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incidentreport 11th Aug 2004 20:53

Air Nelsons Future Part 2
Does anyone know what the new agreement means for the pilots?? Are rumors of a $3000 pay rise once on the new fleet true?? And if so.. was this the only change in contract or has there been other major changes??

belowMDA 12th Aug 2004 08:07

Not so sure about conditions but as I understand it there was 3% as of July, 3% next July 3% the one after and with the new type 14% from present rate(pre July 3% rise)

charliemanson 12th Aug 2004 09:15

I hear that a lot of Origin pilots have got interviews coming up with... Mt. Cook... Air New Zealand... Jet Connect... Virgin Blue... Sounds like there could be some movement on the way for Origin?? Anyone in the know on this?? What about the Air Nelson guys?? Any interviews comin up there??
Air Chatham's have just lost a few pilots to the likes of Mt. Cook and Air Nelson, some from Airwork have also recently left...
Yet as far as recruiting goes... for the newbies it seems like Eagle are the only ones still hiring. By 'only ones still hiring' I mean... running interviews and ground courses, following through with starts shortly after. I realise Air Nelson recently ran a round of interviews but sounds like none have been taken on so far... Origin still have a pool of pilots waiting for starts on both the 31 and 41 fleet...
Any ideas anyone?? Or do I have to crawl back to my woolworths manager......... AGAIN!!!!!

Sqwark2004 12th Aug 2004 19:25

Rumour has it...

Air Nelson will probably not be looking at anyone in the near future as they have 3 ground courses worth of people to still get through.

Eagle are looking at running at least another 3 rounds of interviews and ground courses b4 the end of the year.

From Origin's last lot of ground courses there is only one person from each type (not currently in Origin) waiting on starts as everyone else has either been offered starts or groundcourses with other airlines. Of these two people, they too have alternative options. Origin will be running a ground course for each type during the summer.

My advice, don't go crawling back to Woolies just yet.


incidentreport 12th Aug 2004 19:46

With the Air Nelson recruiting... are they not just waiting to see what happens with the fleet replacement?? If they get some flash new type then shorely they will need to hire extra pilots to cover while others train... Unfortunately if they only get 340B's, one would assume that they won't need so many pilots.
I can't quite understand why they would run a round of interviews if the intention was to hire the pilots six months or more later?? (if any are left)
If they do confirm this new fleet shortly, does anyone know when they would start to arrive?? Next year one would expect.

Plas Teek 12th Aug 2004 20:53

A while back the Air NZ Head Shed had a chat with the 3 regionals and advised them of the impending cull of their pilots by Big Bro.

They also allowed them to crew up in advance of this movement.

And given that there are about 2 from Air Nelson on each interview round, you do the figures.

Until recently, for example, Air Nelson couldn't replace a pilot until the leaving pilot had actually handed in their resignation, and 4 weeks later he/she would be gone.

Then would start the 2-3 month training saga of replacing the (say) captain with a new one from the F/O ranks, then replacing the F/O. etc... (or vice versa)

This pilot would've been able to tell mgt that they were going into Air NZ within hours of leaving the selection room. So possibly 3 months before a start date, depending on fleet.

(I understand that the new regime sends out letters a few days later...
Shame. The old way was far superior.)

So maybe this explains the stockpile of people.;)

)Probably similar to what Cathay are doing by giving some Eagle pilots start dates 12 months away so Air NZ can't get them..:confused: )

On the contract front. They didn't give anything away.
Got some better things put in (not financial more lifestyle I suppose).
Can't comment on the $$ front.

Still a great to outfit to work for. (and you can never choose your boss :yuk: where ever you work)
Good and well maintained toys. Great bunch to work with.
Good social life and good training.

incidentreport 14th Aug 2004 22:44

Plas Teek...

given that there are about 2 from Air Nelson on each interview round, you do the figures
And Sqwark2004

they have 3 ground courses worth of people to still get through
So in doing the maths... Sounds like around 20+ pilots waiting on starts for Air Nelson... and 2 per month from Air Nelson being interviewed... So if these guys going to Air NZ interviews started the day after being interviewed, it would take 10+ months to take on all these pilots???? Unless of course a fleet replacement other than 340B's comes along... in which case... the new planes would not be here till next year so either way, these guys have a long wait ahead one would think.

Cloud Cutter 14th Aug 2004 23:09


It would appear that way, and that's assuming everyone gets through their NZ interviews. Although there may be other things in the equation - I think they (NSN) are already short of pilots, some may also be going to Mount Cook or Cathay, and possibly retirements.

Plas Teek 14th Aug 2004 23:19

OK. I'll clarify a bit.

At the moment there are two from Air Nelson with "Yes" letters.

