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Jerricho 8th Oct 2004 23:52

Lestump, you don't hang round here much, do you?

And I'm sure there are a few round here that would question am I human as well.

FakePilot 9th Oct 2004 05:08

How about:

"Check your vacuum, you've got bad attitude."

I have another one, but I'm saving it for when I get slagged good by someone :)

lestump 11th Oct 2004 13:14

witty retorts

Quite right..... I'm a very occasional visitor. Enjoying the jokes in here though. Started looking for some of Dick Smith's rubbish and found this more entertaining.

Jerricho 11th Oct 2004 14:37

I would like to think I'm witty, but some people tell me I'm half right.:(

You'll not find much DS stuff here. I think the D&G zone holds the monopoly.

ShyTorque 11th Oct 2004 19:23

I overheard this one.

A lady controller at E. NEMA airport gave a base turn heading to a commercial jet pilot. He read it back to her and then immediately went on to say, presumably intending to alert his cabin staff over the PA, but with the VHF still accidentally selected: "If you folks would like to sit down now, we're about to begin our final approach"...

ATC, quick as a flash: "I am sitting down!"


The Euronator 11th Oct 2004 19:49


Just a question your not an ex FSO currently working for QF by anychance ??

Don't worry about Jerricho, his wit, decreases with the temperatures he lives in, must be bloody cold there by now Jerricho, not like the days in Bris Vegas heh !!

Jerricho 11th Oct 2004 20:09

Actually, not that cold at all Euro!

METAR CYWG 112000Z 06006KT 15SM FEW002 FEW260 19/05 A3013

Almost like a winter's day back home. ;)

bagpuss lives 11th Oct 2004 23:53

Not a witty retort as such but a while ago a colleague at MACC, upon handing off an aircraft late one afternoon shift to a young female controller, instructed the crew to "Contact lovely (female ATCOs name) on 123.45".

Fair play to the crew :ok: The female ATCO had her headset off, as we were quiet at the time so the RT was switched to speaker as is normal, and sure enough, a minute or so later, booming throughout the ops room, a deadpan....................

"Lovely (female ATCOs name) this is................."

To say she blushed is an understatement.

It made us laugh anyway :)

DirtyPierre 12th Oct 2004 02:57

Heard this one recently,

ATC - "Virgin 501 contact Brisbane Centre on 130.9, expect star clearance."

No response.

ATC - "Virgin 501 Brisbane Centre, contact Centre on 130.9, expect star clearance"

No response.

ATC - "Virgin 501 Brisbane Centre"

No response.

ATC - "Virgin 501 Brisbane Centre"

VOZ 501 - "Virgin 501, was that you calling Centre?"

ATC - "Yes Virgin 501, I was beginning to thinks my kids were flying the aircraft, they don't listen to me either!"

jayteeto 14th Oct 2004 10:57

Sorry for hijacking your excellent thread, but it was always fantastic to wind up military controllers when flying Wessex/Gazelle/squirrel. When calling finals and they ask confirm gear down.... The reply was always 'down and welded'.

KPax 14th Oct 2004 21:20

Ah yes 'down and welded' how amusing. How about student rotary pilot being very dull, controller transmits 'speechless ac if you are receving my tx's nod your head', Instructor pops on with, yep he nodded.

Loki 15th Oct 2004 20:47

I think I have posted this one before, but it is a tribute to the stunning wit of my flying instructor.

We were downwind, and yours truly not having a good day when the tower asked " Golf ****, are you dual or solo?"

Before I could reply, my instructor replied " Well, I think we are dual"

vector4fun 16th Oct 2004 04:01

Situation: Civilian LearJet under military contract of some sort is taxiing for departure

ATC: "Lear XXX, say direction of flight?"

NXXX: "That's Classified"


ATC: "Lear XXX, expect a delay.."

NXXX: "Umm, how long?"

ATC: "Depature says that's classified..."

