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B A Lert 6th Sep 2006 07:25

Qantas is shrinking again

Qantas Group Services to Townsville

Latest News
Sydney, 06 September 2006

The Qantas Group today announced that Jetstar would replace Qantas mainline operations between Sydney and Townsville from 29 October 2006.

Qantas Executive General Manager John Borghetti said the Group currently offered three Qantas B737 flights and three Jetstar A320 flights each week on the route.

He said that from 29 October, Jetstar would operate a total of five 177-seat A320 services a week for the Qantas Group.

Mr Borghetti said the move to all-Jetstar services between Sydney and Townsville was in line with the Qantas Group's two-brand strategy.

"Sydney-Townsville is predominantly a leisure route, so Jetstar is the most appropriate carrier for these services," Mr Borghetti said.

He said that with 112 return flights a week into Townsville, the Qantas Group was by far the biggest operator in the market.

"Qantas will maintain its 34 return services a week between Brisbane and Townsville, with QantasLink continuing to operate its current schedule of services between Townsville and Cairns, Mackay, Rockhampton and Gladstone."

Mr Borghetti said that from 29 October, the Qantas Group weekly schedule would offer:

* 54 return Brisbane-Townsville services, including 34 operated by Qantas, seven Jetstar services, and 13 operated by QantasLink;
* five return Sydney-Townsville Jetstar services;
* three return Melbourne-Townsville Jetstar services;
* 33 return Cairns-Townsville QantasLink services;
* 17 return Mackay-Townsville QantasLink services, including 14 that extend through to Rockhampton and Gladstone.

Jetstar will offer assigned seating on all of its Townsville services and will be supporting its additional new Sydney flights with low promotional fares, Mr Borghetti said.
What happened to the doctrine of "transmission of business"? Has it fallen by the way under Johnnie Howard's brave new world of Workchoices?

I have to say that it is very difficult to understand why AIPA and the FAAA sit around contemplating their navels while piracy/theft like this goes unckecked. It really won't be long before Qantas flies just a few city pairs, worldwide. After all, 90% plus of punters travel for leisure which is Jetstars part of the business under Borghetti's formula. Like, 80% or so of LAX punters are flying for leisure. Give Jet* 80% of the flights with Qantas retaining 20%. Is this the real agenda?

Skystar320 6th Sep 2006 07:38

Its the only way to keep the costs down

Shitsu_Tonka 6th Sep 2006 07:58

The argument is global. Indeed it is globalisation.

This is what all those 'tree-hugging' greenies were protesting about at the WTO meetings all those years ago when you sniffed at their dreadlocks over your lattes.

But now it is starting to bite your employment.

The US was always the driver behind the WTO and globalisation - while at the same time hypocritically sitting behind their own trade tarrifs.

John Howard and his band of thiefs have embraced it completely - note the number of Temp Work Visa being issued.

Want to change it? Start by changing the Government. I am not advocating voting for Labor - but a change at the helm is the only way for the ship to change direction - so they would have to be a better option for at least one term just to send the message that we the masses are not happy John.

Otherwise, in a few years we will be fondly looking back a the days when Jetstar actually had some Australian based Crews and Maintenance, before it all went to China, India and Thailand.

murgatroid 6th Sep 2006 08:05

Oh dear, someones fast doing himself out of a job along with tens of thousands of others.

Time to earn that bonus and "GROW QANTAS".

Else let someone else do it.

Defence of what J* is doing to mainline (ie canabilising if you can't work it out) is outrageous, lackey!

Don't forget the company mantra "separate businesses". Unfortunately the upstart is finding the best competitor is big brother. Easier to "take" a market than develop its own.

Rather a lot of nails in the "Qantas" coffin.