In Aug there are two being interviewed, as well as Sep.
If this continues, then, you do the figures....

Remember that not all of Air Nelson want to fly jets.

charliemanson 15th Aug 2004 19:44

Plas Teek....

Good and well maintained toys
Are you referring to the planes or the hosties?? :p

air-hag 15th Aug 2004 22:14

oh yeah... TWO being interviewed. That'll go a long way to make up for the 16000 outa work since the scragggers had their filthy way with what they COULDN'T AFFORD.

anyway at least a few of the welly-wearers are happy and going somewhere......


going to the big fleet not gonna leave much time for young flossy you know......... :eek:

splatgothebugs 15th Aug 2004 22:56

I notice that alot of you are still refering to NSN possibly getting 340B's.

It isn't going to happen................think about it they wouldn't have just arranged for new pay conditions if the a/c was going to be the same as the one they already have. They also wouldn't have got a pay rise for an a/c that is basically the same weight.

splat :ok:

Also insteed of complaining about how many they are going to take and how quick, just be thankfull that they are actually hiring ;)

12 months ago the industry was a mill pond.:ok:

ZK-NSJ 16th Aug 2004 05:03

get a life air hag

romansandal 16th Aug 2004 19:38

Industry on the up
It's true, the industry is on the up at the moment. Just a few years ago, I myself was negative and wondering if I had wasted all that money on an industry that was potentially doomed!

Now i'm like a kid in a candy-store, every second article around is about the growth of the travel/tourism industry, fleet expansions or pilot shortages. Even the new kids coming through now are going to have great success in the next few years, it's awesome.

Regarding NSN, I think they were due for a pay review before the fleet upgrade, regardless of the new type?

What a long and debated topic, it will be good to finally hear the decision!


P.S - Air-hag what's going on man:{ , don't worry even you'll get your turn in one of them big planes one day!

When once you have tasted flight, you will
forever walk the earth with your eyes
turned skyward, for there you have been,
and there you will always long to return.
- Leonardo Da Vinci

ZK-NSN 17th Aug 2004 01:23

If they have to hand out alot of cash to increased crew cost's then that will probably level the playing feilds on the fleet replacement. I think the ATR-42 has the edge but this makes me wonder.

Air-hag - Does that 16000 include the 767 flight engineers?..but wait i didnt think 767's needed flight engineers? I wounder why the "scraggers" could'nt control it or afford it...maybe because the union was running it, may'be it was virgin blue entering the market killing ineffecient airlines? May'be because the 767's got grounded? What ever it was its over, dead, gone..get over it.

BCF Breath 17th Aug 2004 07:57

Air Hag
It was a wounded dog.
But it died B4 Air NZ could do the decent thing and put a bullet in it.
Unfortunately ANZ was still holding the gun when the Unions came looking.
Gee, held by an AUSSIE!

It was a mistake. ANZ shouldn't have offered the dog a home.

Face reality, it's in the past.
Start looking ahead.

As the TV add says, "Let it go".

David Daskal 17th Aug 2004 22:01

If one wanted to work for Air New Zealand... does it look good to come up from one of the link airlines?? Or are Origin, Air National, Air Chathams, Vincent, or Airwork perfectably acceptable??

romansandal 18th Aug 2004 00:21

At the end of the day, it all comes down to your ability to drink piss. Granted, in the past the link boys have been able to knock back a few more bevvies than their other regional counterparts, so have naturally seen more success in Air NZ.

But these days with new fleets etc. Orgin captains and chats pilots alike seem to have been getting through pretty regularly.
So if you've got the right attributes, regardless of your background you'll have a chance.

Actually I even heard they took a few guys that don't drink piss!:yuk:

BCF Breath 18th Aug 2004 02:19

Actually I even heard they took a few guys that don't drink piss!
WOT!!! As long as they dont wear roman sandles at the bar!!

DD, if you've got the requirements, they don't worry where you come from.
Some of the guys thought the'd have culled all the Origin pilots by now to kill the opposition...

There's lots of gossip at the moment about recruiting / hiring requirements.
And we're talking hundreds over the next half decade. :ok:

incidentreport 21st Aug 2004 04:54

If they get Dash 8's... I'm guessing it would be the 300 series?? Does anyone know where the nearest Dash sim is??

F111 21st Aug 2004 10:05


The nearest -8 sim is in Sydney.

David Daskal 26th Aug 2004 06:12

Is there still no word on the fleet replacement? I thought there was ment to be an announcement last week... but I still can't see any info and haven't heard anything.

incidentreport 26th Aug 2004 08:34

Apparently they had a meeting yesterday... (or today) Anyone care to share??

