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View Full Version : I guess pilots don't care about safety ??

20th Nov 2001, 05:25
Or is it that pilots just don't know what they want ? Or that they can't take 5 minutes to voice an independent opinion on the subject ?
My email survey posted on all www aviation bulletin boards in early November yielded a mere 40 replies !!
I need 10 times as many to achieve a statistically valid sample size. I would've expected to see 100s if not 1000s of replies by pilots who really do care about cockpits (or cabins)laced with guns, video cameras, control-disabling switches, etc....all forced upon them by reactionary regulators and industry think-tanks.
This MBA Graduate Research Project, if successful, gives a chance for a few hundred pilots who reply to influence policy decisions affecting their future cockpit security. To be a part of it, send an email to "[email protected]" with a subject of "send survey"....and I'll send you a 19 question email survey asking the question of the year: "What do pilots want?"

If anyone can explain why pilots are not replying in droves, and/or if you have a suggestion for motivating more pilot replies, please post it, or send me an email.
[email protected]

Flying Guy
20th Nov 2001, 05:59
Dear Safecockpit,

Yes, pilots do "know what they want." Your headline that we "don't care about safety" demonstrates an immaturity that makes your masters paper suspect from the start.

Also, the body language of your request for input suggests that you are predisposed against;

1. "Cockpits laced with guns." I am a pilot (in Seoul on a layover as a matter of fact) and I agree with my having a gun in the cockpit. Not a Taser, not a fake, a real live 38 that I can use to shoot a terrorist that smashes into my cockpit.

2. I think having a video camera in the cockpit is a good idea. I know many pilots disagree on this point but I do not fear what the camera might record and think the potential benifit is worth it. I suspect that there are other pilots who agree.

3. Control disabeling devices are a crock - I agree with you there.

I am a real life, 747 pilot, flying the line.

Now then, you ask why not more pilots replied? Perhaps it is because you obviously exhibit bias (your own views) in your request for input. It suggests you are looking more for reinforcement of your (non line pilot) opinions than a true sample.

So here's the deal - you promise me you will tally the opinions you don't personally agree with and I will fill out your survey.

My e-mail address is in my profile.

Sincerely - Flying Guy

[ 20 November 2001: Message edited by: Flying Guy ]

22nd Nov 2001, 05:40
Ive been flying with a .38 in the cockpit ever since I joined my present outfit 5 years ago. Wouldnt leave home without it. Great security blanket. Bit like wx radar: you realise how vulnerable you were before you had it. No I havent fired a shot in anger. Not yet.
Im dead against cockpit video-cameras because its predictable that bloodey management will misuse the thing in lieu of its original intent. Theyve done it with CVRs and you can bet your @rse theyll do the same with CCRs.

BTW safecockpit I didnt respond to your survey for the reasons FG outlined, and also I dont like talking to non-pilots on the subject. Nothing personal.

24th Nov 2001, 14:12
I would prefer a cockpit where the terrorist couldn't enter.
I therefor wouldn't need a gun.
One or the other, both seem a bit pointless and costly.
Since guns are illegal where I live, my first option would be more likely.