B A Lert 6th Sep 2006 08:14

People - please, before you start, don't turn this thread into a Jetstar bashing exercise.:= := :=

The good people at the Jetstar coal face aren't to blame for what is going on as they are simply taking opportunities that are being ceated. You can't blame them for wanting to better themselves! In my view, the real culprits are the heavies at Qantas and AIPA/FAAA leadership (if you can call it that) who have allowed Qantas to carry unsustainable industrial baggage for so long that it's now intolerable.

mostie 6th Sep 2006 08:19


"AIPA and FAAA.....who have allowed Qantas to carry unsustainable industrial baggage for so long that it's now intolerable."


And of course the conditions for staff at jetscar are entirely tolerable............ mr dixon.

The_Cutest_of_Borg 6th Sep 2006 08:21

Transmission of business, as I understand it, only now occurs when Company A starts up Company B and forces employees of Company A to work for Company B. This is a result of the Workchoices (barf) legislation.

You can rail against AIPA or the FAAA all you wish but that is the current law of the land.

Shitsu_Tonka 6th Sep 2006 08:35

What about tranmission of Bonuses?

Qantas - Part of the JetStar Group.

B A Lert 6th Sep 2006 08:50

And of course the conditions for staff at jetscar are entirely tolerable
They obviously are for the Jetstar staff. They are not stupid!:p :p

mostie 6th Sep 2006 09:39

Complaining about the FAAA and AIPA with regard to jetscar leaching more and more of qantas's routes ????

Now thats stupid. :rolleyes:

B A Lert 6th Sep 2006 10:18

Originally Posted by mostie (Post 2828386)
Complaining about the FAAA and AIPA with regard to jetscar leaching more and more of qantas's routes ????
Now thats stupid. :rolleyes:

Not as stupid as you would have us believe. Intransigenciency on the part of AIPA and the FAAA as well as weak managemnt have resulted in what is now being seen. All ground staff unions have given up heaps since the mid 1990's. In fact, all airport staff have had to submit competitive tenders in order to retain their work. In doing so, they've had to sacrifice many 'sacred cows' but have we seen this from AIPA or the FAAA? No way, as they are still enjoying terms and conditions that were outmoded ten years ago and really belonged to the steam age. Qantas management is equally to blame for not having the guts to stand up to the industrial muscle of these two unions. As a result, Qantas is now being gutted with the obvious results.

It is all very well for AIPA and FAAA members to rail against Qantas and Jetstar but were they realistic, a win/win situation could have been the outsome. They have only themselves to blame.:ugh: :ugh:

murgatroid 6th Sep 2006 10:56

B A Lert,

You do not know what you are talking about. Competitive Tender?

AIPA (mainline) had NO opportunity to even begin such a process. They were completely shut out of all J* negotiations, domestic and International. This was despite the considerable cooperation that the company and AIPA had enjoyed during the past.

Industrial muscle of AIPA? Now you are really kidding. There is none and never was any (since '69 or whenever). They have never been militant.

A win/win is exactly what AIPA wanted. Unfortunately the company does not subscribe to such a view, they prefer war/war.

Wed Webbing Woop 6th Sep 2006 11:37

Persona non gratis- BLA LERTY
Why don't you find some other place to share your "gems of wisdom" BLERTY.
You have no credibility in this Forum.!
Stick to the Womens Weekly or New Idea forums...............they would love your intellectual rigour.
By the way hows your mate Kevin going in HR?????
Which is the next area to get the chop?
I can't wait for your next enthralling piece of "insight".

rammel 6th Sep 2006 11:52

While I don't agree with most of BA Lerty's posts, the airports did have a hard time years ago with competitive tendering. They are still having a hard time as management doesn't seem to like long term staff and are doing what they can to make them leave. Whether this be with a redundancy or just leave.

I don't know what the Pilots and F/A's can do about it now as the rug seems to have been pulled from under them. The F/A's have BKK, AKL and LHR bases which are supposedly cheaper than Oz and the Pilots have Jetstar and Jetconnect to contend with.

One thing those of us left at QF can do is get involved with your union as there seems to be a willingness these days for all the unions to talk strategy amongst each other.

