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Vercingetorix 21st Sep 2009 11:20

Hi Jolly:ok:
Nope, you can never have too much of a good thing.
Been working on a project with not enough idle moments to allow for Ppruning.
Hard to believe, I know, but there you go.
Now, it's time again for the sport of 'button pushing'.


To infinity and beyond and, hopefully, back in time for a pint of Spitfire (just for a change).

1. Ferris, a bit over familiar there with first names.:= I don't recall that we were ever properly introduced as is the custom in polite circles, but then you don't move in such. Keep your head down in Bahrain. I'm scheduled to pop over there soon.

2. The Falcon, the point is to highlight the 'Climate of fear" induced in the ANS section of the GCAA by respectively: Stromboli, El Stupido aka Pinocchio and Jack Boots. The firing of two of the engineering staff in quick succession is not indicative of good managment skills, but then, hey, ANSA:sad: trots out the party line that all is a bed of roses there.
Uhm, don't think so!:eek:

3. Re Stromboli & El Stupido the appropriate comparison in terms of honourable behaviour would be to Briatore and Symonds

westausatc 22nd Sep 2009 06:02


Thanks for your reply. Really appreciate it! :ok:

Have started reading the previous umpteen pages to read the pros/cons of GCAA v Serco so will have a good idea shortly.

Are you with GCAA and have family? If so, mind if I PM you for some info?


Vercingetorix 7th Oct 2009 07:34

Hi Jors

A new sector is being introduced in three days time.
Under ICAO guidance re Standards and Recommended Practices a SMS risk assessment should have been undertaken following which the results would have been analysed and any new procedures amended accordingly. Thereafter, the results would have undergone a trial period in the simulator.
However, Stromboli and his puppet Pinocchio deem this as an unnecessary waste of time and an affront to their combined intellect as they think that it (their intellect) is of such high level that they have foreseen all the pitfalls, etc.

Accordingly, the sector is being introduced by SATI (Supplementary & Tempory Instruction) without a SMS case or trial.:ooh:

All I can say is Thank God these two clowns neither fly nor are involved in any active controlling.

As is normal it will be left to the 'coal face controllers' to make it work.

To infinity and beyond and, hopefully, back in time for that glass of Champagne,

Now, where's that Start Button!:eek:

Chatz 7th Oct 2009 12:45


I'm coming over to Dubai for an interview with GAL. Any tips I should keep in mind? Are they many women working in ATC positions over there?

Guy D'ageradar 7th Oct 2009 15:01


Not sure about GAL although I think I maz have heard one or two but know of 3 at UAE ACC, 2 at Sharjah and half a dozen or so here in Dubai.

prascho 7th Oct 2009 19:04

Have I to visit Abu Dhabi to contact whit GCAA and to aply my app for the position of an En-Route ATC or there is other opportunity?
If so, could u give me any GCAA contact details?
Tnx in advance guys!

Fox3snapshot 7th Oct 2009 19:46


3 at UAE ACC

Not on our turf mate....they are at the military contracts, not civil. The only remotely civil operation might be Bateen which is joint user.

UAE ACC is a GAL free zone :E

10 DME ARC 8th Oct 2009 09:54

Fox -Guy was talking about women controllers! I hope you have women in UAE ACC if not I would be very worried about the person on North last night!!:uhoh:

No Further Requirements 8th Oct 2009 12:39

UAE ACC is a GAL free zone
Humour on so many levels mate.....:ok:



Vercingetorix 8th Oct 2009 13:06

Re your post no 285 from which I quote:

"Full Safety Case done by the SMS Manager and submitted to the Regulator for approval. The regulator reviewed the safety case and approved the plan for transition (as they did for the system transition in June last year which was again pre-empted with a full safety case which was reviewed three times at the request of the regulator until suitable for approval). The regulator is definitely not under the thumb of ANS, in fact quite the contrary, as they ride us hard about a lot of issues, which I think is a good thing, and the way it should be.

Things were in a mess here for a multitude of reasons, of which Verci was one, and we appear to be getting things right. I will let the people who work here every day and are effected by these changes speak for themselves though. I'm done with PPRuNe, enjoy".

As usual, complete nonsense.

