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-   -   OzJet - Business is tough just after 2 days in (https://www.pprune.org/australia-new-zealand-pacific/200674-ozjet-business-tough-just-after-2-days.html)

apache 11th Dec 2005 22:43

At the time Mr Stoddart made the comment, around 10.30am, Qantas or Virgin Blue had cancelled no flights between Sydney or Melbourne yesterday.
(note MY bolding)

How is this relevant ?

Let's talk about how many they had cancelled across their WHOLE network ?

I reckon we should be SUPPORTING these new guys, rather than talking them down. you never never know, maybe they will offer YOU a job one day!
As pilots, we should be encouraging more aircraft, and more jobs... leave the politics of running an airline to the beancounters.
Who really cares how old the airplane is? if it is SAFE, then there should be no problem!
More jobs , I say!

Manuel Reversion 11th Dec 2005 22:54

Buster , you use to be so AN now you are so QF so tragic.What happened to that nice young boy! GO PIES:ok: :ok:

Buster Hyman 12th Dec 2005 01:21

Normally, I don't reply to Collingwood supporters...http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/spezial/Fool/hmm.gif...but I'll make an exception today!

I might suggest you have a little search to see I'm not a big fan of QF either...but I'm sure you have better things to do. I'm still very much AN & I'm even looking at my AN 762 model on my desk here...(Sad? Yes)...but I refuse to subsidise stupidity! So, as we are all entitled to an opinion, I'll give mine for the little value it is worth.

While we're at it, I'll give Mr. Stoddart an idea. I'm sure the service & comfort on his aircraft is rather good, I'm also sure that if people tried it, they'd probably like it & return. So, why not offer an incentive to the former AN FF's out there? Be it a fractional redemption of points or a half price offer with proof of FF status...something. There's quite a pool of former AN FF's out there that he should be attracting. Most were at AN because they preferred it, others were in both QF & AN's, whatever. He needs to get people onboard to try his product and if it's the right product, he'll keep them.

Just a thought.:ok:

Manuel Reversion 12th Dec 2005 04:15

Sorry about the QF dig Buster. I m with you with regard to oz jet providing opportunities for the casualties of 2001.The next six months will tell. :O

rescue 1 12th Dec 2005 05:20

Buster, quite a quirky idea!

Got some real merit

Buster Hyman 12th Dec 2005 05:33

Manuel, I was more upset about the Pies reference to be honest!:p

R1. If I was starting up an airline, I'd be doing something like that...Now, I wonder why the bank won't give me a loan?:confused:

alangirvan 12th Dec 2005 07:49

At the time Mr Stoddart made the comment, around 10.30am, Qantas or Virgin Blue had cancelled no flights between Sydney

Surely the big difference between two big airlines (compared with Ozjet) is that if one of their planes does let them down at a major airport they can wheel in a replacement aircraft at short notice, and the public will not know there has been a problem. At the smaller airports, the competition will provide the back up aircraft if your plane lets you down.

When you are starting an airline with three planes, surely you have planned what you will do if one of the planes lets you down, and your other planes are at another city.

If you are carrying business travellers, it matters that you carry them on time - a three hour delay may waste the whole trip for them, and that will be the last time they give you a chance.

Sometimes, the Ozjet Duty Manager may have to hope that the Qantas/VirginBlue or J* Duty Manager is in a friendly mood and that they will carry Ozjet passengers for an amount that Ozjet can afford to pay them.

Escape_Slide 13th Dec 2005 06:12

Nah nah mate.....that's carap. :-)
Our boy has lost the plot. Put the fares up boy, not down. Remember the slogan that you built the airline on!!!

Go Ozjet.....

turbantime 16th Dec 2005 09:10

Just been noticing OZjet aircraft asking for non-RVSM levels.

What is required instrument wise for an aircraft to be RVSM approved?

My limited understanding is that two transponders plus a crew ground course/endorsement is required.

Chilli Muscle 17th Dec 2005 10:35

This Ozjet discussion has gone from " They will never get off the ground , never get an AOC , never get approval to operate the 200 , BLAH BLAH BLAH ! " to now a question of how long they will survive.
A few slices of humble pie have been consumed to date on the back of baseless personal opinions.

