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Tom1984 15th Dec 2009 14:10


I did not complete a medical questionnaire over email but I did complete one when I arrived at Swanicks Medical department before my NATS medical, just asking questions about my medical history. I also completed the same one before my CAA medical at Gatwick too but this one was sent in an email prior to my arrival... (maybe NATS are taking on the CAA's approach of emailing the questionnaire too?)

I did ask the NATS assisstant at Swanick why do we need to do two medicals... in hindsight it does seem a bit pointless because there is not much difference between them at all, if anything, I found the CAA one slightly more stricter as the eye test was definitely more thorougher... anyway, the explanation I received was that NATS do not have the authority (anymore!) to sign off an Intial class 3 med examination. Only the CAA can (So why bother with the NATS one!!). NATS however can sign off the annual re-newal of the medical.

My personal opinion is that the NATS medical doesn't cost the company anything (only time!) but the CAA medical costs £400+ which is a cost NATS will pay for. SO..I think "NATS fit" is a term NATS use so they only fork out one £400 for every candidate.......because they still have to pay the CAA £400 for a failure, and again for the re-take so I think NATS are just covering their financial backs with the first medical. That's only my opinion though !!!!

If your are doing your medicals round about now, looks like you will be heading for the Aug course but once that fills up you will be on the last one of the year (Oct/Nov is it?!) so my advice is to do your medicals at the earliest date provided to get your name penciled in on the earliest available course.


paperclip810 15th Dec 2009 16:14

Hiya Tom,

NATS is interested in your medical fitness from a more long term position than the CAA. The CAA can issue you a medical which allows can form part of your ATCO licence, but they're not concerned about whether you'll pass your first renewal (or any future ones before that).

For example, restrictions on eyesight at NATS are tougher than the CAA requirements as the company worries that if your eyesight is deteriorating, you may not be able to hold a medical certificate for your entire career at NATS. Therefore, they set a tougher limit to give you some room for change as you get older.

Not sure what's happening with the future medical checks as I've already got my CAA medical certificate, but I'm sure NATS will always be interested in some way!

BeciJ 15th Dec 2009 20:21

Hey there my name is Beci, i have my initial assessment tests at the end of next month. and i just want to know if the information on the practice test is anything like the actual test on the day. Im in the RAF so i already know about the airspace etc, im just abit worried about the test. if anyone could shed some light i would be more than grateful.

Peace xx

T250 15th Dec 2009 20:28


What practice tests do you have? I assume you mean the NATS pdf they provide with the stage 1 test emails? You may find it beneficial to use the small number of practice examples they give to formulate your own questions just to get your confidence up a bit, if you feel you need to.

As they stand now I think the tests for stage 1 are:
Spatial reasoning (cubes)
Mental Arithmatic and
Motivation Paper

My stage 1 had each test bar the motivation test (a NATS document) done through a separate question booklet from SHL. Not sure if thats changed now (any current stage 1/2/3 candidates?).

Good Luck!

BeciJ 15th Dec 2009 20:33

Ok cool, thank you. what is in the motivational paper?? i really quite scared about this whole thing:uhoh:


T250 15th Dec 2009 21:27

You should (if things havn't changed in the last 6 months) have been sent a document of the motivation paper material, I think its around 20-30 pages, which is the basis for learning for the motivation paper.

If you're in the RAF I guess maybe you'll find some of it you already know.

PM me any other questions or just reassurance! :)

biffytheking1980 16th Dec 2009 11:50

Hey Beci,

If you are in the RAF the motivational paper will be a doddle. :ok:

I see you are at Scampton, not the deathly CRC i hope. Just brush up on the old mental arithmetic and you will be fine. I spent 5 years at RAF Boulmer and that gave me loads of confidence on the motivation side of things. Good luck. :)

Murphy23 16th Dec 2009 16:11

Worried about eyesight
With a lot of people on here talking about the medial requirements and the eye tests this has caused me to become very worried.