1. You're not done with Pprune as you continue to post.

2. Things were in a mess here for a multitude of reasons, of which Verci was one, and we appear to be getting things right.
I don't remember you making any significant contribution other than to say "Yes Sir, How would you like that done, Sir. Can I wipe your a**, Sir". You were a sniveling little ar*e creeper then and haven't changed your spots since working with the 'Gruesome twosome'. It would appear that you are consanguineous.

3. "Full Safety Case done by the SMS Manager and submitted to the Regulator for approval". Uhm, how does that equate with the new sector introduction. You're worse than Tony Bliar. N.B. see above 'a full safety case which was reviewed three times at the request of the regulator until suitable for approval' Possibly 'cos your SMS case was crap?

4. The Regulator is totally under the thumb of the Advisor to the DANS, as you well know. If you remember from your ar*e licking days the Dane stopped him writing memos and letters as he couldn't do joined up writing. I had to cross check all his output. For a definitive answer re ar*e licking check with either the training section or the regulator. They'll put you straight.

5. If 'Verci was one' as you claim:
a. How come it took you two 1/2 years to catch up with the LATSI.
b. How come it took you three years to get an SMS in place having lost or denied the existence of the original unit SMS manual.

6. Don't seem to remember anyone getting fired during my tenure!!

7. Now having got an SMS in place, as you so eloquently put it, how come you didn't use it for the new sector procedures?

Essentially, my little Sunbeam, you're claiming credit for things that were in place before you were 'selected!' for the position. The previous SATCO (Bless the little fellow) is a good guy who did a fair amount of work and I see you as falsely claiming both his and my input.

If you have specific negative comments to make concerning either his or my input I suggest that you put them in writing on the forum for open discussion.

'What is very sad is when people who should know better choose to go after people and don't argue the issues.:=
'Frankly, if you start going for the person that's a tacit admission that you've lost the argument. I find that nothing short of pathetic.'

Now, following your recent little spat with Pinocchio & Stromboli, I would suggest that you start looking for pastures new, i.e. Bahrain. (I hear that you have taken an option there already). Both Pinocchio & Stromboli are vindictive little gits of the first order so I would be planning an exit strategy if I were in your position.

To infinity and beyond and, hopefully, back in time for a pint of Theakstones Old Peculiar.

P.S. Your quote (again, groan); N.B. For you and Ferris to be talking to each other, considering his opinion of you, quite takes the biscuit as we say in Dear Old Blighty.
"Instead we can just sit back and enjoy seeing our boys retain the ashes 4-1 this year in Pommie Land. Time much better spent"

Schadenfreude is the word that springs to mind,
good luck with any future career.:ok:

Addendum re Stromboli.

This is the man who was in charge when:

1. The ACC transferred from the OMAA APP room to the Bateen site - oops! Failure. It had to revert to OMAA due SNAFU. (He tried to blame that on Serco but couldn't make it stick).
2. The ACC had a major power outage - oops! Failure. He was the man who drew up the power plans and was responsible for putting in outdated back up generators.
3. The recent power outage at the new SZC - oops! Failure.

Bit of a pattern emerging as to his competence but, hey MATCO, give him a kiss and tell him he's wonderful but don't let Pinocchio see you otherwise he may get jealous. xxx


Vercingetorix 8th Oct 2009 13:58

or should I say


To infinity and beyond and, hopefully, back in time for a pint of Theakstones Old Peculiar.


trailblazer 8th Oct 2009 14:24

Looks like someone decided it was time for attention again and decided to start shouting. Normally I see 4 year old kids doing that, but each to his own:ok:

Vercingetorix 8th Oct 2009 14:33

surprised that you have the attention span to read it, never mind retain and understand what was written.
You, with your lazy stupid approach, are a significant part of the problem.

Sunbeam, you're a dull bug*er. xxx:bored:
Suggest Sex & Travel
N.B. As Jors said 'button pushing' and you rise to the bait, as ever. Duh!!

trailblazer 8th Oct 2009 15:35

Too SMART for his own good???
Dr. dr. help me please, I know youll understand
Theres a time device inside of me, Im a self-destructin man
Theres a red, under my bed
And theres a little green man in my head
And he said, youre not goin crazy, youre just a bit sad
cause theres a man in ya, knawin ya, tearin ya into two.

