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DEFCON4 8th Apr 2005 17:50

The hotel staff are my source.The event was most distressing and embarassing for them.You don't need a degree to recognise apalling behaviour.

You have a few days to contemplate my specific instruction that no names, no initials, not even cap size was to be published in this thread which may identify anyone involved in the alleged incident!!!

:mad: :mad:


DirectAnywhere 8th Apr 2005 20:38

To be perfectly correct it's "bushel"!!;)

DEFCON4 8th Apr 2005 21:41


Chief Chook 8th Apr 2005 22:11

The hotel staff are my source.
Rubbish. Japanese people, and especially people in the service industry, would no more pass comment to a foreigner about this sort of thing than they would admit to wrongdoings in WW2.

DEFCON4 8th Apr 2005 22:33

Cultural Expert
Chief Chook
I lived in Japan for 9 years and my Japanese is as good as its get without being born there.On occasion I socialize with some of the hotel staff whom I consider friends.

The_Cutest_of_Borg 8th Apr 2005 23:34

D4, the identity of the captain is no secret in QF. I have flown with him in his three barred days. Is that enough information for you?

I have heard many versions of this story. Did the hotel staff you spoke to actually see what happened or is their info second or third hand?

No matter, the speculation on this thread is harmful to the concept of natural justice. You calling him psychotic without the benefit of a degree in mental health is a prime example of this. Keep the adjectives to yourself. Unless you actually saw the incident occur, any version you hear has been run through several filters.

DEFCON4 8th Apr 2005 23:43

First Hand
The staff who are friends saw the event first hand.You need to understand Japanese culture to appreciate the enormous embarrassment this has caused the hotel its staff and indeed the QF staff at NRT airport.Japanese people generally do not exaggerate but rather understate.
I will restate this ..you do not need a degree to recognize appalling behaviour.If the Captain involved is a close personal friend(Borg) then I can appreciate your concern and embarrassment.
Opinions in this forum are unlikely to affect the carriage of natural justice.
I would suggest Borg that the information of which you are in posession has been through far more filters and most likely been diluted.If ,when the true story is known to you,you may wish to revaluate your impression of this individual.No one deserves to be the victim of such a violent attack.

HotDog 9th Apr 2005 00:00

"Anatawa totemu baka" loosley translated; "You are a total idiot".

He does sound a bit judgemental:rolleyes:

donpizmeov 9th Apr 2005 00:45

Had the misfortune to invite a QF cabin crew member to join my crew for drinks at a layover bar in SYD (QF fella commuting from sunny QLD) a few months ago. I think it took this twit about 30secs to let everyone know he spoke Japanese. He then went on to insult my entire crew (who averaged about three languages each including Japanese!). A good night out ruined by some self absorbed @rse. Wasn't you was it D4?
Too many of this type of person on any crew would surely lead to violence!


MrWooby 9th Apr 2005 01:13

No Don, nothing should lead to violence. And if it does then the person initiating it should be charged with assault and sacked.

donpizmeov 9th Apr 2005 03:07

Too right D4. Lets get back to the topic.

The event happened for reason or reasons we do not know, and no not even your little cleaner mates will know what really happened. It is no doubt being investigated. Raising it on this forum helps no-one.
But giving away a persons identity, and making judgement calls on their personality type really achieves very little . If you want gossip spend some more time in the galley
Leave this matter to those concerned to worked out.


the mustang ranch 9th Apr 2005 03:54

hang on i'll just get more wood/kero and throw it on the fire

The_Cutest_of_Borg 9th Apr 2005 04:00

1. I have no idea what actually happened.

2. Neither do 99.9 % of the people reading this thread

3. The person involved is not a close friend or acquaintance.

4. Calling him psychotic when you weren't there is below the belt.

5. Whatever the circumstances, things are going to get unpleasant and potentially very costly for this person.

Discussing it ad nauseum when 99.9% of the people here have no idea of why it occurred is pointless or worse.

Here is another foreign word Schardenfreude. I suspect it is the prevailing sentiment here.

Oz Ocker 9th Apr 2005 04:08

Defcon it sounds like yer mate bit orf a bit more than he could chew an came orf second best.
In this world its a fact that sometimes men choose ta resolve these issues quickly if provoked far enough.
You tryin ta dafend yer mate because e came out of it on the loosin end, when he musta known that e was makin trouble fer himself, is pretty cowardly.

Be seein' youse round.

DEFCON4 9th Apr 2005 05:04

Not Mates
The smackee is not a friend.
There is however a principal and mode of behaviour involved .This thread has raised some interest with some 25000 hits since its inception.

mach2male 9th Apr 2005 05:12

While the dogs bark,the wagon rolls on.

Chronic Snoozer 9th Apr 2005 08:32

Schadenfreude - sorry to be the spelling police.

DirectAnywhere 9th Apr 2005 13:38

No, DEFCON 4, not perfect - I wish! I'm merely saying that if you're going to correct someone - to emphasise your own point - you'd better make sure you're right in turn or it loses the desired effect somewhat.

My post was purely tongue-in-cheek btw. (note smiley):p

mach2male 9th Apr 2005 19:06

something/someone missing?
Looks like someone has run foul of Woomera.Did I miss something?The last 2 pages don't hang together well as far as continuity goes.Poop!I always miss the juicy bits.

Woomera 9th Apr 2005 23:42

I don't think you missed anything, but one PPRuNe user, who is temporarily pre occupied, certainly did.

Heed my earlier advice...........

Have your fun but keep it clean and keep individual names - no matter how oblique - out of it!

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