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-   -   ***warning*** (https://www.pprune.org/australia-new-zealand-pacific/242925-warning.html)

DutchRoll 18th Sep 2006 12:49

Legal threats regarding internet forums have been shown to be 99.99% utterly and completely vacuous - all bluff and bravado. True, they are levelled regularly, usually when someone is losing a particular argument or feels aggrieved that they've been caught out. But there is a significant onus and cost on accusing someone of 'libel', especially on the internet.

Just my two-bobs worth coming from my crass, lower-class, uneducated and rebellious-against-the-empire convict heritage (actually, we were pure English settler, but never let the truth ruin a good story).

blueloo 18th Sep 2006 13:01

Danny, just for reference:

Antipodean -
Inflected Form(s): plural an·tip·o·des /an-'ti-p&-"dEz/
Etymology: Middle English antipodes, plural, persons dwelling at opposite points on the globe, from Latin, from Greek, from plural of antipod-, antipous with feet opposite, from anti- + pod-, pous foot -- more at FOOT
the parts of the earth diametrically opposite.

So whilst your attempt was either good natured bard, (or somewhat patronising???) that Australians are Antipodeans, you might also view yourself as Antipodeans too.

haughtney1 18th Sep 2006 18:59


Antipodean....commonly used word to describe you Ockers..and us NZers:ok:

blueloo 18th Sep 2006 21:29

Haughtney :} yup aware of that, just letting you know, us ockers can also use it to describe you poms :E (by definition of course, most of use ockers wouldnt use it, we are to polite for that sort of thing......:} )

(Anyway, shouldnt that be "use" ockers ...ppppff get it right!) :}:}

The Voice 18th Sep 2006 22:44

isn't the spelling usually 'youse' for this bit of the vernacular?

anyway, can we go back to posting like we did before now please.

Can the forums return to 'normal' and those threads that were hidden elsewhere be retreived and brought back home?

Please Danny.

blueloo 18th Sep 2006 23:38

I dunno mate, maybe it should be "ewes". Baaahh baaahh :E

Chris Higgins 19th Sep 2006 00:08

My prediction is that it will pretty much go back to the way it was in a couple of months from now.

captaindejavu 19th Sep 2006 01:34

Enough of this inane prattle !!!!!!

Hey, Danny, Woomera, etc.....isn't it about time you closed this thread and cut out the 'warnings'?? If someone crosses the line professionally on this forum, simply ban them immediately. One day, one month, or forever, who cares!! The message will get through quickly enough.

Written 'warnings' are a waste of time and a waste of bandwidth.

Just ban them, for Pete's Sake !!!!!!! Actions speak louder than words !!

Tidbinbilla 19th Sep 2006 01:55

The last page is just an example of what Danny wries about re thread drift.:rolleyes:

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