View Full Version : Do turboprops make contrails?

13th May 2001, 16:24
Just wondering if turboprops are capable of creating a contrail as their exhaust gases are cooler than a jet's.

13th May 2001, 16:55
Piston Aircraft, whose exhaust are cooler still can make contrails.

Look at WWII footage of the bomber streams or the battle of britain and you will see the contrails.

So, yes, turboprops can make a contrail.


13th May 2001, 23:11
merci buckets! :)

14th May 2001, 00:23
Yes, indeed they do. We could observe this already many times when overtaking those Saab 2000/ King Air things, but, Psshhhuuuut, don't tell'em....

Cos'they might be proud :) :)

... cut my wings and I'll die ...

14th May 2001, 01:59
Some of the most notable contrails were made by the Consolidated-Vultee (Convair to you younger guys) B-36's years ago in the 1950's. The Russians were absolutely s..t scared of this aircraft due to its high altitude capabilities.

Dan Winterland
16th May 2001, 01:45
Yes, but in our lattitudes they rarely get high enough to make them. At the poles, you would see them more I should think. When we used to go chasing Soviet Bears during the cold war, we used to see their contrails from miles away.