Female controller on busy weekend:

"Y'all pretend we're married and shutup and let me talk"


csomesense 18th Oct 2004 02:57

Heard by a fellow crew-member somewhere over New York airspace:

ATC (Female)(using mid-range female voice): ABCxxx yadda yadda yadda.
ABCxxx (Male)(using Texan-drawl) "Sorry.... was that for ABCxxx?"
ATC: (using higher-than-mid-range female voice) ABCxxx yadda yadda yadda
ABCxxx (as above) "I'm sorry, could you say that a little slower for me?"
ATC (using very-high female-voice-pending-iminent-collision?) ABCxxx yadda yadda yadda NOW
ABCxxx (as above) "Damn, were we married once?"

Apparently a true story, mid 1998

twieke 19th Oct 2004 12:30

Over Germany;

Rhein radar; "Alitaliaxxx, Rhein....?"


Rhein; "Alitaliaxxx, Rhein....how do you read?"


Rhein; "Alitalia, Rhein radar.....?

Unidentified german pilot;" Zey probably vent on a spontanious strike"

Empty Cruise 22nd Oct 2004 22:40

Heard in DUB the other day...

"Specsaver xxx, Approach, are you still IMC"?

"Approach from Specsaver xxx, off course not - we are visual!"

:p Empty

EastCoaster 29th Oct 2004 22:25

Absolutely priceless tit-bits here - just not enough hours in the day to read em all :p

Some of em reminded me of a story told to me a couple of years back by an old(ish!) instructor:

He was working a fairly quiet en-route sector with not a whole lot happening for hours on end. Two 747's inbound to land with only separation of 1000', otherwise the targets on the screen were merged. Obviously only one of em could be the number 1, but which one? Said controller knew that one of the i/b's was hauling cargo, but couldn't quite remember which one. So, in the interests of expedition etc. he contacted one of the a/c to find out:

ATC: xxx123, yyyy, are you hauling pax or boxes this evening?
(Not exactly standard phraseology admittedly!)

Pilot (in the mandatory slow Southern drawl): Well sir, ah've got abaht 485 units on board, an' Ah reckin abaht half of 'em of got boxes!!


Cue much mirth in the otherwise sleepy center!! :p :\ :} :ok:

ShyTorque 19th Nov 2004 22:45

Heard a funny today on 130.2 Cottesmore Approach.

ATC: "G-****, state your POB"

G-**** (After pause): "Er, Say again?"

ATC: "G-****, state your POB!"

G-**** (After pause): " Er, overhead.. er... Corby.

ATC: G-****, Roger, ..... clear change to en route frequency, good day!" :rolleyes:

Can't say I blamed him...... :ok:

rotatrim 20th Nov 2004 18:58

Apologies to the student pilot who earnestly called himself

Golf Bravo Oscar Foxtrot Michael

I was laughing so much I couldn't answer immediately.

tori chelli 22nd Nov 2004 19:40

I'd almost forgotten this one:
Student pilot on qualifying Xcountry calls and is unreadable.

ATCO says "unreadable, use the speechless code - once for yes, twice for no. The question is...are you visual with the field?"

Student pilot replies (in anguished voice) having got closer to the field and thus more readable... "once for yes!"

Luckily I remembered 'Aviate, howl with laughter, Navigate, Communicate' or I might never have got down in one piece.


IDENTING 26th Nov 2004 11:46

Last time I was state side, flying into little rock;

LIT TWR: “Cessna 26lima make left traffic for runway one eight you are number 2 behind a Cherokee”
26L: “make left traffic for one eight and number 2, traffic in sight, 26lima”
LIT TWR: “ 26 lima, there is a bonanza coming in on long final”
26L: “so, what do you expect me to do about it?”
LIT TWR: “errrrm,…26lima, give me full speed from where you are, don’t square off your base, make short approach for one eight”
26L: “errrm, okeydokey, 26lima”!

visibility3miles 28th Nov 2004 03:48

Way back when, when my instructor cleared me for my first solo flight, they told me to make three touch-and-go landings. So, ever the dutiful student, I requested three touch-and-goes from the tower.

Of course the tower, expecting the usual full stop landing the third time around for a first solo, was wondering why I was back in the air after the third one, and cleared me for a full stop (when I asked for it) the fourth time around...

