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View Full Version : first flight of day preflight briefing

stator vane
20th May 2003, 23:20
any one out there that would be willing to share an example of your UK flavoured first flight of the day briefing would be greatly appreciated.

i am scheduled for a sim ride with the UK CAA for the ATPL with a B737 rating soon and during a prep sim, the oral briefing was so much more than i am accustomed to.

and since the UK CAA will have the important ink pen, i would like to hear from someone who has that point of view if possible.

it struck me as a bit over-the-top to mention every step of the way, but i will learn to play the game however needed.

so please, any examples would be received graciously.

funnily enough, in spite of the fact that it seems to be so important, i cannot find it in printed form even in various airlines handbooks. they list some items, but the prep sim instructor went into each step of the way, such as, close the thrust levers, disconnect the auto throttles, apply brakes, ......

so i am not accustomed to this and am honestly asking what other airlines might do in such cases.

thanks in advance

fatboy slim
21st May 2003, 01:36
Check your PMs Stator

21st May 2003, 19:53
Just remember it is a BRIEFING with an emphasis in the brief and not a complete cockpit check as many end up doing.....good luck.

Have a nice day

stator vane
21st May 2003, 22:40
yes, i personally like it very brief, but i need to play the game so that the CAA will pass me and if they like a four hour brief for the check ride ATPL B737, i will give it to them!

sad to say, but checkrides have lost touch with the real world of aviation in many ways. they appear to have become more power displays than anything else.

and he/she with the ink pen wins!