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View Full Version : Main landing gear hydraulic actuator

17th Jun 2003, 03:34
On takeoff after raising the gear handle, a single red light for the right gear stayed illuminated. Placing the lever to the off position did not extinguish the light, nor did re-cycling the gear at the appropriate speed. Three re-cycles and now the right green is on as well.
A loud, unusual thunk was felt earlier upon lowering the gear on approach, but the walkaround ( albeit charter-style ) revealed nothing visible and the take off leading up to the above was normal.
After diverting to our nearby base, we found the right main gear hydraulic actuator was separated from the main landing gear post; both support braces broken in twothe upper halves missing.
I hate to think what could have happened had the brace jammed the gear in any position but full down....
Can anyone share similar experiences ??

( for obvious reasons the company is not mentioned and I have heard it has happened on other 73-3īs )

Notso Fantastic
17th Jun 2003, 05:15
With the gear lever in the 'up' position, a gear red light means 'landing gear not in agreement with gear lever position'. So put the gear lever back down again yes, but recycling ? I don't think so. There is obviously something wrong, and troubleshooting with people on board when it's not essential is not a good idea. Presumably when lever placed down, green re-appeared? That's all you need-leave alone and land back. If not, something is very wrong and I don't think repeated recycling is to be recommended.

Golden Rivet
17th Jun 2003, 17:29
'Charter style' - what are you trying to imply ?

17th Jun 2003, 22:16
GOLDEN RIVET- not implying anything more than that the failure went un-noticed on the walkaround, being that the broken actuator is not easily visible, and within the time frame allowed for quick turnaround inspections, just trying to pass on the following advice: NEVER EVER LET TIME PRESSURE YOU. ( albeit, in the charter world this does cause conflict what with slot times, etc etc.)
The sequence of events went as follows: Approach-Landing,no unusual problems except the thunk. I thought bird strike but during the walkaround no feathers etc. Take Off normal until raising the gear, waiting until After Take Off checklist to place gear handle to Off, then problem solving as the red light, AND THEN RIGHT MAIN GREEN LIGHT remained on...
QRH provides NO reference except mentioning, in effect, that the light means there is a disagreement between Ldg Gear Handle and Gear position.
What are you implying, Sir ?

18th Jun 2003, 01:26
My advise is to raise a Manditory Occurance Report (or your country's equivalent) ASAP, for exactly the reason you state. That way the proper authorities can have a look at the failure and propogate info to the rest of the industry to check their a/c actuator attachment points as soon as poss.

26th Jun 2003, 21:35
This is a big problem with only pilots performing walk arounds. We once had a pilot tell an an engineer that he heard a loud "snapping" sound associated with the gear, but said he didnt worry, and wanted to depart. The engineer straight away said that he wasnt going anywhere, and they towed it down the hangar. Much to the disgust of the pilot and the company I think. Anyway, after investigation, the walking beam was found to be cracked. It is obvious what the consequences would be if the engineer just said ok, and left it at that.

There is nothing more annoying than pilots, and I dont mean all before you jump down my throat, but there are many out there who beliieve that they know what to look for and know what they are doing. That is why you have engineers. Tell them if there are strange noises, and we must put safety first, while still taking into account time restraints, but safety first!!

The pilots in our old company used to get told to "ask an engineer" if they were in any doubt.