:eek: :confused: :rolleyes:

AntiCrash 28th Nov 2004 04:04

Lear N33NJ your'e No. 2 for the airport, report the Shorts he is on about a 1 mile final to 9L. Roger Mia 33NJ we got the Shorts in sight, oops we just lost him he must have just over a trailer park, ok there he is we've got him in sight. 33NJ cleared to land 9L.:\

ATCME 28th Nov 2004 04:41

Regional DH8 inbound to international airport with
crossing runways and 24 in use in IFR conditions.

DH8: XXX Terminal, check Runway 24 active can we talk you into letting us have Runway 15?

Female ATC: The last time I let a pilot talk me into anything I was on pennicillin for two weeks!

DH8: XXX Terminal Roger, I geuess we'll take that for a no. What's our number for Runway 24.

Female ATC: Last!

Same female ATC: Regional XXX, negative on the transponder. recycle please.

DH8: Roger.

Female ATC: Regional XXX, still no joy. Recycle again.

DH8: Roger. XXX Terminal. We've been having problems with our box this morning.

Female ATC: Yeah, I hate it when that happens.

True story.

Empty Cruise 30th Nov 2004 18:26

ATC : "Baby 123, just a hypothetical question: If I cleared you dct to MIRSI now, and did not give you any further instructions - what would you do?"

Baby 123 : "Well, guess we'll stick with the STAR and join the holding - why?"

ATC : "Ah, we've just been doing a poll with the regulars at MAN all day, and congrats - you got 10 out of 10"

Baby 123 : "Thanks"

ATC : "Baby 123, now direct MIRSI"

:D So much for hypothetical questions! :D

M609 1st Dec 2004 13:38

A couple of pilots from Norwegian operator Sundt Air was over in the states to collect their new King Air after a navaid calibration re-fit.

Reg on this one is LN-SUZ, and yank controllers completely oblivious to the fact that not all regs start with a "N".
("Are you sure you are LN-SUZ etc")

After a lot of depbate on the GND freq the controller gave up:

"Hell, today you are King Air-Suzie"

They flew a rather long flight calling themselfs that, no problems after that!

AntiCrash 6th Dec 2004 23:10


Tower: L39 N###, Did you guys get that contract with the post office?

L39: Say again Ellington Tower.

Tower: L39, We heard that the mail was going to be in the Czech.


L39: ... Slow day, huh.

Tower: (laughing) Sorry.


plebby 1st tourist 11th Dec 2004 19:16

A classic that a colleague relayed to me from his training in the early nineties, when live controller training with JPs was still the order of the day:

PAR (Arab exchange stude):"4 miles, SHY 11 to land"

The tower controller looks out the window, sees the shropshire hunt galloping across the threshold and replies:

"SHY 11 Break off the approach, the hunt is on the runway"

A slightly bemused PAR controller then relays to the JP:

"SHY11 Break off the approach, some c*** is on the runway"


Shreq 12th Dec 2004 18:44

From a collegue in Hong Kong,

ATC: Dynasty 123 contact HK arrival on 119.3.

no response

ATC: Dynasty 123 contact HK arrival on 119.3.

no response

ATC: Dynasty 123 Hong Kong, do you read?

lengthly delay

Dynasty123: Hong Kong arrival are you calling Dynasty 123?

ATC: Dynasty 123 I've called four times, contact HK arrival now 119.3

Dynasty123: No HK arrival you only call us three times.

Little One 19th Dec 2004 18:17

Xmas laughs
This was given to me by the girls in the EAS ops room, so I'll try type it out correctly for all to enjoy

'Twas the night before Christmas, and out on the ramp,
Not an airplane was stirring, not even a Champ.
The aircraft were fastened to tiedowns with care,
In hopes that come morning, they all would be there.

The fuel trucks were nestled, all snug in thier spots,
With gusts from two-forty at 39 Knots.
I slumped at the fuel desk, now finally caught up,
And settled down comfortably, resting my but.

When the radio lit up with noise and with chatter,
I turned up the scanner to see what was the matter.
A voice clearly heard over static and snow,
Called for clearance to land at the airport below.

He barked his transmission so lively and quick,
I'd have sworn that the callsign he used was "St Nick".
I ran to the panel to turn up the lights,
The better to welcome this magical flight.

He called his position, no room for denial,
"St Nicolas One, turnin' left onto final."
And what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a Rutan-built sleigh, with eight Rotax Reindeer!

