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Zarg 15th Oct 2004 12:25

JetStar Blues
Mrs Zarg and I recently flew to Sydney from Maroochydore and back for a family wedding.

Flying down on B717 was OK, flight full but no real hassles. Coming back was another matter!

Left Wollongong at 1200 to catch flight back ETD 1350. Due traffic and non familiarity with terminal layout - 8 years since previous visit to YSSY and not familiar with Jetstar Check-in we made the desk at 1323 and therefore "missed" the flight. Mrs Zarg has recently had major surgery and unable to move very well which also explained our late arrival. Ranted and raved to Jetstar staff - Zarg in a fury is a sight to behold! :} - and with Mrs Zarg on verge of collapse, duty staff moved heaven and earth to get us on the flight. ALL credit to them and they handled us EXTREMELY well! The flight was chockers and full - A320 - but this was no consolation to the EIGHT people that arrived one minute behind us, who missed the flight, lost their fare and presumably had to RONGT in YSSY to catch a flight the following day! :(

With so many people boarding, the flight was running 10 minutes late anyway.

My question: From a PR point of view, is this ANY way to run an airline?

Apart from the eight people left behind, that makes TEN people who will NEVER fly with JETSTAR AGAIN! And we will tell our friends to do likewise!:E :yuk:

The Staff are OK, but one wonders about the management attitude with such a fledgling excuse for an airline!

Virgin for us next time! :ok:

surfside6 15th Oct 2004 13:33

JetStar is run with the same mentality as its mainline parent...but with more transparency.With "Deathstar"management really don`t give a sh*t and show it.Mainline parent doesn`t give a sh*t but still calls Australia home so you don`t notice.

Woomera 15th Oct 2004 13:44

Zarg, zarg, zarg, salutations and I hope Mrs Zarg is well on the road to recovery. :) :ok:

Please don't exercise your "wah" unecessarily, 'tis the "new way", one must exercise that grandest of virtues, the ability to restrain oneself from choking the living sh!t out of someone who is simply doing their job.:}

Just wait until their personal EPIRB goes off and then love em to death so to speak. :E :p

flyingins 15th Oct 2004 14:17

I do hope Mrs Zarg is doing well, all considering. But if I may analyse your story:

1) B717 flight OK: tick
2) Customer service after being declined: All credit and handled EXTREMELY well. Double tick (due to capitalisation)
3) Only bone of contention: Being refused boarding after arriving three minutes late: Cross

To deal with the cross. By your own admission "traffic and non-familiarity with terminal layout" in combination with Mrs Zarg's lack of mobility left you running late. Given that these three things are issues you knew full well about (ps - these days just assume the traffic will get you - ESPECIALLY in Sydney) do you really think it's Jetstar's "fault" you didn't make it on?

Given that the fourth piece of information you had in your hand was a booking which states in NO uncertain terms that if you miss the 30 minute cutoff you don't get on, It really shouldn't have been too hard to leave home 3 minutes earlier.

I understand why you're upset, but ask yourself this: if you'd made the flight would you be saying good things about the Jetstar experience? Judging by the thrust of your post you would be.

Motto: It's easy to blame others but sometimes they don't make the mistakes - you do.

Wizofoz 15th Oct 2004 14:20

My question: From a PR point of view, is this ANY way to run an airline?

Well, in the far more competative environments of Europe and The USA, this is exactley how the only consistently profitable airlines do it.

Keg 15th Oct 2004 15:50

Geez Zarg, I know the road to WOL and the airport pretty well and I can guarantee that I'd leave more than 1:20 to get from WOL to check in. In fact, I'd leave about 1:20 to get to the airport and then 20 to get from the car park to check in- especially if I knew in advance about the 30 minute check in policy!

Considering that they did you the favour (according to their rules), why wouldn't you fly them again? :E

Wizofoz 15th Oct 2004 16:33

lOn Southwest/Ryanair/easyJet/BMIBaby etc. etc. no you are NOT
" PLEASANTLY booked on the next available", if the miss the check-in cut off (Which has only recently been put back to 30 mins from 40) you are "PLEASENTLY" refered to the ticket desk where you pay FULL FARE for the next available flight and recieve no refund for the one you missed.

Complain to easy, and you might recieve a consiliatory letter. Cpmplain to Ryanair and you WILL be told to F%^& OFF!

quim2 15th Oct 2004 18:24

What I dont understand is how the flight was full when you and the eight people behind you hadnt checked in? Standby pax? Didn't think J* did that. Staff? Too bad guys, youre off.

Doesnt make sense.

Kanga767 15th Oct 2004 18:27

Never forget.

The CUSTOMER is always right.


Sunfish 15th Oct 2004 19:53

I think it should go further than that. Wasn't there some airline who sued a passenger for making them late?

How about sueing those who get lost in the terminal after check in and cause a delay?

Watchdog 15th Oct 2004 20:13

Exactly Capt Marv, thinking of the issue unselfishly...by delaying the flight waiting for 1 or 2 makes the other 170 odd (full) people late - maybe one of them has to "give $5,000 to the county clerk by 5pm or the orphanage is closed" (blues brothers fans).
Jetstar also run some flights very close to the SYD curfew to the extent that a couple of 15 minute delays during the day can lead to a cancelled or diverted flight.

Zarg, it's not all about YOU and only you.
By the way did you pay $ 49 a ticket? What's the bus fare SYD to MCY?

Metro man 15th Oct 2004 23:57

Jetstar are offering a service based on low individual margins and high turnover. If you want to save your money they give you the opportunity to do so provided you follow their well publicised conditions.

If you want better service/more flexibility there are other options but they cost more money.

Virgin offer flexible tickets ,but not for $49 .QANTAS offer Business class on alot of routes for several hundred dollars.

