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purplemonkydishwashr 4th Jul 2004 04:00

Air Nelsons Future
Anyone Know what the future holds for Air Nelson? I heard their pilots received letters informing them they would have to re-apply for their positions and that the planned fleet change is now not so certain. Is Mt Chook gonna swallow them up?

max rate 5th Jul 2004 00:31

What a load of drivel. Air Nelson is very safe. If you keep listening to crap like that and believe it, the ****head management guy that started it has won.:mad:

Cloud Cutter 5th Jul 2004 02:17

He he:D, love the handle - particularly relevant in this case (chinese whispers).

We'll show them, especialy for that purple monkey dishwasher remark!

splatgothebugs 5th Jul 2004 02:46

Nice rumour, haven't heard a beauty like that for a long time :ok:

However what is the latest word on the fleet replacement, there is a lot of other projects on hold (ie AA airport domestic upgrade) untill the decission is made.

Or not made as the case may be

splat ;)

belowMDA 5th Jul 2004 09:40

The latest sounds like S340 B+ in the very near future. As for new type that may be some time away!

Swamp Donkey 5th Jul 2004 09:46

Thanks MDA for adding some sense to the rumour mill - purple monkey I think you should stick to washing the dishes at AFS or whatever Warren has you doing.....

Cloud Cutter 5th Jul 2004 20:36

belowMDA, that sounds reasonable. I think the 340 is still a good aircraft for the role, does the B+ perform much beter than the A? It would certainly save them a lot in crew conversion training. Perhaps they will be ready for RJs in 5-10 years?

belowMDA 6th Jul 2004 08:06

The B+ does not leap off the page as being hugely better on paper but I think in practice it will shine compared to the A model. The A is a workhorse but is hamstrung by the ITT limits agreed upon by GE and NSN to reduce the cost of engine maintenance. The B+ should give much better icing performance if nothing else however the engines are even more prone to stalling than the 5 A2. on paper the differences are as follows:

340A: GE CT7 5A2 1735 SHP
MTOW 28,000 lbs
Max cruise 271 Kts

340 B+ GE CT7 9B 1870 SHP
MTOW 29,000 lbs
Max cruise 283 kts

the B+ also has electronic noise cancelling for the cabin dwellers.

figures courtesy of www.saabaircraftleasing.com

splatgothebugs 6th Jul 2004 09:16

Its a shame about those ITT limits, they would prob go like a cut cat otherwise.


Mite even keep up with a Beech ;)

The Stooge 7th Jul 2004 03:23

What are the ITT limits going to be 850 below FL150 and 875 above ? Doesnt make much difference really as MCP is 940

peetee6 7th Jul 2004 05:06

air nsn replacement
it is still a Saab at the end of the day! And still won't be able to keep up with the 1900.

Don Won 7th Jul 2004 07:22

Well when you for work air nsn you can't have anything to speedy cos then your'd never get through your morning coffie(provided by trolly dolly....dam that's hot ... oh coffie ) and sport's section while "george" takes care of things, when you fly 121 cat a knot here or there don't realy matter you boyz mite understand these things one day :D
If were talken speed your either the fastest ie J41 style or your just cruzen infact I think the slickest turbo prop in NZ is the chyane

BCF Breath 7th Jul 2004 20:41

It's just JH threatning again. If NSN went away, so would he!

What ever happened to the term "Fair" bargaining...?

Of course, Air NZ is supposed to be ramping up recruiting (apparently) so there could be some jobs going there...?

As for those smokey-Beech drivers, still the same speed in descent (actually aren't you restricted to less than 250 Kias..??) and one day, when you leave that light (although well equipped) twin, you'll realise just how important a role the autopilot plays...!
Oh and did I mention the cockpit door so you can read the paper and drink coffee and munch on the meal you managed to get from the cafe on a min turnaround.....Ha Ha Ha

Apparently the Link carriers made over $70m for the last F/Year so you work it out. Who's looking for a fat bonus eh? Mr JH!

Keep supporting the bargaining process, and stop starting non-helpful gossip.

belowMDA 7th Jul 2004 22:59

Speed, that's all a 1900 has really.

LateNightOps 8th Jul 2004 15:06

If you want to talk about speed...how about an EMB120 Brasilia!

belowMDA 10th Jul 2004 05:30

BTW another saab ground course to be run very shortly. maybe interviewing in about a month (interview time frame pure speculation).

incidentreport 10th Jul 2004 06:36

I thought I read somewhere that there was still a full completed ground course waiting to start?? (or close to full) Why would they run another course if that was the case??

Plas Teek 10th Jul 2004 08:36

'Cause, maybe they realise that Big Bro is starting to recruit again, and, using history as a learning tool (because they have JUST got up to strength with pilot numbers for the first time since the late 90's thanks to the new LOM) they don't want to be caught short AGAIN!

Or having to explain to those on high why a newly aquired SAAB is on the ground and not flying.......because there weren't enuf pilots!!

always inverted 10th Jul 2004 21:37

I heard the same thing from an eagle captain the other day, said that I should put a cv in-if not aleady with Air Nelson and Eagle because ANZ will be extracting crew from each and if they don't want to be left short the start recruiting.
Like everything in aviation- believe what you want.

Checked out the post on ANZ recruitment for 04, would appear to tie in with what has been said on this post.
Me has fingers and toes well crossed for this one...