DirectAnywhere 6th Sep 2006 12:15

B A Lert is a stirrer of the highest order and does bloody well at it. In his/her first post:

it is very difficult to understand why AIPA and the FAAA sit around contemplating their navels while piracy/theft like this goes unckecked
In a later post:

In my view, the real culprits are the heavies at Qantas and AIPA/FAAA leadership (if you can call it that) who have allowed Qantas to carry unsustainable industrial baggage for so long that it's now intolerable.
So he/she wants AIPA/FAAA to do something about this "piracy" while not carrying any "industrial baggage". As far as I'm concerned the two are mutually exclusive.

Try the "ignore" button.

410 6th Sep 2006 12:29

Apologies if some see this as major thread creep, but is there anyone out there who can tell me whether a ZED ticket (Zonal Employee Discount) is acceptable on Jetstar services, as it is with QF, for employees of other airlines?

Somehow I fear I know the answer already.

lowerlobe 6th Sep 2006 21:31

Quote from BA "People - please, before you start, don't turn this thread into a Jetstar bashing exercise"...BA should have added because this is to be a tech and cabin crew bashing exercise instead....Whenever BA is not at the club playing Bingo he makes posts like this one

There are a number of factors which we can attribute to the slow Death by Darth of Qantas…. (Sounds like a Shakespearean play)

The first is Darth himself and his never ending quest to create a shell out of a successful and profitable Australian icon.

The second is the number of applicants falling over themselves for a job in which the pay and conditions are more third world than those enjoyed by most workers in Australia including the corporate sector who are doing very nicely for themselves thank you very much.

Next are the existing J* tech crew who blinked first when playing chicken with Darth and voted to accept an EBA which effectively devalued virtually every other aviation job in Australia.

The new IR laws are also involved here and with out doubt create an environment that enables Darth and other employers to create a new social class in our country. Last nights story about the meat industry on the ABC shows that the airline industry is not the only one at risk.

Lastly there is the silence from the unions representing QF who are would appear to be concerned that if they speak up then they and their members will incur the wrath of Darth.He certainly would appear to have succeeded in scaring the daylights out of our union leaders.

However, you would think by BA’s post that AIPA and FAAA are the only unions representing QF’s workers but that is BA’s jealousy of tech and cabin crew showing its ugly face yet again.

BA has never told us which part of QF he works in but continues to slam it’s flight crew ad nauseum.

It will take all of the unions who represent QF’s workers to act in unison if we are to have any chance of stopping Darth and his apprentices from gutting Qantas.

Certainly voting out the incumbent government or perhaps contacting your local coalition member and telling them that unless something is done they will become the opposition at the next election might help.

However, can the Labor party gain control of the senate so it can change the IR laws?

captainrats 7th Sep 2006 14:33

Combined QF Unions
For those of who are unaware of what ALL QF unions are doing you may wish to visit:
There is a "united front" and it isnt a weather report

twiggs 7th Sep 2006 15:08

Originally Posted by 410 (Post 2828763)
Apologies if some see this as major thread creep, but is there anyone out there who can tell me whether a ZED ticket (Zonal Employee Discount) is acceptable on Jetstar services, as it is with QF, for employees of other airlines?
Somehow I fear I know the answer already.

to check if your answer is correct, the answer starts with N and ends with O.

BUNYA 8th Sep 2006 02:12


Great to hear it is a united front.

What does the JPC say about rejecting the AWAs?

Are all the other unions saying to wasting fuel too to teach em a lesson?


The_Cutest_of_Borg 8th Sep 2006 03:52

Originally Posted by lowerlobe (Post 2829753)
However, can the Labor party gain control of the senate so it can change the IR laws?

...Lobe. All is not lost on that front. Apparently the teeth of the IR laws is in the regulations, not the Act. A change in the regulations does not require the Act to be repealed.

