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JoostRoozen 14th Nov 2010 17:57

Band1tu, my phase 1 was 20the of october. phase 2 the 8th of november.

So it would be possible.

dbmartin 14th Nov 2010 18:54

band1tu or JoostRoozen, how did you knew that you were in? I was told to call on Monday, did you call them or did they call you?

band1tu 14th Nov 2010 19:20

i was told to call on Friday in the afternoon. So i did!

JoostRoozen 14th Nov 2010 22:56

I had my interview on the 12th of november, and because I was the only one that day they told me to call in the afternoon.

I did and Imke congratulated me! I was sooo happy :D

Still am xD

SPeety 17th Nov 2010 10:14

Congrats to you both! That's amazing! :)
I'll have my Phase 2 on 6th December. Too bad I couldn't have it with you guys!

Best wishes,


Joost, you got a pm ;)

Naem 18th Nov 2010 13:41

Awesome, I might see you there SPeety!

Was at the November 17th Phase 1 testing, and just received the results:

"You are eligible to be invited for Phase 2 testing which will take place in the
near future at the Maastricht UAC, the Netherlands."

Hopefully they give me an exact date soon. Anyone else from the Nov 17th testing on here? Any results yet?


SPeety 19th Nov 2010 01:20

Hey Jason,

See you in Maastricht ! ;)
How many have you been on 17th ?


Naem 19th Nov 2010 14:10


There were 8 or so of us that made it through the morning part (about 1/3rd, apparently the most they've had succeed in a long time) - but I'm not sure how many passed the SDM test.

I've still no confirmation about when I'll actually be there other than "near future", but I can always hope!

I'll be spending the evening in the hotel bar if I do make it, you can meet me there ;)


LessThanSte 19th Nov 2010 15:54

From our experience, 3 people that i know of made it through the whole of phase 1 (i.e. including SDM!), i was the only one to get to the interview. Of our group at phase 2 (4 of us), 2 got through to the interview. In the group the day before 2 got through to the interview and on the day before only 1 got to the interview. Of those, i believe only 1 passed (not me, sadly)!

JoostRoozen 19th Nov 2010 19:53

Qoute: There were 8 or so of us that made it through the morning part (about 1/3rd, apparently the most they've had succeed in a long time)

Haha, not in a long time ;)

I had my phase 1 on the 20th of October. We started with 19 and 9 made it to the SDM test.. Almost 50%!!

I know that in total (of that 9) 3 allready passed the interview (including me)

And 1 (Steve/Speety) made it to phase 2.
Another 1 failed phase 2.

So that gives us 4 more unknowns xD Steve, you got any idea how they ended up?

SPeety 19th Nov 2010 21:31

Well, Is the third one Carlos? Since he's on vacation, I haven't talked to him. Whats with that Italian/Dublin guy?

Basically, no, I have no idea.



Stelar 20th Nov 2010 11:21

hey guys,

congrats on getting through for everyone who's made it.

I passed the interview too, but it'd really good to see it "on paper". Did you get any confirm-mail after passing the interview?


tsorin16 20th Nov 2010 12:14

Congrats Stelar!
Yes, I received the letter with the result via e-mail. It was just a few hours after I called to ask about the result.

Stelar 20th Nov 2010 12:28

Hi tsorin,

congrats to you too, and hm, good for you.
I think the best would be wait another week then call them.

When and where will be your course (if they offered you something already)?

tsorin16 20th Nov 2010 16:30

At the time I had the interview, they didn't know the exact location for the first phase of the training.
I was told there are 4-5 possible locations and that I'll get more details later on.

The course will start in May.

JoostRoozen 20th Nov 2010 17:16

@Stelar, I had my interview the 12th of november and the only confirmation I got was the call. No letter or email or anything.

@Steve, The dublin guy failed the phase 1 morning part. I don't know the italian guy xD

The people that I know that passed are: Carlos, the spanish guy. Gina the german Girl and me.

no pain no gain 20th Nov 2010 18:44

i only got the call too no email.. i was wondering about that couple of weeks ago.. i guess ill call about that. its always better to have it on paper..

SPeety 20th Nov 2010 23:22


The italian guy IS the dublin guy. There was a "genuine" Dublin guy on Phase 1, yeah, but there was also the Italian guy who's living in Dublin now, who attended the interview. :D
Anyhoo, so glad Carlos and Gina made it!

Best wishes to you all, please keep your fingers crossed ;)


band1tu 21st Nov 2010 06:20

The italian/Dublin guy attended the interview in the same day as i did, but i don't know his result.
Nothing written for me neither. Just over the phone.

Gina90 21st Nov 2010 17:11

Hey guys =) Congrats to all of you who made it!

I also just got the phone call! Did anyone of you call for any feedback? Because they told me that we can call as well if we pass...

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