Woodend1 11th Jul 2004 03:46

I with you always inverted, everything well crossed..

Cloud Cutter 11th Jul 2004 04:43

The ground coursed pilots have been told they will be advised of start dates in a couple of weeks (RLK), I think the reason they haven't been hiring at a greater rate is that they are already training at full capacity. It makes sense to nab eligable employees early and make them wait a bit for start dates so they don't go off and work for someone else - I think the hiring pool (ie pilots with 1500 TT, 500 Multi) is wearing a bit thin or will be once the Origin blip has passed.

Pure speculation? Lets see - I know I'm sending them a piece of paper. Good luck to those with up coming interviews;)

Plas Teek 12th Jul 2004 05:58

Now that the contract just has to be ratified by the ladds (and laddessess) it should be all plain sailing....

Did I hear right that JH was "taken-out" of the process and some chap from Big Bro Koru did the job instead, and that's why it's where it is today..??

Actually, it's more likely the result of the hard working ALPA members and the neg. team that got it to where it is today!

Well done guys!

Cheeky Whitey 12th Jul 2004 08:43

I know more than one guy from Origin that has sent a CV off to Air Nelson in the last few months... Maybe gonna have higher requirements this time round??

Sqwark2004 12th Jul 2004 18:57

If all these Origin guys & gals are successful in jumping ship, will it mean IP will be making more calls for some of us younger folk to go join him in the sunny climate of Nelson? Or will it be, as the rumours have it, still waiting to see what happens?

Plas Teek 12th Jul 2004 20:27

SWK 2004
I guess you mean OP.

No, Rob will close up shop, blameing Air NZ for poaching his pilots etc, etc.

But, possibly, yes. Put your hat in wherever you can. Air Nelson may even lower it's requirements once the OP pilots pool dry up.

Unless the pilots neg a decent contract and RI actually starts looking after his pilots (Yeah, Right!) well, then that may slow down any movement outa OP.

belowMDA 13th Jul 2004 04:18

word 'round the campfire is that calls went out today about the next round of interviews, so that must make them next week or the one after!

centurian 13th Jul 2004 22:30

Yeah calls have been made for interviews next Monday and Tuesday. Havent seen much info on the format of Air NSN interviews though. Are they similar to Eagle interviews?

Any help from those in the know?

Blue Line 13th Jul 2004 22:30

I've heard of one person who got the call yesterday. As for the OP guys jumping ship I wouldn't expect to be many if any now seeing OPs future for at least the medium term is fairly secure, I don't think the OP boys & gals would want to go to the back of the seniority list , but there prob a few conair guys & gals on the Air Nelson call up list

belowMDA 14th Jul 2004 02:34

Centurian, from what I have heard about the eagle interview process they almost couldn't be more different. They sit you down on the couch for about 40 minutes and have a friendly talk with you about yourself and quiz you on your knowledge. They seem to prescreen their candidates a bit more than eagle do I think.

incidentreport 14th Jul 2004 02:36

My phone didn't ring... :{
always inverted / Woodend 1... did either of you get a call??

Woodend1 14th Jul 2004 03:49

unfortunately no. be nice if the 500 multi req. was around 250...air transport and all

always inverted 14th Jul 2004 03:53

sorry to say it did not. One of the guys from Mountain Air has had a call up so I heard.
I have only just under 1100 tt and 500 multi so was not really expecting one.
Heard that eagle may be interviewing again soon too...

Best of luck to those that had the call.

centurian 14th Jul 2004 04:39

Thanks guys. Im glad they havent adopted the "Who do you like most in your family and why?" approach as Eagle have.

I hope Nelson puts on the weather for us :D

incidentreport 14th Jul 2004 05:06

Well done, and good luck.
What sort of time do you have?? Do you have a GA or an airline (Origin) background??

aiming high 14th Jul 2004 10:06

Just out of interest, who is the person to speak to for jobs at Origin, seems a few might be jumping ship to Air Nelson, so why not? Cheers.

splatgothebugs 15th Jul 2004 00:58

Interesting, centurian I have never heard of EAG asking a stupid question like that.:confused:

Anyway EAG are always hiring because they are well sort of pilots.

If you didn't get calls don't worry the industry looks like its going to keep up this hiring spree for a while.

Your time will come young skywalkers :ok:


Borneo Wild Man 15th Jul 2004 01:12

Centurion: your shout!!!
When ya coming to the J for a few beers and a bit a Malay Karaoke?

incidentreport 15th Jul 2004 20:26

aiming high

I believe the person to talk to at Origin at the moment is Ian Pirie.

belowMDA 17th Jul 2004 07:02

For those of you wondering about jobs at origin here is a snipit that may be encouraging.
The last J41 ground course had 8 pilots on it, 4 were already Origin pilots on the 31/32 and 4 were external GA pilots. Of the 4 external pilots one has passed the eagle interview and been offered a ground course, another was interviewed by Air Nelson and has was on the last Saab ground course and another has an interview with them on this round of selection.
So should Origin be needing to source pilots for the 41 and cannot release crew from the 31/32 then they may well have to look outside the company.

incidentreport 19th Jul 2004 09:06

How did those with interviews do today??... guess you're all at the pub after a week of study...
Good luck to everyone with interviews tomorrow.

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