Rumour has it that is was set up this way by some savvy public servants advising the Minister. If so, I take back everything I ever said about public servants..!

lowerlobe 8th Sep 2006 04:14


Thanks for the info , let's bring on the next election .I would like to see the look on Johnny's face if he loses the election and the regs are changed and on Darths as well.

Fliegenmong 8th Sep 2006 04:36

And can you imagine the excuses - he'd be doing that annoying little "HHMMM" clearing the throat thing and butting in on people mid sentence- you know how he does when he gets put in a tough spot (not often enough) - Kerry O'Brien can make him do it.
Yes Lower & "CofB" it would be sweet

B A Lert 9th Sep 2006 05:21

The spin coming out of the Jetstar Head Office is amazing - the PR people there must be so giddy it's a wonder they can function, and makes me wonder how they can be trusted with any of their communications. This is part of their recent PR release on Townsville:

Jetstar grows Townsville services
Jetstar will boost its low fare domestic operations in Townsville by replacing Qantas mainline services between Townsville and Sydney from 29 October 2006.

Now operating Townsville - Sydney services 3 times weekly, Jetstar will grow to 5 times weekly operations on the direct route from this date.
Jetstar will operate Townsville – Sydney services each Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday with common arrival and departure times - into Townsville at 820am and departing to Sydney at 850am.

Jetstar will also maintain its existing capacity on Townsville – Brisbane (daily) and Townville – Melbourne (3 times weekly) routes, building its overall Townsville operations to 15 return weekly services.

Jetstar Chief Executive Officer Alan Joyce said the airline’s growing operations from Townsville to the nation’s two largest cities endorsed the airline’s decision to commence in Townsville last October. He said from 29 October Jetstar would provide over 2650 direct inbound seats each week into Townsville with its network for services, following the introduction of additional Sydney flights.

“Jetstar’s operations in Townsville have proven successful to this time and we welcome the opportunity to further grow in a sustainable way,” Mr Joyce said. “Jetstar will be the only airline to offer direct services between Townsville to both Sydney and Melbourne.

“A 5 times per week offering on the Townsville – Sydney route at consistent departure times will we believe provide benefits to our customers and the region’s tourism industry to more easily market these services.

“Seat allocation will also occur on all Jetstar domestic flights operating on or after 4 October 2006.”

Jetstar has fares now available at Jetstar.com from $119 one way between Townsville and Sydney.

Mr Joyce said Jetstar’s fleet of A320s featured all leather, extra wide seats for 177 passengers and a high level of in-flight comfort, including eight channel audio entertainment, video on demand and hot meals for sale. The A320 also has improved freight capability through containerisation.

“All Jetstar ticket holders who are also Qantas Club Members continue to have access to Qantas Club lounges when travelling with Jetstar,” Mr Joyce said. “Qantas Frequent Flyer members can also earn Frequent Flyer points and Status credits when flying on a Jetstar JetFlex fare and have the ability to redeem Qantas Frequent Flyer points on Jetstar flights.”
The heading suggests that Jetstar is doing the growing which is as far from the truth as you can get. I thought that Qantas handed the routes to them. Admittedly they are growing in the sense that they are increasing services three times a week but when one digs deeper, there is no growth at all. In fact, they are contributing to a reduction of services and seats by 2 frequencies a week ( QF operated 3, Jetstar operated 3) and reducing total seats by just over 120 a week. The premium end of the market will no longer have access to business class unless they want to travel via YBBN - how will this affect the Army and Defence brass?

What Jetstar is saying a little to clever by half and I wonder if they are treating their people in the same way. Be very careful as they become more brazen and have greater self-belief in their own value. I do feel saddened for the good people that have to tolerate this stuff.

Enema Bandit's Dad 9th Sep 2006 05:39

God help Qantas if Virgin ever start a business class.

Point0Five 9th Sep 2006 05:55

The premium end of the market will no longer have access to business class unless they want to travel via YBBN - how will this affect the Army and Defence brass?
Shouldn't bother them too much, I'd imagine. They'll still be able to travel with Qantas: CBR-BNE-TVL.

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