With vectors to final, down the glideslope he came,
As he passed all the fixes, he called them by name:
"Now Ringo! Now Tolga! Now Trini and Bacun!
On Comet! On Cupid!" What pills was he takin'?

While controllers were sittin', and scratchin' their head,
They phoned to my office, and I heard it with dread,
The message tey left was both urgent and dour:
"When Santa pulls in, have him please call the tower."

He landed like silk, with the sled runners sparking,
Then I heard "Left Charlie," and "Taxi to parking."
He slowed to a taxi, turned off of three-oh
And stopped on the ramp with a "Ho, ho-ho-ho..."

He stepped out of the sleigh, but before he could talk,
I ran out to meet him with my best set of chocks.
His red helmet and goggles were ! covered with frost
And his beard was all blackened from Reindeer exhaust.

His brath smelled like peppermint, gone slightly stale,
And he puffed on a pipe, but didn't inhale.
His cheeks were all rosy and jiggled like jelly,
His boots were at black as a cropduster's belly

He was chubby and plump, in his suit of bright red,
And he asked me to "fill it, with hundred low lead."
He came dashing in from the snow-covered pump,
I knew he was anxious for drainin' the sump.

I spoke not a word, but went straight to my work,
And I filled up the sleigh, but I spilled like a jerk.
He came out of the restroom, and sighed in relief,
Then he picked up a phone for a Flight Service brief.

And I thought as he silently scribed in his log
Theese reindeer could land in an eighth-mile fog.
He completed his pre-flight, from front to the rear,
Then he put on his headset, and I heard him yell, "Clear!"

And Laying a finger on his push-to-talk,
He called up the tower for clearance and squawk.
"Take taxiway Charlie, the southbound direction,
Turn right three-two-zero at pilot's discretion"

He sped down the runway, the best of the best,
"your traffic's a Grumman, inbound from the west."
Then I heard him proclaim, as he climbed thru the night,
"Merry Christmas to all! I have traffic in sight."

And some Classic slips I remember over Christmas:

Many ATC's getting so used to saying te usual Xmas greeting continiously end up wishing the Muslim crews a Merry Christmas which isn't always greeted with a warm response.

And the best is

ATC to a BAW crew: Merry Christmas to you and your SCREW :ooh:

Skeleton 22nd Dec 2004 22:33

American F-111 Flossie late 70's. AC on PAN call.

Texan drawl.....

"Lossie Akkee 24 on handover from Scottish inbound, were for a IFR approach to the best available runway.

"Akee 24 identified radar advisory, runway 23 blah blah blah, both cables up. (we had to stop the Gannets somehow)

In a confused tone...

"Both Cables? What are these cables?"

Controller even more confused...

"Akee 24 there the approach and overun cables, both set 1300ft in from each threshold..

Long pause during which the controller looked at me (I was the approach assistant) even more confused...


"Lossie Akee24, these cables can a F-111 go under them!!"

Still makes me crease up 25 years later....

:} :D :} :D

MonkeyintheCockpit 29th Dec 2004 20:25

ATC: ABC123 Heavy (747) we need some S-turns on final for spacing behind a piston single.

747: Do you know how a 747 handles on S-turns?

ATC: Roger. How's it handle on go arounds?

747: (S-turns)


TWR: Roger, in sight report two miles left base.

ACFT: Uh, tower you want Statute or Nautical miles?

TWR: Your choice there's no other inbounds.


ATC to F-15 just after takeoff: Gunslinger, climb and maintain FL 310.

(30 seconds pass, ATC just about to key the mic....)

F-15 pilot (grunting): Roger, Gunslinger level FL310

G-SP0T 5th Jan 2005 20:46

Heard this one at MAN.

ATC ground: "ryan air xxx123 if your brakes are good enough hold b3!"

Tucano_uy 16th Jan 2005 20:51

Heard on Johannesburg Oceanic from a VARIG flying from Cape Town to Sao Paulo.

Controller on HF: VRGXXXX next report crossing 005 degrees east.

VRGXXX: (silence) eeerrrrr...... we don't have 005 east in our flight plan....