CT7 26th Aug 2004 09:29

Yeah, depending on who you talk to, it (the meeting) was either last Tues or tomorrow (Fri) with the announcement at the end of the month.

Given the tech problems / hassels that Mt Chook are having with the ATR-72 (even though it brings in the $$), the ladds are after the -300.

Bring it on!

incidentreport 26th Aug 2004 18:39

Maybe ya could post an 'unofficial' official post after they have the meeting?? :ok:
I too have recently heard that the Dash 8-300...... IS on the way!!! That's gotta create some smiles around the place!!!

max rate 26th Aug 2004 20:22


What problems?

CT7 26th Aug 2004 20:51

Well, from the mouths of the guys that fly them, lots of technical issues and apparently a bit of corrosion is sneaking in.

One day two got pulled off the ramp at the same time due U/S.

The pilots also say that they are an accountants aircraft.

Oh, and just 'cause the ladds want something, don't mean they gonna get it.

Artificial Horizon 27th Aug 2004 16:17

Just out of interest, is the application process for Air Nelson through the same application as for Air New Zealand or is it completely seperate. I currently have 2000 ish hours half of which are on Dash 8 - 2 / 3 / and 400 's so would be interested in applying if indeed Dashers are on the way to Air Nelson.

Cloud Cutter 27th Aug 2004 20:16


It's seperate. Give them a call +64 3 547 8700 for an application form, Sandra Bennett is the person to talk to.

BattleSTARGalatica 27th Aug 2004 22:39

Heard thru an Eagle buddy who I am doing the interviews with that it has been defferred til September. Oh well , if eagle doesnt pan out, can always go to Origin, Chats or airwork:O

Far Canard 28th Aug 2004 05:14

Any truth to the story that Air Nelson had a GPWS warning and fried two engines on the go-around?

Blue Line 28th Aug 2004 05:43

Have a search for previous posts

that was bout 2 or 3 months ago in Auckland & yes they did fry two engines

David Daskal 30th Aug 2004 03:15

Does anybody know the outcome of the said meeting last week?? Have new planes been confirmed?? Just bought a new camera and want to put it inot action... :8

Plas Teek 30th Aug 2004 05:38

Gossip on the ACARS has it that the new Aircraft will hail from the North American Stables. (Yipee!!)

But, hey, I've been wrong before.

But apparently (the company not wanting to improve the morale of the troops...! and send more Air NZ's way..) the announcement has been put-off until end Sep.

Most likely,so that the GM (& I use that term VERY lightly) can weild some supposed power over the workers.

Pharknose 30th Aug 2004 18:56

Dash Q 300 is a great aircraft that doesn't break. They will love em.

incidentreport 30th Aug 2004 19:25

Ah yes...
Bound to put smiles on everyones faces at Air Nelson. Now I want in!!! (Not that I didn't before)
I understand that there is quite a considerable pool of pilots waiting on jobs at the moment... (Both having done and yet to do the grond course) Any idea when all these pilots would be taken on?? One would assume that these Dash 8's (:ok: ) would not be turning up untill mid to late next year????... so guess no employing for a while??

Plas Teek 30th Aug 2004 19:44

Well they currently have 1 Captain leaving in Oct.
Another Capt as well as 2 F/Os with yes letters.
Another two Capts on the Sep interview and another Capt in Oct (apparently).

I think you'll find things will ramp-up again if/when the new type is announced......

BCF Breath 19th Sep 2004 08:57

Not to correct the previous post but there are 2 captains (1 a Sim Instr & Chk/Trg) and 1 F/O with OCT starts.

That leaves 1 F/O & 1 Capt with start letters with (apparently) 3 more to be interviewed in Oct.
One of those rumoured to be another Sim Instr/Chk & Trg Capt [& a bloody nice chap to boot]). The others a Line Capt and a F/O.

Gee what's the management up at happy valley ??

All these high placed staff "bangin' out" and a new type supposed to be around the corner... Lots of training involved.... If I had the hot seat I'd be looking for a new job.. B4 I had too !
(And I know YOU read these posts...)

grdproxinop 19th Sep 2004 10:05

As I have stated in another Air Nelson post.

Expect Air NZ to ask the NZ stock exchange to halt trading of ANZ shares mid week ( wed ) so an announce can be made on Friday or Monday at the latest.

Dash 8-300's with a sim thrown in based in AA.

Plas Teek 19th Sep 2004 11:09

Further to my previous, I too have heard the gossip.
Including the possibility of an ATR sponsored TRG centre at AKL.

When the aircraft are on the apron, that's when you go all Gaa Gaa. Been here too long.

But I really hope the chaps ( & chapesses) get D-8's,
and a new manager..... :ok:

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