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11th Jul 2003, 12:41
Hi all, I am currently trying to develope a CRM course for the company I work for. If anyone out there can help with suggestions for resources - books, articles, videos, exercises - it would be greatly appreciated. We are developing the course for the whole company - not just pilots - so material not cockpit specific is preferable. Thanks in advance for your help.

14th Jul 2003, 11:50
I was hoping that an Australian based CRM specialist would have come forth!

Don't know if you have already tried the Aviation Safety Foundation Australia? They have a library at Tullermarine and the contact details of Bill Mattes are:'

Bill Mattes
Executive Director
Aviation Safety Foundation Australia
Grants Road, Melbourne Airport
PO Box 1212,
Altona Meadows, Vic 3028
Phone 61 3 8336 1990
Fax: 61 3 8336 1991
Mob: 0417 119 547
email:[email protected]

Hope this is of some help. BlueEagle - Moderator.

15th Jul 2003, 00:12

It sounds like you are looking for an ATTE (Air Traffic Team Enhancement) Course. This course teaches groups of people how to work more effieciently as a team.

There are many of us NATCA members who were trained by the FAA at the FAA Academy in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to be ATTE Instructors so you could probably obtain course material through the FAA Academy.

The course material contains several video tapes of various situations displaying the lack of teamwork and the results and of the same situation where team work was displayed and the results.

You can also obtain information from the NATCA National Office, (National Air Traffic Controllers Association). If you contact the above office ask for Ruth Marlin, you should be able to get the phone number from our National Web site http://www.natca.org .

Mike R

16th Jul 2003, 01:25

I am a Human Factors and CRM consultant. I have a BSc (Aviation) from The Uni of Newcastle (Australia). I have training in developing CRM for the entire company from the pilots, FAs to the Grd handlers to the LAMEs. Are you Commuter or Transport Cat?
I have specialised in the evaluation of the training and needs analysis (which I did for the Canadian DND and the USN E6Bs)

Here in Canada I also to the Human Performance in Aviation Maintenance training. I also work with SMS. I live in Canada but am able to give you guys some help if you want.

You can visit my website at URL:



John Dutcher

18th Jul 2003, 21:35
My 2 cents worth:

Why would anyone give such an important task to an unqualified person? You should have a professional guiding and supervising you at least. Sounds like the management's trying to satisfy the Authorities rather than developing a good CRM course...
What is actually very good, is that you are actively seeking help and guidance. That smells like professionalism ;-)

Reading material:

"Redefining Airmanship" & "Flight Discipline" by Tony Kern

"Human Error" & "Managing the risks of Organisational Accidents" by James Reason.

Good luck!

Captain Stable
18th Jul 2003, 22:27
To those books add "The Naked Pilot" by David Beaty and "Human Factors for Pilots" by Green, Muir, James, Gradwell and Green

21st Jul 2003, 10:08
Thanks to evryone for your invaluable replies and information. The links and reference material are fantastic.

Crossunder - The company I work for is unfortunately both smallish and low budget. We are however making slow progress in getting them to understand the importance and benefits of training, beyond satisfying Authority and Audit requirements. We do not have the appropriately trained personnel presently, but the people we do have are volunteers, motivated, and we are looking at options to advance their qualifications. But, as I said, slow progress.

Thanks again to those who replied.