View Full Version : QFE and QNH

18th May 2003, 04:00
I have a student who has difficulty distinguishing QFE from QNH. Sometime (along time ago) I remember reading a couple of superb acronyms that helped a lot in this respect.

Can anyone help?

Flying Boat
18th May 2003, 04:38
I'm not an instructor but I used to remember QFE as 'F for field', and, QNH as 'N for Nautical'.

Easy way to remember which is which, so I thought.

Good luck with the student's mental block. It'll go soon.


PS I am a diving instructor for fun & met a few mental blocks, usually along the lines of mask clearing.

18th May 2003, 14:25
QFE = Field Elevation, QNH = Nautical Height.
That's not what they mean but it helps remember them. The second one's a bit iffy since heights above sea level are usually called altitudes but it's a good start.

18th May 2003, 15:46
E with TowEr

H with ApproacH

USAFE reckoned that QFE was for 'Queer F*cking English" in pre-PC days...

18th May 2003, 19:32
I started this when living in the North of England (well - North West, actually)...

QFE is the pressure "for 'ere"
QNH is the pressure for "not here".

aardvark keeper
18th May 2003, 20:35
QNH - near hills !

18th May 2003, 21:19
Why not just use QNH?

19th May 2003, 04:28

Tell your student

QFE : Height above the ground

QNH : Altitude above mean sea level

if still cant remember throw him from the air to work out the height which is QFE

:} :}

19th May 2003, 15:34
Thanks for those they're all useful. :)

It was the Field Elevation and Nautical Height one that I had seen before (but forgotten). However I really like the "For 'ere" and "Not Here" :D

Tinny, it's bad enough trying to get the studes to fly a circuit at 1000ft agl let alone get them to think about the airfiled elevation as well...... now where did I put my spare mental capacity? ;) :ok:

Cheers all

20th May 2003, 03:47
Can't say I've ever noticed a difference. I've taught at aerodromes from S.L. to 3,500'.