Looking up the NATS medical requirements I pass everything apart from the eye requirements. In one eye I have perfect vision (reading the bottom line is no problem for me) however with the other eye I have almost no vision, I can read the top big letter and that is about it. It is a nerve thing rather than a focusing thing apparently so no amount of correction will solve it.

Does this effectively end my chance to be a controller with NATS? I wsa just about to book my stage 2 assesment but upon reading their requirements more closely I think I might just be wasting everyone's time?

Anyone who has more knowledge of this please help?

cottam approach 16th Dec 2009 16:26

Murphy: Rather than us speculating on what may or may not be acceptable to NATS, your best bet would be to contact NATS HR direct. They will be able to give you an answer or refer you to their medical department for advice. Fingers crossed for you, I sympathise with how you must be feeling.

BeciJ 16th Dec 2009 19:01

hey biffytheking1980,

Yeh im at the CRC how did you guess:rolleyes:. so did you find the paper alright then? what stage are you at?

Beci x

biffytheking1980 16th Dec 2009 19:22


Im waiting to start aerodrome whenever NATS decide they will run the course :bored: I was meant to start in Oct but the "downturn in air traffic" has meant they have cancelled the last two Aero courses. Hopefully will be starting in July.

I went through the process last year so it has possibly changed a bit since then but it wasnt so bad. I think the computer tests were the most stressfull bit as I came out thinking I had done terribly. You can maybe do some practice cubes and play computer games to help while you are sitting on your arse at scampton :ok:

BeciJ 16th Dec 2009 19:29


sitting on my arse.. we dont do things like that!! :) but ill bare everything you have said in mind and start playing some computer games.ha! does tetris count i can play that in work??

so how long is the aerodrome course, what did the computer bit consist of?

Beci x

biffytheking1980 16th Dec 2009 19:41

The computer bit is in stage two. Im assuming you will sail through stage1 :)
To be honest before my stage1 all I did was get my brain back into doing some maths. The RAF had numbed my brain.

Think it is the FEAST tests for stage two now which are meant to be pretty cool but you cant really prepare for them. I suppose you could be cheeky and ask if you can play on the aptitude tests at cranwell for ATC and FC that might be helpfull?

PM me if you want. I have loads of info i got from going through. Interview questions etc.

kewf 17th Dec 2009 11:00

Hiya guys just wondering if anyone has heard back from the stage 3 on the 10th dec?

racy_jase 17th Dec 2009 18:03

Nats noob
Hey guys and girls, just in the process of getting on the nats ladder, i've confirmed my date for the stage 1 tests for mid january. I'm rather worried about something though, does anybody know how important the online tests are on the shl site? the one's you have to complete before your test day but don't find out the results until you go along? I fear I have cocked them up big time and don't want to have blown my chances before getting anywhere! :bored: cheers, jase x

Chippy5687 17th Dec 2009 18:36

I found out yesterday that I passed stage 3! Got another email today asking me to book a medical but when I clicked the link it said that there wasn't any slots available and to contact them which I have done.

Well done to everyone else who has recently passed stage 3 and hope to see you all at the college!

xinebessa 18th Dec 2009 18:34

Quick question for those of you who have recently passed your stage 3..

How did you find out ? Were you told by email or phoned ?

Arggg the waiting is evil :(

adam28 18th Dec 2009 18:35

Important Info On Medicals
Hi All,

I had my medical just last friday at NATS swanwick and from what the medical receptionist said to me at the time i can say with about 99.9% certainty that i am one of the last people to have a medical at NATS swanwick as they are no longer doing medicals there.

I believe that instead they send you a medical questionnaire(this would be what menthol has received) and if everything on this is okay you then book your CAA medical.

Finding this out was a bit of a kick in the teeth at first since if i'd waited a week i wouldn't have had to make the 800 mile return journey from scotland:{(to make it even worse last friday would be the day the uk was blanketed with thick fog:{:{)!! I got over it though as i still had a good time in the ops room in the afternoon!

Also, proudscot (how original lol) check your pm's.:)

adam28 18th Dec 2009 18:38

I heard by email after 1 working day lol(i got in btw)

xinebessa 18th Dec 2009 19:04

wow, how long ago was that ?

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