financial institution's profits and so they've told their payees in Canberra (sorry, the Government officials) not to allow anything which cuts their flow of lucre. :hmm: But I would never suggest such a thing.

ScottyDoo 22nd Jun 2007 16:40

And don't mention the cans of tuna in springwater...confiscated....too much liquid.
The simple answer is: freeze your tuna, toothpaste, eye-drops, gatorade, baby-food, maouthwash, bottled jiz, whatever.

When it's frozen solid, it then ceases to be a liquid...

Simple and the knuckle draggers will not know what to do and will run off in a tizz.

rammel 23rd Jun 2007 02:06

I have looked around to build up my travel kit due to these new regs. Toothpaste of most brands at supermarkets is 110g, the only place I have seen it less is at the airport stores.

I bought my aftershave duty free in the 75ml and have just found the deodourant I like has changed it's packaging to 100ml. I don't think the reason for this is the regulations though, as the price has not changed.

The kiwi shoe polish as a dangerous good, I'd like to know why it is classed as that. Is it a flammable liquid? If it is then no one with polished shoes should be allowed on board.

While I understand the reasoning for these rules, what is going to stop 3 or 4 people all taking the ingredients for what they want to do on the same flight. Nothing. So because of this that is why I think it is a crock.

Clive 23rd Jun 2007 05:28

To quote "Direct Anywhere"


I would suggest you watch the video footage of the 911 terrorists passing throught the security screening prior to the hijacked flights, then tell me again it is not their fault.

The aviation security industry was charged with ensuring our passengers were not a security risk then, just as they are now.

We are now required to suffer for their shortcomings.

Not their fault.... Please!

Torres 23rd Jun 2007 07:22

Toothpaste - in even small quantities - is very dangerous!

I knew a pilot who, after a heavy night, mixed up his toothpaste and hemorrhoid ointment.

He ended up with retracted gums and a ring of confidence!

Air Ace 23rd Jun 2007 07:35

How can one take the new security arrangements seriously, when thousands of dollars have been spent on new two meter high fences etc at the passenger terminal of one regional airport, serviced by eleven DHC8 aircraft per week, when three hundred meters away this is the airport "security fence":


Miraz 23rd Jun 2007 08:56

Has anyone else been subject to the "random" explosives testing that has cropped up recently?

I get pinged by these tests about twice a month, and fail the test about 50% of the time - ie the test shows that I have traces of explosives on my person.

I just tell the operator that I fail these tests all the time then they just shrug their shoulders and wave me through anyway...

Islander Jock 23rd Jun 2007 13:57

Unfortunately and as already said, these knuckle draggers are unable to make judgement calls based on common sense. They have to follow DOTARS and their rules religiously. Too bad most of them don't know what those rules are.:rolleyes:
I just love the ETD test at the screening point. I let the young goon ask me to undergo the test, then when he offers me the information card, I read it - v e r y s l o w l y. I can usually take up the time he would otherwise 3 or 4 other poor sods :E
The government is feeding off this security hysteria. The latest being CBS for regional airports. If the risk is there now - why the hell aren't we doing it now? Not ETD by Dec 07 and x-ray by Dec 08.
Screening of Aircrews is a pointless waste of everyones time. Especially when we are talking about smaller GA aircraft. I have had this out directly with DOTARS but they just shrug and say, "well it's in the regs". That outfit is full of ex cops and defence personnel who reached "use by date" in their previous careers.

Selac66 23rd Jun 2007 15:04


I would suggest you watch the video footage of the 911 terrorists passing throught the security screening prior to the hijacked flights, then tell me again it is not their fault.
1. Can you post a link to the footage you are referring to?
2. The only footage released so far has originated from Associated Press and is said to show the five Dulles originating hijackers. It can not be viewed in its raw form and the news footage seems to have cut out the time stamps.
3. There has been no video footage released showing Satam Suqami, Waleed Alshehri, Wail Alshehri, Mohamed Atta, Abdulaziz Alomari, Marwan Al-Shehhi, Fayez Rashid, Ahmed Alghamdi, Hamza Alghamdi, Mohand Alshehri, Saeed Alghamdi, Ahmad Haznawi, Ahmed Alnami or Ziad Samir Jarrah going through security at Boston and Newark Airports.
4. The release of all of the security video would be useful as a training aid for security screeners.

fallen 23rd Jun 2007 18:28

Is it just me or does anyone else think it's stupid that this only applies to international flights?
It is a bit stupid. Initially there was mention that Domestic would also be subject to LAGs restrictions but this seems to have been put in the too hard basket at the moment.