You generally get what you pay for and there simply isn't the margin in a dirt cheap fare for any more than getting your bottom on a seat. Suits some people fine ,others expect too much for too little.

Pay more or accept less.

Binoculars 16th Oct 2004 01:10

That pretty well sums it up, I think.

Zarg, I'm pretty sure that given the incredibly cheap flights J* offer, those eight people behind you will indeed fly J* again, but next time they'll make sure they leave home earlier. Principles are no match for the hip pocket nerve.

I too wonder that since you actually got on despite the rules, you say you would never fly them again? A touch harsh, methinks.

Zarg 16th Oct 2004 07:36

OK, guys, some good and fair comments!:(

For the record, I booked the flights in March and it cost us $330 return. As a pensioner I certainly cannot afford to pay for a night's accomodation in Sydney and a full fare the following day.

The flight was originally full but left with 8 empty seats.

Will I fly Jetstar again? As the rage subsides and the hip pocket nerve twitches, possibly!:O :D :D

'Nuff said.

GoGirl 16th Oct 2004 15:37

Oi Zarg, pop in next week for a coffee....I just baked fresh pie to go with.
Humble I think it was ;)

GG ;)

ps I never do bump into you at the supermarket!!!

The Enema Bandit 17th Oct 2004 04:26

Has PPRUNE now become the Professional Pensioners Rumour Network?

amos2 17th Oct 2004 05:51

...and if that ain't the best one liner I've ever seen on Prune, I don't know what is! :p

Binoculars 17th Oct 2004 07:30

Must have been a few dodgy deposits in Cayman Island accounts lately for you to qualify for a pension, Zarg! ;)

Who's your accountant? :}

wirgin blew 27th Oct 2004 00:53

Zarg, give us a go next time mate. We close flights a -15 and still assign you a seat. If by some chance you only make between -15 and zero it would have cost you and the missus $50 each to go on the next avail service.

LetsGoRated 27th Oct 2004 02:17

Hey Wirgin, maybe thats why your on time performance is crap!! :ok:

Flying Tiger 27th Oct 2004 02:36

Gotta say, unfortunately I can't agree with you Zarg.

Many's the time I've been on an aircraft that's been delayed by a late passenger, or been in the check in queue only to see people called up to the front of line just minutes prior to departure. In fact I have friends who deliberately arrive at the airport just prior to the close of the flight as they know they'll be called up.

Its always amazed me that the airline would rather pander to the single late customer, thereby inconveniencing the overwhelming majority who make it on time. Why should the rest of the passengers suffer the delay caused by a latecomer?
In fact I am staggered that JetStar hasn't focussed on the positives of this policy (ie taking care of the majority rather than the minority) in their advertising. After all, they are the only airline that does it.

In attempting to alleviate this JetStar and other low cost carriers overseas have adopted a check in cutoff. You can't account for every situation (delays etc), so I guess you draw the line in the sand somewhere.

The upside is that you get what you pay for. Check in cutoff times, non-changeable tickets and use it or lose it fares, etc, all reduce costs and hence provide the airline with a greater ability to provide affordable fares for everyone.

As has been mentioned elsewhere in this topic, if you want flexibiity and a more compassionate attitude to being late, fly another airline where I'm sure you will pay a small premium for the privilege.



chief wiggum 27th Oct 2004 03:20

The CUSTOMER is always right
THAT airline that had "CUSTOMERS" is now defunct, more's the pity.

Personally I applaud Jet*'s policy, and I hope it has a follow on effect to all other airlines. I also think that the non-allocation of seats is wrong, as is QF's "express / self check-in".
I also hope that some airline one day does something about the amount of carry-on baggage that people take, and the line "this airplane is pressurised for your comfort" makes me laugh every time I hear it.

And what REALLY annoys me is those stupid , arrogant W*nkers who think that "do not turn your phone on until in the terminal" does not apply to them.

Apart from that, I am basically happy.

VH-Cheer Up 27th Oct 2004 12:39

Whose comfort is it pressurised for then?

I thought it was pressurised simply to make sure the SLF was kept alive and able to de-plane unaided when the equipment is parked safely back on the blocks.

What's the real reason, Chief?

GoGirl 28th Oct 2004 18:51

Many's the time I've been on an aircraft that's been delayed by a late passenger, or been in the check in queue only to see people called up to the front of line just minutes prior to departure. In fact I have friends who deliberately arrive at the airport just prior to the close of the flight as they know they'll be called up.
Interesting remark.

Part of what you describe is known as 'Call forward'
Standard proceedure, executed within the company's required cut-off time for check-in.

I'd say your friends are not the heros they make out to be and they actually do show up at check-in within the specified time frame; albeit, only just.
I predict that if your friends continue to adopt their arrogant attitude, they will have their travel plans sorely disrupted at some stage, and then they will piss and moan etc...

On a recent flight ML-BN, I was travelling sub-load.
Usual sceanrio - full flight, praying for a 'no-show'
With 15 minutes before the ETD, and just about having given up on any hope of a seat when the gate attendant takes a call from check-in.
Check-in requests to load 2 late arriving pax, gate agent politely tells check-in where 2 pax can go!
I get my seat!
I'd checked in about an hour ago ;)

Not really a remarkable account, except to say that the staff member at the gate excercised their right to uphold the policy to thier discretion.

Actually, when you think about it, in the Public Transorpt Industry, I know of not 1 other sector that adopts a 'We will wait for MrABC for a few more minutes' attitude that seems to be so widely acceptable as in the Airline sector as perceived by Mr and Mrs Jo Public. eg If the bus stops at Flinders St at 1300 and you're not there, the driver isn't going to wait until 1310 because you were running late!!!!!!!!!!!
He's got a schedule to stick to!

Arrogant, ignorant people.
Nothing amazes me much any more :hmm:


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