Silly boy ya self-destroyer.
Paranoia, the destroyer

Self-destroyer, wreck your health
Destroy friends, destroy yourself
The time device of self-destruction
Light the fuse and start eruption

(yea, it goes like this, here it goes)
Paranoia, the destroyer
(heres to paranoia)
Paranoia, the destroyer
(hey hey, here it goes)
Paranoia, the destroyer
(and it goes like this)

Paranoia, the destroyer
(and it goes like this.)

Fox3snapshot 9th Oct 2009 04:54

:p Nope we definitely got Girlies but none of the GALs !!!

And 10 DME that sorry that was me on North, had an incident with my headset cord as I sat down!! :\

ISaidRightTurns 9th Oct 2009 06:12

Psychiatrists have developed several stalker profiles:
  • The rejected stalker. This person was rejected in a relationship, and they perceive it as an insult, they feel wounded, and they are seeking vindication.
  • The resentful stalker. These are self-righteous, self-pitying people who may threaten, but they are the least likely to act on it.
  • The intimacy-seeking stalker. They believe they are loved or will be loved by the victim. Often they focus on someone of higher social status. This person is mentally ill and delusional.
  • The incompetent. This person is socially backward. He doesn't really understand the social rules involved in dating and romance. He doesn't mean any harm.

Ref: Mind of a stalker

Yippee 9th Oct 2009 06:27

Do they test ATCO:s for NPD nowadays?

Narcissistic personality disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NPD persons use these as their central defence mechanisms.
Splitting (psychology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Idealization and devaluation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Psychological projection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Defence mechanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That is the reason they are prone to be very hard to heal.
And very clever NPD persons pass the tests unnoticed.

Sometimes they can only be "spotted" when they cause "bad moods" or "bad feelings" or "chaos and havoc" among the people they interact with.

About denial. The "funny" denial mechanism is "denial of denial":

Denial of denial: This can be a difficult concept for many people to identify with in themselves, but is a major barrier to changing hurtful behaviors. Denial of denial involves thoughts, actions and behaviors which bolster confidence that nothing needs to be changed in one's personal behavior. This form of denial typically overlaps with all of the other forms of denial, but involves more self-delusion.

About classifications:

Five (or more) of the following criteria must be met:

1. Feels grandiose and self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents to the point of lying, demands to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements);

2. Is obsessed with fantasies of unlimited success, fame, fearsome power or omnipotence, unequalled brilliance (the cerebral narcissist), bodily beauty or sexual performance (the somatic narcissist), or ideal, everlasting, all-conquering love or passion;

3. Firmly convinced that he or she is unique and, being special, can only be understood by, should only be treated by, or associate with, other special or unique, or high-status people (or institutions);

4. Requires excessive admiration, adulation, attention and affirmation – or, failing that, wishes to be feared and to be notorious (Narcissistic Supply);

5. Feels entitled. Expects unreasonable or special and favorable priority treatment. Demands automatic and full compliance with his or her expectations;

6. Is “interpersonally exploitative”, i.e., uses others to achieve his or her own ends;

7. Devoid of empathy. Is unable or unwilling to identify with or acknowledge the feelings and needs of others;

8. Constantly envious of others or believes that they feel the same about him or her;

9. Arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes coupled with rage when frustrated, contradicted, or confronted.

Sometimes they are really nasty:

DARVO: An acronym to describe common strategy of abusers: Deny the abuse, then Attack the victim for attempting to make them accountable for their offense, thereby Reversing Victim and Offender. Psychologist Jennifer Freyd. writes:
"...I have observed that actual abusers threaten, bully and make a nightmare for anyone who holds them accountable or asks them to change their abusive behavior. This attack, intended to chill and terrify, typically includes intimidation, overt and covert attacks on the whistle-blower's credibility, and so on..... [T]he offender rapidly creates the impression that the whistle-blower is the wronged one, while the victim or concerned observer is depicted as the offender. Figure and ground are completely reversed... The offender is on the offense and the person attempting to hold the offender accountable is put on the defense.
Quite soon it is very very easy to see through NPD persons. Then just look completely other way. The thing they fear most is the lack of attention. Sometimes any kind of attention is OK for NPD persons. Admiration, hatred, despise, any emotional response,just name it. Just turn your attention completely away from them. Turn your emotional respense to zero with them. No "flaming". No "freezing", just complete "emotional zero". And they'll escape fast. Tangentially. It is very easy. Just a little practise. And it works.

