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22FOLLOW 13th Jan 2007 13:44

To add to my previous mutterings, loyalty isn't sitting back watching people leave, possibly encouraging them to do so, and not supporting the company when they want to pay returning staff a fair wage(no more than you and I with equivilant experience) and then using the lack of staff as a bargaining tool at the next pay/retention package negotiations.Quote: "So far I choose to stay and will reveiw my choice after the retention offer......... loyalty is important to me." Smacks of double standards.

Nookie2nite 13th Jan 2007 16:36

"So far I choose to stay and will reveiw my choice after the retention offer......... loyalty is important to me." Smacks of double standards.
HA HA HA....well spotted 22 :)
Rgog - I am not at all upset about ur opinion - I just think you come across as narrow minded wrt the returning ATCs. You use pilots from LNk as an example - I can name hunderds of examples where persons return on normal scales.:ugh:
Good luck with ur decision.....
BOK - pack boet pack! ;)

EXATC 25th Jan 2007 04:52

I see the shortage of ATC's has hit headline news on Radio 702. John Robbie spoke to Wrenelle Stander who pretty much refused to answer the questions on the impending ATC losses. All the ATC's apparently are too "scared" to talk as they fear getting victimised or fired. Way to go ATNS :D :D :D Rule by fear.

BOK2GO 25th Jan 2007 11:14

I hope the right people heard it because our board sure appears not to want to do anything about it.

126,7 25th Jan 2007 14:04

Story I heard is that Wrenelle is really trying, its just that board is dead set against keeping the guys in the country. Wonder why? The whole world is short of guys, some more than others and yet ATNS can't or rather won't do a thing to make their crew stay. Pity. Maybe they can fill the gap with the ATCOs they're planning to recruit from India and Egypt.

BlueSkye 26th Jan 2007 07:22

OK, I will say it (firesuit & bulletproof jacket on). ATNS doesn't care about the losses 'cause it makes their "employment demographics" look better. The people leaving are mostly white (Dutchman:E ) males. So just sit back and relax and BEE will take care of itself.

Had a chat with Old Mutual the other day to check if they have an After Retirement Loyalty Plan. They have!! You contribute the normal monthly installments with scheduled yearly increases and at retirement age they pay out SWEET BLUE F...ALL!!!

It makes me think about George W Bush's "Stay the Course" philosophy in Iraq. They are taking some serious losses over there but NOOOO, there is NOOOO problem. M. Mabasa for US president.

BOK2GO 27th Jan 2007 06:46


This might've been true in the past but we've just had a resignation from one of our staff of 'colour' to the ME. I think Joburg has lost one too. A lot of these guys are now getting to a marketable experience level and will apply and leave as are the white guys. (Jeez, I hate making this a colour thing)
The CEO's response to our collegues resignation was, "didn't he hear about the 9 percent increase?"
Once you've stopped laughing pick yourself up off the floor and continue reading.
Now this new trend might just work in the favour of those planning to stay. We can't be going backwards with our BEE compliance. The white atcs may be dispensible but the rest surely aren't.

Eagle T 27th Jan 2007 12:55

Well said Bok2go,Atns are a disaster recruiting staff and even worse at trying to keep them.If you look at wages of ATCOs across most of the world,it is on par with Airline pilots.This is not the case in SA.SAA pilots got a massive increase recently and backpay.

I understand that staff with ATNS can't legally strike.Is it the union who agreed to this.Why don't the staff go on strike like the French.If everyone together goes on strike then no one individual can be singled out and fired(but that won't happen cause ATCOs in sa don't stick together).Air Traffic Controllers are in big demand worldwide yet ATNS are doing there best to lose the staff they have.The staff must get together for once and make a big stand and for once show real strenght.It is the ATCOs and assistants that make all the money.And if an ATCO makes a mistake or has a loss of separtion it is he/she who gets suspended and in some cases fired.The ATNS management are quick to point the finger yet they pay them s**t wages.

The ATNS management can't recruit the cream of the crop cause the wages are just not good enough and as the old saying goes"If you pay peanuts you get monkeys"That is why there is such failure in getting people qualified.ATNS have to hire staff from overseas which is sad cause they end up paying alot more for them,instead of recruiting the right South African people and paying them proper wages.

makeapullup 27th Jan 2007 14:35

And here I thought SA ATC's were leaving for the cheese and beers!


BlueSkye 27th Jan 2007 17:05

Originally Posted by makeapullup (Post 3092668)
And here I thought SA ATC's were leaving for the cheese and beers!


True words are often spoken in jest. ;)

The 1 27th Jan 2007 20:15

[quote=Eagle T;3092552]I understand that staff with ATNS can't legally strike.

What would the consequences of going on a go slow for ATCO's(ie constant flow control at the big centres).

i understand that it would hurt the operators, but it sure will get the attention of those people who can make a change and the they will react
quicker to the situation

cripton 28th Jan 2007 17:01

Hi guys / girls.
Yip this is my first shift. I have been monitoring the traffic on quite a regular bases and were very interested in some of the conflicts and some times I must say, near misses. I am going to try and keep everything I say to "RT" facts known to me by one on one encounters and not on assumptions (carrier wave only). I do accept jurisdiction of most flights, however on some I believe a go-around will be the safest option. That there is a TCAS warning at the FAJS ACC center is a known fact, however at the rate ATC's are ejecting ( due to gov. visa issues) the company will not really feel the bump. New recruits are being trained ( by the "strikers") and will again only fill the seats of those who left. Muscat, Abu Dabi, Dubai, rate of climb better than ATNS's 9%.
It is human nature to look after yourself (bad for religion), so doesn't really matter how you sequence your sentence, someone will always gain.-cripton'07:cool:
Why leave. South Africa does not have a crime issue.- T. Mbeki'07

makeapullup 1st Feb 2007 12:20

another bites the dust.....
another FAJS-ACC resignation yesterday...mmmm..the thick plottens....:ugh:

BOK2GO 1st Feb 2007 14:55

I wonder how the quoted 18.9% (later revised to 8.9% after a challenge from FAJS) staff increase over the passed year now looks? We lost 5 atcs in Dec/Jan and have another with his resignation in for April.
How many in total have you guys in FAJS lost in the past 3 months?

The 1 2nd Feb 2007 07:32

how is the situation in the stations (esp in Ort & Cpt ),are you guys coping with the guys leaving,has it caused an upset in the shifts/working hours.
if yes,what are the line mangers saying to the big bosses?

BOK2GO 4th Feb 2007 08:46

In CPT our Acc pool is pretty much on the bones of their asses and can't afford to loose anymore staff. I know of atleast two with their CVs abroad.
Our App/Twr pool is still sitting pretty although plans to open a final app director this year will have to be shelved. Here again we have atleast 6 staff members with their CVs abroad and when they go we will probably be in some poo.
Our MATS is doing everything in his power to let the CEO know the seriousness of the situation.

Nookie2nite 4th Feb 2007 08:57

...tick tock...tick tock.....

BOK are your senior management as concerned as the floor staff, or are they hoping it will blow over? :ooh:

What about the Indian, Egyptian and Eastern block ATC recruit rumours? :sad:

Good luck - last one turn off the lights....broadcast 124.8


BOK2GO 4th Feb 2007 19:13

I think they're counting on the fact that everyone will sign the lock in retension package.


Nookie2nite 5th Feb 2007 09:25

....mmmmm....as I said before - the only ones that will lock into a retention scheme are those that have no intention on leaving anyway.....good luck....:eek:


GrimmR 7th Feb 2007 01:36

Well planned
ATNS is showing the usual forethought with ref staff retention, sorry there is no problem,,I forgot:ok:

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