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sportzbar 20th Aug 2010 16:54

So I sat Stage 2 at Swanwick yesterday and I've got to say it was probably one of the most testing things I have ever done! Still I must have done ok as this afternoon I got an email inviting me to stage 3! Very quick response!

As others have previously said there really is nothing you can do to prepare for Stage 2. Just get plenty of rest the night before and have plenty of coffee.

filipebravo 20th Aug 2010 17:59


Thanks! Tuition fees are high... :{ It's an investment but.... :sad:
Funding, apart from extending mortgage, I don't see any other option, unless you find someone who could sponsor you.
Any preference for any of those colleges?? Do you know whether are there any good prospects of getting a job in the end?

separation 20th Aug 2010 19:49

SS10 - not sure of your qual's but ASTAC's said this to me when i inquired

"If you have no previous experience you will need to make sure that you have the minimum educational requirement which the UK CAA are now stating that this must be the equivalent of 2 national diploma’s ( 2 A Level Grades). In some cases you can apply to challenge this if you can prove your experience in Aviation but specifically ATC."

I don't have the A levels or Diplomas so i cant go down this route without them. not sure if Cywbran require this or not.

Your pricing up of the courses is right however unless you live in commuting distance you will have to account for accommodation and food costs on top and thats going to add up. :ok:

binbrain 20th Aug 2010 20:46


You're not alone! I applied for the job last year, but wasn't successful. Then on June 10th 2010, I sent in this years application and received the automated reply telling me they'd got it and will get in touch. From last years experience, I know they can take up to 3 weeks to reply, so I gave them that long. No email came, so I replied to their email, as it says you can. No reply after 3 weeks. Sent another email, no reply.

Then on the 13th August, I went onto atcocareers.co.uk and used the contact us function to send yet another email. SUCCESS! A REPLY! They don't know what happened to my application and are trying to find it, but a least I know something i happening.

Basically all I'm saying is hang tight and pester them if necessary. You will eventually get something! Overall, it will be beneficial in your interview to say you persevered...shows how much you want the job (well thats how I'm looking at it anyway!)

Good Luck!

SS10 20th Aug 2010 22:29

@ filipebravo

A job at the end is by no means a certainty although both colleges do assist you in finding an employer. Its largely in your own hands though. The success rate for finding a job at the end of the course is very high however, so I have heard.

@ seperation

I actually didn't know that and despite being in frequent contact with both colleges for a few weeks now, neither have mentioned this.

I haven't got any A-levels (I've got 9 GCSE's like). I got offered an apprenticeship as an electrician after leaving school and took it. So i've been an electrician since I left.

If thats the case though its absolutely crazy, theres enough fully qualified ATCOs on these forums that have just a few GCSEs/O levels.

xinebessa 21st Aug 2010 00:26

sorry another quick question for anyone whos passed all 3 stages and been on their medical..

Do you get the medical results right away after carrying it out? e.g will you come away from it knowing you got through ok or not ?


CJShields 21st Aug 2010 09:39

They give you the certificate immediately after the tests if you are successful (I did my medical and got my certificate yesterday).

Cerealuk 21st Aug 2010 11:16

@CJShields: Just sent you a message/email :)

WbATC 21st Aug 2010 14:44

hi sportzbar,

juz sent you a mail.. can you please help me out??

flaming_jupiter 21st Aug 2010 19:41

@ sportzbar

Me too! Came as a real shock. Totally didn't expect to get through and never expected to hear so fast!

Have you been able to book your stage 3? I was sent a link, but it says there are no more slots available. Also got sent another email saying i'll be sent another online personality thing. Did you get that too?

sportzbar 21st Aug 2010 20:23

@ Flaming Jupiter

Yeah was real shock!!!! I think I ran around the room dancing for 5 mins and had to get someone to check!

Am still waiting for the personality test email and I did email HR about the interview link but as it was after 5pm I presume they were finished for the weekend.

Oh well hopefully hear back next week

dcp359 22nd Aug 2010 14:30

Sportzbar/Flaming Jupiter,

Congratulations to the both of you, I (black suit, mauve short-sleeve shirt) was also one of the lucky ones! The tests were fun but felt under far too much pressure to really enjoy them - especially the SDM where there was no telling how much I had got correct.

I also received those two e-mails and having read all 313 pages of this thread I do not recall (but no doubt the PPRuNe masses will dive in and point out if I am wrong!) anybody saying they had to complete two personality tests, so I intend to ring Specialist Recruitment tomorrow to find out.

May see you both for Round 3!


WbATC 22nd Aug 2010 22:40

hi Sportzbar/ Flaming Jupiter/ dcp359,

am so happy for you all... so good that you all made it to the stage 3.
:(:( am yet to take up my assessment 2.
so so excited... actually tensed..

wish me luck please...

dcp359 23rd Aug 2010 14:17

Good luck WbATC!

If I were to give any advice it would be (without trying to throw a negative light on it, of course!) that when you make a mistake (as you undoubtedly will) you must instantly dismiss it to the back of your mind and concentrate on the rest of the task as time is critical. Also, if you wear contact lenses I would leave them out and wear spectacles instead as after an hour or so of concentrating heavily on a smallish portion of screen my eyes were quite tired.

Other than that I just echo the previous "good night's sleep" suggestions - you certainly have the location advantage!

Sportzbar/Flaming Jupiter,

Have just spoken to Specialist Recruitment and we are required to complete the Occupational Personality Test. However, SHL, the company who admit the tests had a few problems last week so once they rectify them they will send us an e-mail directly. We then have 7 days from the date of that e-mail to complete the tests. Apparently the test is not pass/fail although they did say the assessors at Stage 3 will have our results; it goes without saying to be as honest/accurate as possible.

With regard to the booking link for Stage 3 one date (at EGPX I should add!) has appeared but there will be more dates put up in the next few weeks so keep checking. Apparently they are fully booked for a while so there is likely to be a wait of a couple of months for Stage 3. Plenty of time to prepare then!


SKOS 23rd Aug 2010 14:36

Pilot & ATC aptitude
I am thinking the aptitude and competencies required to be a Pilot are similar if not the same as that for an ATC.

What do you guys think?

gavdarv 23rd Aug 2010 16:00

Start Date

I'm in the exact same boat mate, heard I'd been accepted in June, passed my medical the first week in July and have still to hear about a start date. I was told at my final interview it would be January but starting to worry it could now be October, don't think I could handle stacking shelves for another year!


darn 23rd Aug 2010 16:25

@ gavdarv and Greg81

Same situation here - was told Jan at the interview but now who knows.

Don't mind the wait but not knowing wether its likely to be January or October is a bit annoying, a bit of communication would be nice. I may give them a phone/email to see what there playing at.

WbATC 23rd Aug 2010 22:40

Thank you so much dcp359 ...
your advice was indeed very helpfull..
willl try to hope for the best.. :):)

CJShields 24th Aug 2010 08:24

Start date
I feel that they may not be running the Jan course as they are moving the training college from Bournemouth to Fareham summer 2011 and they wouldn't want to move people and equipment mid-course.

I think the delay is because they are trying to move the people pencilled in for the Jan course to either Sept 2010 or Oct 2011. This is a guess though so don't expect this to be the case.

I have just mailed my medical certificate so please let me know if any of you get a start date so that I have some idea of when to expect mine.


Avoiding_Action 24th Aug 2010 11:30

I thought the college was moving to CTC?

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