A good metaphor is that they try to "steal energy" where they can. Then they use this "energy" or "attention" or "happiness of others"; whatever name you want to give it, for their own reasons. Often they use it to "light their light" brighter or to inflate their own ego bigger. Not always. Google "narcistic supply" for more info. They are like emotional black holes, if you let them be that to you.


And hey, we all have "healthy narcissism".
Healthy Narcissism
Narcissism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Narcissism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pointing is pointless.
Judging is just waste of time. Let the judges earn their salaries.
Blaming and accusing and prosecuting is pointless. Let the prosecutors earn their salaries also.;)

There are experts that think that we all have some milder or even more milder traits that resemble NPD behaviours. From time to time. Especially when there is high levels of pressures or prolonged mental pressures or when tired etc. The marvelous point is that when you are aware of this you can choose different behaviours. Every time. Quite soon they become new habits.
"You're going to reap just what you sow..." Lou Reed - Perfect Day
Sorry, about the advert. I do not work for the company advertised on the vid.
Here is the same song without the ad:
Lou Reed - Perfect Day

One thing is for sure. The managers are not tested. Anywhere. ;)

Chatz 9th Oct 2009 11:49

thanks, gotta love the GAL reference. Very original. :D

The Jolly Roger 9th Oct 2009 19:25

3 at UAE ACC
Right lads...which one of you Maxwell Klingers is wearin a frock???

I hope you have women in UAE ACC if not I would be very worried about the person on North last night!!
Nothing to worry about there 10.....standard voice changes due to strapping in tightly to North and West for the adrenaline rush!! :eek:

Vercingetorix 10th Oct 2009 13:21

Isaid RightTurd
Interesting that none of you have actually addressed the problem as to why engineers are being fired, but then hey, as ATCOs being superior personages (!), you don't give a fcuk:
1. Why are engineers being fired? Is it that they are incompetent, or is it that Serco/GCAA are recuiting incompetent people?" Doubt it.
Surely the selection process should be looked at and any blame should be laid at the feet of management. (ANSA, where are you, doing an Obama and fence sitting as usual).
2. Why did the ACC power system have an outage if the "SMS" was prescient?
3. Why has the MATCO not replied to the concern of his little "spat" with the 'Twins?'

Again, I say: What is very sad is when people who should know better choose to go after people and don't argue the issues, 'Frankly, if you start going for the person that's a tacit admission that you've lost the argument. I find that nothing short of pathetic.'

good research. Very impressive and for the average ATCO well above the median. 10/10+

Narcissism is not the issue.
The issue is the incompetence of Pinocchio & his mentor Stromboli. Neither are qualified to do what they do. They rule by fear. Pinocchio is fundamentally stupid (I trained him and got him through his initial ATCO validation) and Stromboli, while not so stupid, is locked into what they did in EKCH 35 yrs ago.

Now, Yipee and ISadRightTurd, look at the problem and address it.
In the mean time whlie Stromboli & his catamite puppy Pinocchio continue in their miscreant ways ask why Stromoli uses a non standard LoA with adjacent units. ICAO has a standard LoA format but Stromboli, with his superior(?) intellect chooses to use his own. WOW!

So, my little detractors, ask why the place is so NON ICAO compliant and further ask what would happen if you were ever in a serious incident or even, God Forbid, an airhit situation.
Ans. Under this regime you would be toast and on your own.

No one is doubting your personal competency as controllers but what I would doubt is the integrity of your employers in a difficult situation.

Keep looking over your shoulder.
Ciao Bambini:ok:

Paranoia, remember Stromboli and Pinocchio are out to get you to protect to their sorry liittle asses.
Actually, further to that that, brings recall of a memory in which Stromboli made mention of someones's sorry little ass.
Perhaps that makes sense of his selection of the HODs of TRN & SRG!!! He's very fleet of foot!! Nudge, nudge, wink, nod!!!!

Now,basically I don't give a flying fcuk what you silly little buggers think. I only care for the standard and quality of the unit, which is currently being degraded on an international scale. You have some tremendous people there and Pinocchio & Strombioli are holding the place back.
So, I'm now off to BKK next week for culture, Guinness and shopping and also to team up with some of Reagan's children (ISadRightTurd take note), xxxx

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