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9th May 2003, 23:18
I recently revalidated my PPL by the experience route i.e. 12 hours or which at least 6 were P1, in addition to a one hour flight with an examiner (IMC flight test).

I then got the examiner to sign it before the expiry date in the licence - all well and good me thinks.

I then discover that there is a form which should have been filled in, signed by me and the examiner and sent off the the CAA - no mention of this by the examiner who signed off the revalidation.

I now have said form and wonder if this is just a paperwork exercise, or whether there is more to it than just filling the form in now, getting the examiner to sign and sending it off to the CAA.

Apologies if this seems like a stupid question but I just want to confirm that the revalidation is valid by the signature in my licence?


10th May 2003, 00:16
If you loose your licence, then any replacement will not include the rating because nobody knows you have one!

I don't suppose the examiner forgot to charge ?

You could complete the form, ask him to sign it or just send it to Gatwick.

Circuit Basher
10th May 2003, 01:23
TZ - very possibly wrong on this, but as your renewal was part of a flight test leading to the issue of a rating, this is the way that Belgrano would know that it had been re-validated, thus a separate form is not required for certificate of experience.

My understanding without having checked the Oracle!!

10th May 2003, 02:56
I despair of Examiners who are so slack with their paperwork!

The Examiner is required in your case to:

Complete the 'Ratings - Certificate of Revalidation' page in your licence for both your SEP Class Rating and IMC revalidations.

Complete Section 4 (Examiner's Certificate) of SRG\1119, which is the form you then send off to the CAA.

You completed your requirements in good faith and had your licence signed up before the expiry of your ratings. So you're fine - all you need to do is to download a SRG\1119 from the CAA website, fill out your details correctly, get the Examiner to complete section 4 and you then send it off to the CAA. The Examiner is also required to keep records, so proving your dates shouldn't be a problem.

Oh - and tell him he's an idle git who needs to stop messing his customers around with slack admin! (I say 'he' not because I don't think that there are lady Examiners, but because all the lady Examiners I've met are meticulous with their paperwork. So it must be a 'he'!);)

10th May 2003, 06:01
Thanks for all the replies - confirms what I thought having read the bit on an earlier post by Circuit Basher.

Will be visiting the flying school tomorrow with copy of said form and getting it all sorted.



11th May 2003, 21:20
CB wrong unfortunately.

If the flight test was for the issue of the rating you would have to send the rating application and a fee to Gatwick.

In this case it was NOT for the issue of a rating, it is the REVALIDATION of an existing rating as clearly stated by TZ:

"I recently revalidated my PPL by the experience "

That requires the same form to go to Gatwick but NO FEE!

13th May 2003, 05:05
How many people in reality send this form off to the CAA?? As long as an examiner has signed your licence you are lawful to fly what ever is stamped on your licence. Am I correct??

Fuji Abound
13th May 2003, 05:37
Stranger and stranger - I had this debate on PPrune some while back - much the same conclusion was reached so I asked FCL Gatwick - they were adamant - they did NOT want the form! Have they changed their stance, or are we sending them something they really dont want?

13th May 2003, 06:00
they did NOT want the form!
:hmm: I can believe they said that, but I bet they would not have supplied their names if you'd asked! ;)

The CAA recently (well, sort of recently) introduced a brand new form and bothered to put all the right boxes and sections in it so they could be told all about revalidations by experience properly and in full... including date of instructor flight or superceding test, current expiry, future expiry, etc.

13th May 2003, 07:06
...and I think I said in Fuji's earlier thread - a colleague of mine was told by the CAA that he was no longer rated on multi engine piston because they did not have the form for revalidation - I had faxed it to them - it wandered off somewhere - so I took the original by hand.

...and it's all on this form (http://www.caa.co.uk/docs/33/FORSRG1119Iss6.pdf) for either single engine or multi engine - revalidation or renewal - same form for all!!