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2nd May 2003, 00:40
What is this I hear?

A major UK tour operator is reported:

1. As running into increasing liquidity problems

2. To have issued a profits warning

3. As refusing to make a 2003 trading forecast

4. This has led to shares dropping by 16%

5. To be the slowest holiday giant out of the starting blocks this year

6. To be 30% down on last years sales

7. As having net debts of €4bn

8. With off-balance sheet liabilities of a further €6bn

9. Has a €2bn loan due for repayment NOW and also has

10. A €550m convertible bond, up for refinancing next year


I'll give you a clue, shall I?

It's one word, two syllables; seven letters

have you guessed yet?

That's right; we all know that this report can be describing only one company!

Don't we?

Of course, the name is

THOMSONS!!!!!!!! Who else could I have been referring to?

Makes the situation for MT look positively rosy

I do hope the CAA & the Dept. of Transport are happy with the situation, especially with the imminent renewal of their ATOL licence.

It’s about time our mates in the business media started doing their jobs properly and tell the truth for a change. All this startling news certainly puts things with MT into a different perspective.

Sleep well, folks, I think this could be a very real turning point for MT

"'tis better to MyTravel in hope than arrive at the grim truth with Thomson"

If you want to check on how your company is doing go to www.companieshouse.co.uk and follow the instructions. You will need your company number and be prepared to pay about £5.00 for your companies results. You will be able to compare 2001 against 2002. You will see how your company is doing and the remuneration the Directors pay themselves. Very enlightening.

2nd May 2003, 01:13
How enlightening to see MYT staff on the ball with such a morale boosting diatribe - first effort as well ( unless, off course, there has been a convenient change of user name )

2nd May 2003, 01:20
It's one word, two syllables; seven letters
"THOMSONS" has eight letters.:rolleyes:

2nd May 2003, 01:20
Thats strange, share price dropped that much? I thought Thomson is owned by TUI AG.

Try this link http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/q?d=c&c=mt.l&k=c1&t=3m&s=tuig.f&a=v&p=s&l=on&z=m&q=l

Golden Rivet
2nd May 2003, 01:27
Does gloating over the misfortune of others make you sleep better at night?

2nd May 2003, 02:11
All this startling news certainly puts things with MT into a different perspective


Will this "news" placate the MT investors and creditors? Grow up!

2nd May 2003, 02:40
I agree that perhaps this has not been raised in the most mature way, but it does highlight the fact that ALL tour operators are having a tough time at the moment. The media focus (for understandable reasons after last years monsterous mismanagement) is on MT, but Joe public seems to be blissfully unaware that certain other companies are in, perhaps, just as much trouble and yet there is nothing mentioned in the press.

MT have all the bad news out, have taken tough decisions and will hopefully turn things around. Constant attack by certain elements of the press are not making it any easier.

I certainly do not gloat at the misfortune of anyone - I know how it feels to have the axe hanging over you - not pleasant.

Today is the start of summer season. I wish a prosperous one to all concerned and hope that war, SARS, economy, earthquakes, terrorism etc etc do not take their toll.

Happy summer and safe flying to you all.

A4 :D

Just noticed, this has been moved from the main Rumours forum. Can anyone explain why, please ? The main "Future of MYT/Kestrel" thread has been "front page" for weeks now.......... just seems a bit curious.


Util BUS
2nd May 2003, 05:08
Well it really does sound like someone got up on the wrong side of bed this morning!

Just to correct a few minor errors....

The company you are in fact referring to is not Thomson's,...

...but TUI ....

... Thomson's parent company.

1. There is definitely a lot of overcapacity in the market, not helped by certain competitors dumping capacity onto the market at non-existent or extremely low margins. Hence the drop relative to last years bookings. At least TUI are selling holidays at a profit.

2. All tour groups are having hard times but one profit warning is better than three.

3. It would have been irresponsible to make any valid forecast before the effect of a war in Iraq would have on business.

4. Unlike some of its competitors TUI still has a lot of assets to sell off if necessary.

5. TUI is on very good terms with its biggest lender/shareholder WestLB.

I think the news from TUI next wednesday will be better than people think.

The future is bright, the future is two shades of blue with a red squiggle.

surely not
2nd May 2003, 05:32
I find it sad that NACUD doesn't realise that bad news for one Tour Operator is going to put investors off, but bad news for 2 Tour Operators might make some investors want to pull out of the industry altogether.
I hope that all Tour Operators manage to turn their businesses around as only that will help to secure jobs in the airline industry.

2nd May 2003, 07:05
So let me get this right, some of you had few problems with the thread regarding MYT and some of the total C*** that was posted there. However, suddenly some of you want to take the moral high ground! No one wants to hear of any company in trouble but let’s get a little perspective shall we ladies and gentlemen. MYT have been hounded both here and in the press for owing a lot less money than TUI appear to owe!

Seems to me if these figures are correct then TUI has more debt than equity, which puts it in no better and perhaps an even worse position than MYT. Making the distinction between Thompson and TUI is rather pointless as TUI is a vertically integrated company, just like MYT. Many parts of the MYT group made a profit last year and have been put under threat just the same.