How safe do the Virgin pilots feel with Patricks snout in the trough to the tune of $162 million dollars. Almost $60 million over the years profit not including the dividends to the other 38% of shareholders. Their aircraft are leased - Ozjets are owned.

And lets not forget what a complete F up Virgin was in its early days. Are Ozjet even close to having passengers lined up for 200m outside a donger in the pissing rain . Did anything run on time ?.

Ozjet is a great example of guts and determination that has been undertaken by certain individuals using private capital at huge personal risk.

For the sake of the industry in Australia I hope they survive - after all its good for pilots having the choice of a 3rd operator.


Pass-A-Frozo 17th Dec 2005 10:37

Anyone have an update on their passenger numbers?

chockchucker 17th Dec 2005 19:28

I've heard of some flights going out with loads of as low as ten.

It's going to take some patience and deep pockets to make this thing work.

soldier of fortune 17th Dec 2005 20:11

this company needs to survive -although i think they are paying pretty average ie(**** wages) the industry needs a third operator to squeeze in there and keep the bastards honest. Ie virgin and qf--- having known some one close to heartbeat-their LOADS HAVE BEEN PRETTY DISMAL some as little as 4 and 5 .only a handfull of flights have just broken even- highest loads around the thirties . from what i know and have heard if they can hang in there -stody is looking at replaceing the 732 with 733s and is trying to cut a deal now- some to be scraped as parts and some to be leased and some to find there way to oz jet.
some of the things they must learn and i feel they don't grasp yet are 1.marketing--2.dispatch reliablity ----3 frequency--4 yield management--some of their people should study those because its ****.
any way good luck to oz jet i hope you can hang in there and survive

Capn Bloggs 17th Dec 2005 21:20

Saw the ad on the telly last night: not very convincing.:confused:

sinala1 17th Dec 2005 21:52

How safe do the Virgin pilots feel with Patricks snout in the trough to the tune of $162 million dollars. Almost $60 million over the years profit not including the dividends to the other 38% of shareholders. Their aircraft are leased - Ozjets are owned.
Just out of curiosity, where do those figures come from? (Genuine question).

In the interests of clarity, VB have been purchasing aircraft for some time now - they have a mixed owned/leased fleet.

clownfish 20th Dec 2005 08:12

turbantime, a lot more than 2 transponders is required. Each aircraft will require proving that it can operate to the ICAO standard for the reduced separation. This costs $$$ to get the initial approval as well increased maintenance.

TOPC 22nd Dec 2005 09:48

So when do we get OZJET into BRISBANE ?
Flew back Virgin last week and I am really over the Virgin fun thing.Although the pantiless / no visible pantilines were good ,Im STILL over it.

I WANT SPACE...and a reasonable feed. So lads when are you coming to BNE..... I will give you a go.

Triple 7 22nd Dec 2005 10:25

Its a cut throat business here, may the fittest or the biggest bank balance win.

Escape_Slide 23rd Dec 2005 07:38

We budgeted for it, it's tough to do, but we've taken this approach that we'll get as many people on board as we can to convert them.”

Who writes stuff like this ????

Eastwest Loco 23rd Dec 2005 09:16

Doing due diligence, I have been making my Sydney and Melbourne corporate clients aware of O7's existence, and guess what? 75% said "who?".

That amazed me. When I delivered the base details of the service, along with the market entry fare, the reaction was very positive.

I am no marketing guru by a long shot, but feel Ozjets efforts have not been advertising in the right segment if this level of ignorance is standard.

Matty - give me a call. I may be able to give you some of the more effective avenues Eenie Weenie used when dinosaurs ruled the earth. 1800 067 207 or 0419 323989.

The rat and DJ cutting commission, O7 coming in at 5% (and auto accrediting us) go you good noisy smoky Fat Albert thing!!! Cant wait for the 146-300s to come on line. Matty - please tell me they are the ex EW girls. There was never a better loved and cared for fleet in the history of the type.

Best all


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