Controller: VRGXXXX then report operations normal at time 0930.

VRG: (even longer silence) eeerrrrrr..... Johannesburg..... we don't have operations normal in our flight plan either.

When I walked into the Oceanic Control room, the controller wasn't able to speak due to the laughter.

SantaUK 1st Feb 2005 21:34


M.85 4th Feb 2005 15:44

I have one which made me laugh until well established incruise.
It is hilarious because my colleague on my flight was the joke initiator..
We took off from Schipol,as i was PF,my left seat bud thought amsterdam was just like bush flying in poland so he decided once the gear was up to sharply shorten the communication with ATC.
At shipol, crews have to switch from tower to departure passing 2000ft.
We all know i hope the info departure atc needs from us but he decided or used to, i dont know,to merely exclaim:flight callsign followed by AIRBORNE.
Knowing that he would be asked in the next few secs at least to report altitude passing and cleared level..i didnt intervene.
The ATC gentleman nicely answered:CONGRATULATIONS now report altitude passing.
Having to concentrate on the initial climb my internal laugh became obvious while established on cruise...
Left seat guy i believe and hope took his Comms book from school out again to make our professional airline sound like one.

Happy departures and landings:-)


visibility3miles 12th Feb 2005 07:56

What I wished I'd said...

Years and years ago I was flying from the Raleigh-Durham area to the Freeway Airport in a Cessna 172, and went through the Andrews Airforce Base airspace. It was late at night, and nobody else was on the frequency when I requested permission to go through their airspace.

Permission was granted.

There was a pretty strong headwind (more than I had expected), and the controller casually mentioned that my ground speed was 80 knots.

If I had been a little more bold, I would have told him that my indicated airspeed was 120 knots, and that if I wanted to go any faster I'd probably have to get out and push.

Wish I'd said it, as he sounded a little bored.

Plus I had to sprint for the telephone to close my flight plan in time once I landed, so giving him a heads up would have helped if the headwind had delayed me by a few minutes more.

Jerricho 12th Feb 2005 15:33

Just a couple of days ago we had a rather excited pilot call up to the west of the field in his brand new home-build. He had been waiting until the temperature got up towards 0 Celcius before daring to try out his new toy (all this was told to us on his initial contact ;) )

Anyway, he requests a climb up to 5000 feet (no way on earth I would even think about doing that in something I built) and sets off on his merry way eastbound. As his track is taking him close to the airfield, he is issued a vector. Guess who doesn't have any instruments except a hand held GPS. So, following the Trans-Canada Highway, our intrepid little pilot trundles onwards towards his destination (while everything else is moved out of his way)

Suddenly our friend makes a transmission:

"Uh, Winnipeg Terminal, sorry if you've been trying to call me. I've been taking pictures of the city as I fly over it and I think I have seen my buddy's house". Thanks for the heads up.

Our pluckly little adventurer gets to the edge of our airspace, is told we can't provide him a service any further, the weather at his destination is such, good luck and contact his enroute frequency. Many thanks and he's gone........

Until 20 mins later he's back. Life story time again about how his destination's weather wasn't great and he was having to lower and lower to stay below the cloud and he didn't feel comfortable about trying to land there and could he proceed to St. Andrews and could we give him some assistance.(a small airfield to the NE of CYWG). The new controllers sitting there (who missed all the fun on the way out) is unaware our friend only has his trusty GPS and asks him his heading.

"Um, I'm heading west following Highway 1. I think I know where to go, but the Trans-Canada doesn't go up there, does it?"

Bless him. Eventually get the guy pointed in the right direction (thank god we had a road map) and visual with his destination. Good luck again and see ya.

It's things like this that make me love my job even more.

HEATHROW DIRECTOR 12th Feb 2005 16:25

Just like being back at EGLL eh J??

Kilo-club SNA 12th Feb 2005 16:40

Busy day over LA...

GA aircraft with not familiar pilot calls in and requests landing at airport

NXXX: Pos X requests landing...

Sotherna california approach(SOCAL): NXXX proceed to "mile-square park" for spacing.

NXX: Eh, Mile square park, what does it look like?

SOCAL: Well, it's a park, sort of squarish and about one mile on each side

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