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fourthreethree 6th Feb 2004 19:19

crikey what a read
Just got back from a pprune break to find this little gem waiting to be perused!!

If youre still reading this, which frankly I doubt, congratulations, hope you enjoy a long and enjoyable career. :)

I really do see where you're coming from here, and it must be frustrating for you, but what more is there to say? Some you win some you lose. Easy for me to say I know, but lifes like that sometimes, and its not just job interviews that can sh*t on you from a height. I hope you can put it behind you and get on with the rest of your life, but I stress again I understand exactly what you are saying.

Finally my two penn'orth on selection. A totally failsafe way of recruiting trainees is an impossible dream. Sure people fail selection at NATS and wander over the channel to make it at Eurocontrol, and the same applies vice versa. There is a human aspect in selection, of which WF has been a victim, its the same in all walks of life. Take a football player, starting out life as a boot boy at Accrington Stanley. He gets turned down by Blackburn, Oldham, Wigan, before getting signed into the Southampton reserves. Five years later, lo and behold, he turns into James Beattie and plays for England. Same could happen to WF, someone just needs to spot his potential, not always an easy thing to do.

Oh and, sorry for the football analogy, bollocks I know but the best I could come up with at short notice!!:=

weselfluren 6th Feb 2004 20:11

still sad, but.....

- thank you for the supporting view and the kind words. Shame there's nowt I can do about it, so as you say, will have to get over it and move on:{

Liked the analogy about the footballer a lot - look at Kevin Phillips too.....something about Southampton footballers maybe!
Shame that can't apply to me unless I take one of two drastic options - a) pay £30k+ to get trained up in the UK (without any income for the duration) or b) emigrate where there are nice beaches and drinks with straw umbrellas and do the training over there..............WF is not finished just yet!

Actually, come to think of it, if people like Jerrico are no longer over there, then it's an option (he must be from Victoria....:p) - only kidding Jerrico, you are entitled to your opinion just as the next fellow.:}

Alpha16 is probably in the same boat as myself and having to deal with it. Not making excuses for anyone, but there is only so much you can take in life, and I for one can't have a go at HR down the phone, as I haven't got a clue who the decisions/policy rests with.

Best of luck to all the trainees - especially if the courses have been put back and the salary dropped. Not close to what any of us applied for..... :*

Especially good luck to Mr777, that's harsh treatment! Maybe they had Mr. Bliar doing work experience and giving you a good old fashioned dose of honesty about the training "definately" starting in March and not saying about the salary (I was told in January it was going up!!!) - keep at it mate, I hope it's worth it in the end.

WF :sad:

PPRuNe Radar 8th Feb 2004 01:11

Thread returned ... minus most of the personal comments and name calling.

If you have a point to make, attack the ball and not the player :cool:

Now ... play on ......

Jerricho 8th Feb 2004 01:30

NATS have taken on a HR consultant specialising in recruitement. I believe she worked in over in the States post 9/11 and was involved in programs for companies that wanted to move their bases of operations out of major cities. Maybe feedback from HR will become a little more "freeflowing".

aaaabbbbcccc1111 8th Feb 2004 03:44

Well I didn't expect all this. This was just a post to say a big thank you for all the help I recieved.. I don't want to get drawn into an argument about the whole process of HR. Yes it was my first attempt, and I have had to face a lot of uncertainties, but I have never blamed HR. When my first interview was cancelled. I was angry, but its just circumstances. I would rather have the hope of passing, then HR turn around last year and close recruitment alltogether.

The actual interview day felt was just like any other interview. I have been in the Navy for 8 years (not ATC though) and I was full of confidence, that is the key word.
NATS expect everyone has had there heads in the books, and visited all the ATC centres possible. They know we are all commited and have put our careers on hold for the last year and half in my case. You cannot justify the reason for getting a job on the fact you have made sacrafices though, otherwise nearly everyone who goes for the job would get it.

I have not realy had many interviews in my career, and I don't want to teach anyone to suck eggs, but you have to sell yourself, there is so much competition for this job and you have to stick out. Yes mistakes are made, and perhaps some guys can blag there way through the process and not succeed at CATC, on the other hand some just don't succeed at the interviews stage and probably could have made good ATCO

I mean no disrespect here to the guys who have failed three times, but chances are that was with three different ATCO. Can they all be wrong.

I have just found out today that the pay for students is going to be dramatically reduced, again a set back, but hey thats life. Things happen to test us. I am in a well paid job at the moment and will struggle like hell untill I achieve my aim. Theres no point in moaning and bitching about it though. I may as well use my energy to discover a way of financing my wife and kids through the couple of hard years I am about to face.

By the way has anyone got a caravan for sale in the bournemouth area or know of any YMCA hostels in that area. I think I might need that now.

weselfluren 8th Feb 2004 04:40

Radar -

If you have a point to make, attack the ball and not the player
can't agree more, hope it didn't come across in any other way.


I have just found out today that the pay for students is going to be dramatically reduced, again a set back, but hey thats life. Things happen to test us. I am in a well paid job at the moment and will struggle like hell untill I achieve my aim. Theres no point in moaning and bitching about it though
Very noble of you, but a bit hypocritical too. Not sure how you think you'll finance the wife, kids and somewhere to live on the south coast (outside of Portsmouth that is!:p ). I think that your final sentence is a great statement of realism and seriously hope that the "people in charge" realise it's not such a good idea to implement this pay cut and still expect the "cream" to apply. Especially if they think that half the applicants will be able to train and keep their families on ~14k..........

By the way has anyone got a caravan for sale in the bournemouth area or know of any YMCA hostels in that area. I think I might need that now.
Brilliant, yet sad.:uhoh:

I dare say that I had a different ATCO for both attempts, however, I was actually refused feedback from this time last year, so don't know what went wrong then. Life is a fickle thing, just seems that I have had my moment at the worst possible time. Shame that 1 hour can't be reversed.:sad:


P.S. Good luck aabbcc1 - you'll need it and I hope you have stacks of it! Sorry for highjacking your thread, but like you say it's 6 years plus of hard work, only for it to rest on the opinion of one guy that my work experience up to now was to "management orientated" - so views are guarenteed to be aired.
Good job NATS don't take offence about lots of foreign travel/WMD/living with lots of other blokes in confined spaces......:oh: (just a ribbing!!).;)
Although actually, I too work for the government, so it can't be the connection to El Presidente that did it in for me

"In the Navy, we can sail the seven seas......":D

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