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last officer
7th May 2003, 17:51
hi there,
has anybody a recomendation for a book describing the "new" jar ops regulations?
(maybe incl. jar-fcl)

9th May 2003, 17:20
Your question doesn't explain what you mean by 'new' with respect to JARs. JAR 145, JAR-OPS 1 and 3, and JAR-FCL 1, 2 and 3 - for example - have been with us for some years, so don't really qualify as 'new', unless you refer to recent amendments, perhaps?

Then again, are you seeking information as to how existing JARs are being transposed for use through EASA, where progress is varied and much work has still to be done?

Maybe you could get some answers by visiting the JAA website: www.jaa.nl, then looking at /jars followed by /section 1.

I hope this helps.