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7th May 2003, 04:58
This past weekend, I picked up a secondhand copy of Clive Du Cros' 1993 book, Birth of a Spitfire: a Remarkable Story of One Man's Determination to Build and Fly His Very Own Spitfire. I haven't yet had a chance to more than glance at it, but it looks like a pretty good read, along the lines of John Isaacs' Aeroplane Affair: An Aeronautical Autobiography.

You can see some (not very good) photos of the Du Clos Spitfire here (http://www.specialpatrolgroup.co.uk/aircraft/spitfire.html), and this recent article (http://www.supermarineaircraft.com/MediaAwards/Actual/todayspilot.htm) may also be of interest.


I have control
7th May 2003, 08:35
Yeah it's a pretty good read... he put A LOT of money & effort into that project! Shame what happened to it.

8th May 2003, 00:33
What did happen to it? An accident, I presume? :(

Fly Stimulator
8th May 2003, 02:03
Generally speaking I have no interest in trying to build a kit aeroplane, but the Supermarine (http://www.supermarineaircraft.com/) Spitfire replica mentioned in that article is the one exception I'd make if I ever found the time and the space required to attempt such a project.

I have control
8th May 2003, 07:11
I think it had two forced landings in a total flying life of under 25 hours. I saw a video of the second mishap. I have heard two rumours/stories of what happened - one that the engine lost power, the other that the pilot tried to go around with the prop in coarse pitch. Either way it ended up in a field and never flew again. The last I heard it was on the Isle of Wight.

I never saw it fly but on the video the high-revving, high-pitched engine noise spoiled the effect a bit.

8th May 2003, 08:55
the pilot tried to go around with the prop in coarse pitch Of course I don't know whether either story is true, but this classic boob was commited by many real Spit pilots (including Douglas Bader; see here (http://www.elknet.pl/acestory/bader/bader.htm)), so if there had to be an accident, I'd like to believe that this is what happened. Not as likely to result in serious personal injury, too.

the high-revving, high-pitched engine noise spoiled the effect a bit Yes, it would be difficult to replicate the wonderful Merlin sound (http://www.spitcrazy.com/spitsound.htm).

Many thanks for the information.

Fly Stimulator, I couldn't agree more!:D