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View Full Version : So there I was, cleaning my teeth

Juliet Papa
8th May 2003, 00:56
When I get a call from my flying school.

'Jase, you know you've got your skills test tomorrow...?'


'Well how about doing it today, cos the weather is threatening to turn bad'


There then followed a flurry of calls to rearrange meetings (all of whom were please to be re-arranged - Good Sign No.1) and a dash into work to get done what really couldn't be avoided (which went smoothly - Good Sign No.2) followed by a trip to EGKA with a pitstop for a sarnie, which was eventually eaten by my instructor (more about him later) as my appetite had mysteriously vanished. After the requisite scanning of weather, plogging the route, and consulting the AIS website for the NOTAMS (which worked quickly and efficiently - Good Sign No. 3) we took off for Ashford via Hailsham, got there on time, turned for Panshangar, did a great diversion to Deanland with some instrument-y bits thrown in, and then proceeded to stall/turn/PFL/turn even quicker etc... till we were back in the circuit overhead Shoreham. Boy, did it seem busy... anyway, a couple of passable T&G's later, and a reasonable precision landing, and I have the stamp in the book. The man from Ace - he say yes!!

I'm officially a Happy Bunny.

So thanks to all those at Ace Aviation who made it possible, in particular my excellent instructor Spence. And my ever patient partner Di who can now enjoy the fruits of my labours. Just don't tell her it doesn't get any cheaper!

Now the learning really starts....

Hope to see some of you at fly-ins in the not too distant, when the nice peeps at the CAA give me a photocopy in a charming brown wallet.

Fly safe!


:D ;) :D ;) :D ;) :E ;) :D

etc. ad nauseam...

8th May 2003, 00:57
Very very very well done!


8th May 2003, 02:01
Congratulations on passing it feels really good dosent it.

8th May 2003, 02:28
Well done JP

All the best for the rest of your flying, dont stay local, get out and fly the world!!!

8th May 2003, 05:58
Well done JP, nice to have the waiting cut down a bit as well!