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15th Aug 2003, 21:25
Does anyone know if there is a program available that teaches how to use the 757 fmc or any training material that may be available? If so where can I get it?


Kalium Chloride
15th Aug 2003, 22:19
Tell us why you want it, and we might think about it...

16th Aug 2003, 04:59
I am coverting from the bus to the 757 and would like something to assist me in transitioning from the MCDU to the FMC.


17th Aug 2003, 01:45
Believe it or not, it is possible for a B757 to have an MCDU fitted, if it has a Pegasus FMC! You'll probably never hear it get called that though.

I don't know of any budget FMC programs, only the extremely costly CBT stuff.

However, if its just a basic guide you're after, then Bill Bulfer's 'Big Boeing FMC User's Guide' is ideal. It covers the 74, 75, 76 and 777, as there is a large degree of commonality. You should be able to get it from any aviation book shop.

If you're converting from a 'bus to 757 it will be a piece of cake! The Boeing philosophy is much, much easier and more intuitive than Airbus.


17th Aug 2003, 01:58

you might do glance at Aerowinx' (http://www.aerowinx.de) "Precision Simulator 747-400 V1.3" (usually named PS1.3). Although a 747-400 CBT program (actually a full simulator), the very complete FMC simulation should give you some familiarity with the Boeing / Honeywell approach of a FMC and the display of information on the ND. Price is in the EUR/$ 280 range.

PS1.3 was originally designed for MS-DOS but, surprinsingly, still runs on most Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP systems. There is a directory of stores selling PS1.3 on the company website.

Disclaimer: there are differences between the 744 and the 757, and simplifications of the FMC simulation. Use the official documentation of your airline. ;)


17th Aug 2003, 02:52
Wouldn't the airline your working for provide you with the neccesary information and training airbuslad?

17th Aug 2003, 03:53
Try '767 PIC' from Wilco (http://www.wilcopub.com) it's a very very realistic 767 sim for FS2k2, and the FMC is second to none... can't imagine much diffeence between the 757 and 767 FMC's...


Shore Guy
17th Aug 2003, 04:38
I agree Bill Bulfer's guide is excellent, but perhaps a bit overwhelming for initial training. A couple of basic 757/767 sites that will introduce you to the systems/FMC's are:




By the way, Bill Bulfer's website is at:


He has a forum on cockpit automation and some of the best and brightest folks in the world participate.

And Airbuslad, you will love the 757.......

17th Aug 2003, 12:54
Thanks so much for the info guys.

GranT: Yes my airline is providing me with training materials but I just wanted to get additional info to make the transition easier. I have been assimilated into the Airbus collective and it is hard to leave.


31st Aug 2003, 13:43
If you can work a Bus FMC - a 757 FMC should be easy - since the Pegasus Honeywell - made under license for Sextant FMC was based on the 757/767 FMC design effort ( that wasnt my quote by the way - that is Honeywells )- yes - another Boeing innovation in the Bus ( same for the leading edge slats )- if you are legitimate - Honeywell has a nifty PC-FMC CD-ROM based PC - FMS simulation - you order it from Honeywell website - or call there technical publications dept. - its about $200 buck s - but I hear they often give them away for goodwill's sake. By the way - this PC-FMS is given away at Fasrnborough & Paris Airshows as a demo - it works for about 30 days - unless you keep turning the clock back on your PC .. BABBAY ..