When it's frozen solid, it then ceases to be a liquid...
Actually it's still classed as a liquid. There's a sort what would it be like at room temperature test.

So does that mean if VH-Cheer up had brushed his teeth at the security point, finished off the tube he could have taken it through empty instead of the 5g or so left?
Yep. Alternatively he could have pulled out the scissors from his flightbag that the screener had missed and cut the tube in half. He then would have had 2 55g containers that he could have taken through.

aussie027 23rd Jun 2007 20:06

Just to make it more complicated , here in the USA it is a max 3oz bottle/tube which is 90 ml.........AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Here it is on ALL flights, domestic and Intl.

Just a tip, buy a "solid" stick deodarant, then that doesn't have to go in your 1Quart/1L bag.

Yes I agree the whole idea/concept is ridiculous to say the least. :ugh:
All because 4-5 idiots in England hatched a scheme with the liquid explosives.

Just wait, if somebody works out a scheme to put explosive thread or lining or whatever in their clothes then we will all have to travel naked or wearing plastic bags!!! :sad:

Capt Claret 24th Jun 2007 04:23

Originally Posted by Aussie027
All because 4-5 idiots in England hatched a scheme with the liquid explosives.

Aussie, do you have any links to evidenciary proof of that claim? I understood that when investigated, there was absolutely no proof whatsoever of the claims. No substances. No air tickets. No reservations on flights. No group of would be terrorists.

NoseGear 24th Jun 2007 05:36

As flight crew, I find it an insult and a mockery to our professionlism. I've lost several items, but have found there is no point arguing, despite the stupidity of it all. The last time I went thru London, shoes, jacket had to be removed, laptop out of bag, rubbed down by a goon who was more interested in my watch, and wanded down by a women in a burhka! It was all I could do not to pop!:mad::ugh: Can anyone tell me if there has been a case of airline crew hijacking, or using explosives to bring down an airliner? I know of the odd screaming death dive, but explosives?
On a lighter note, naked travel??? Hmm, I can see the positives in that!:ok: And of course the negatives:{:p

VH-Cheer Up 24th Jun 2007 07:09

Capt. Claret:

I understood that when investigated, there was absolutely no proof whatsoever of the claims. No substances. No air tickets. No reservations on flights. No group of would be terrorists.
From the Beeb: - Looks like a bunch of people were actually charged, although I have no idea where the prosecution matters are at the moment.

Perhaps one of our friendly pommie mates could enlighten us as to the latest details?

If they're not still upset about the cricket, that is.


VH-Cheer Up 24th Jun 2007 07:15

Liquid explosives bomb plot (Aug 2006)
Looks like a total of 17 people charged up to the point this article was written.

If they've all been let off, it makes a bit of a mockery of the whole 'no gels or liquids' rule, doesn't it?


murgatroid 24th Jun 2007 08:31

So, has anyone got the figures on how much is being confiscated here in Aus? A quick google!

Frankfurt - 20 tonnes of liquids each week. 2,500 litres per day.
Schipol - 1,600 litres per day.
Zurich - 22,000 euros worth of alcohol and perfume per day.

Man, there must be some really drunk, nice smelling, white teethed security guards around the globe!

Is it perth that displays the nice collection of hundreds of pairs of nail clippers as you pass security?

ATCO1962 24th Jun 2007 14:17

Just went through Philadelphia yesterday and the kind folks there relieved me of my deodorant, toothpaste and shaving cream, two of which were less than 100mls. When I ever-so-politely inquired "Why", the nice lady said that they weren't in a zip-lock bag. That cleared that up completely:hmm:

Come on, why does a zip-lock make all the difference?

gooneydog 24th Jun 2007 17:10

An agreement by pilots worldwide to withdraw services would solve this in days or hours But in 6 years there's been no serious attempt to "get together" on it

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