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autothrottle 21st Dec 2009 22:18

you know I said Kunert was a legend, well Dyer was, errr is , too! :ok:

Minesthechevy 24th Dec 2009 10:33

Er....I think that was meant in a nice way, in which case, I'll blush appropriately and modestly compare my feet.

Part of the reason I took the early go was that I always knew my limitations; Ok didnt stop me trying to improve, but anyone who ever worked in that environment knew that a L/Op who had passed his sell-by date was not an asset, nor were they likely to be treated kindly.

I won't use the words 'career path', because it's not exactly appropraite to a bloke who was the wrong side of 50, but in most industries there exists the ability to move sideways, or at least to a quieter workplace. With AIS closing - which I presume it has done by now - there were ever-fewer options available, maybe it's changed for the better, maybe not.....

HEATHROW DIRECTOR 24th Dec 2009 11:06

Happy Crimble, Mick. Don't do yourself down - you saved my life enough times for me to be very grateful..


Captain Spunkfarter 24th Dec 2009 13:51

Micky Dyer! The mere mention of that name gets me moist :\.

Probably the funniest Dyer story for me was when he tore a strip off the Terminal 4 stand allocator who had no idea how long it would be till Stand T10 would clear, only to find out Micky had called the STAR centre by mistake! :D

Followed closely by his response to the copper who pulled him over after his night shift 1st half (they have to stay till 0700 now Micky!), and asked him what his job at the airport was....."I push buttons!". :ugh:

Love to the Missus, the dogs and the Land Rovers mate!

Joyeux Noel, mon ami.

Adrian Dolan

P.S. No, I haven't learned to walk upright, and Yes, my knuckles still drag on the ground.

Talkdownman 24th Dec 2009 13:59

my knuckles still drag on the ground
But had I heard that you had stood down from nats management........

Warped Factor 24th Dec 2009 14:17

I don't think I've ever recovered from the wondrous site of Micky D's fat, hairy @rse appearing in front of me from the other side of the VCR window :eek:

T'was on a nightshift, "I'm just off to make a cuppa" he said. Oh no he wasn't, he was sneaking outside through the hatch by the stairs to 'moon' me!

Still have nightmares :{ :)

Enjoy your retirement Mr D, you deserve it. Those were fun times back then when LHR was a great place to work alongside a great bunch of people.

windowjob 24th Dec 2009 18:06

Don't forget Phil Karai and Johnny Wood - "you're landing them in the wrong order" was often said to the Air man when they had to keep changing the initial routes.
Experts one and all, saved many a GMC Controller and if anyone tells you they didn't - they're lying!
Merry thingy to those still working, I retired this year.


Minesthechevy 25th Dec 2009 16:48

Dear Captain SpunkFarter - Ade, I'd have known it was you with a handle like that, even if you hadn't signed with your name. It always was about the lowest common denominator with you ;). Well, I say 'signed', but joining up the letters was always what gave you the most grief.......

Anyway that plank in STAR Centre couldn't have remembered where he'd left his head, let alone known when T10 would clear....

Mike the Warped Factor, I'm astounded that you either remember that glorious highpoint in our relationship, or even that you'd want to. Did you need much therapy afterwards?

(Actually, chaps, what the rest of YOU should now be asking yourselves is what kind of man wants to remember the anatomical details of a grown mans naked butt after 15 years.....)

I still have my spies in the NVCR, not a sparrow falls without I know....

Leave me some mince pies, have a good 2010 wherever you may be, and don't forget - Callier Was God.

ex-EGLL 25th Dec 2009 19:00

Another wonderful trip down memory lane. Those guys/gals sure could make or break GMC. I usually managed to break it, and the lighting ops kept things going for me!!
Merry Christmas to all!

Talkdownman 26th Dec 2009 04:48

Callier IS god.......

leewan 1st Jan 2010 15:59

I've always wondered how this system works as it is found in SIN airport as well. Is the lightning operators control panel located in the control tower as well ? And how is the panel like, airport taxiway layout with switches to switch on on the corresponding taxiway I assume ?

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