I really hope both TUI and MYT publish some good figures this month and we all have a good summer!

Out of interest this report makes interesting reading!


Mon 27 Jan 2003

The Business raises TUI refinancing concerns

The Business reports that TUI AG is running into ‘increasing liquidity problems’ which could force it to ask majority shareholder WestLB for emergency funds.
The news comes after TUI AG’s 2002 update last week. A profits warning and its refusal to make a 2003 forecast led to shares dropping by 16% in Germany over the week.
Thomsons is also rumoured to have suffered the slowest start of the UK major tour operators, with The Business reporting that Thomson is currently 30% down on last year.
The paper reports that TUI AG’s net debt is €4bn, with off-balance sheet liabilities of €6bn. Market cap currently stands at €2.3bn. A €2bn loan, due this April, will be repayed from non-core disposals, but a €550m convertible bond which will need refinancing next year is causing most concern.
The bond is set to convert into TUI shares at €64.48 – the shares are currently trading at €12.88.
The Business mentions that ‘a similar convertible bond was one of the factors that worsened the troubles of MyTravel’
. WestLB, which owns 32% of TUI AG, declined to comment, while TUI AG is refusing to comment in the run-up to its May FYs.


Can I also ask why this thread was moved? And why there appears to have been an attempt to censor comments about TUI but not MYT on this site? At least not when it mattered!

2nd May 2003, 16:25
Well somebody is happy - MYT shares up 20% this morning!

2nd May 2003, 17:11
News on summer bookings better than some had hoped!

Captain Max
2nd May 2003, 19:43
All very odd this!

A recent thread and a leading article in 'Flight' was focusing on a major order from TUI being for Airbus or Boeing. All seems out of step with the financial position.

2nd May 2003, 19:49
Actually, the MYT shares are up because the MYT thread was moved to this forum. :rolleyes:

Care to elaborate on what 'censorship' has taken place Kinsman? I can still find and read both this and the MYT thread. Does your dictionary have some other definition?

I am fed up with the accusations from a few naive MYT pilots who are under the impression that because people on PPRuNe discuss the content of some 'bad news' report about their company in the financial section of a newspaper that somehow I am trying to undermine MYT and bring them down. Such paranoid delusions and belief in the power of PPRuNe are worthy of serious psychological examination.

This thread is NOT about a major UK tour operator. It is about a German tour operator. The fact that the thread starter was under the impression that a bit of schadenfreude would somehow balance things out and cause the press to pay less attention to MYT and more on TUI shows astounding naivety.

Trying to blame PPRuNE for somehow directing the media and highlighting MYT's problems is pathetic. The attitude of some posters is indicative of 'head in the sand' syndrome. By assuming that if the thread was closed everything would be OK and the press would ignore MYT's financial problems they are ignoring the fact that the people who make the real decisions are the banks and the major investors (the ones who make a difference) and they base their decisions on announcements from the companies and the banks. Oh yes.. and PPRuNe :rolleyes:

I hope MYT pulls through this difficult period and that all my friends who work for them have a better future. The debate about MYT and TUI and all the other companies will go on. I just hope that the debate can remain about the issues and not about the paranoid delusions of a few posters.

2nd May 2003, 23:00

I do not believe you should state publicly that you are fed up with MYT pilots. In your position and with this toy set of yours, which you now run as a business, you should keep your position and views private.

Your reply clearly indicates your bias and thus the methods being used to attempt to bury this thread. Firstly, it was moved very quickly from News and Rumours to this secondary / minor forum and the link, which appeared at first to link this thread to the latest threads on the PPRuNe home page was discontinued. You have also allowed the original thread by Niteflite01 to continue unabated on Rumour and News and have only just moved it to page 2 of Airlines, Airports and Routes. Furthermore, the title was only changed when it became apparent that MYT was still flying. The beginning of that thread by Niteflite01 (The End of MYT) was an absolute disgrace and the resulting discussions were clearly about an airline. Why was the thread not moved immediately? I have no qualms about posts and discussions on PPRuNe about MYT or MT or any other company.

I accept my first post on PPRuNe did not use the most diplomatic language, it was not intended too. I and many of my colleagues do not have any “paranoid delusions” about the power of PPRuNe, but I note you also accept that the media use the forums. No one, least of all I or Kinsman is blaming PPRuNe for anything. All we are asking for is fair play, unbiased umpiring and a neutral stance to be made by you and the moderators.

My post has obviously hit a raw nerve. Thomson Holidays results can be found and downloaded from www.companieshouse.co.uk as can the results of any UK company, either UK owned or by an overseas company. Please do not try to pretend they are not British companies. In the fullness of time we may all be European.

I knew when posting it, it would upset a lot of people. I also knew that I would take a lot of flak. We in MYT have taken a huge amount of grossly unfair stick from all sections of the media and on PPRuNe. Your response only confirms my view that some of the PPRuNe administrators, along with certain sections of the media, competitor companies and other individuals, including pilots, would like MT to fail. I decided it was time to fight back.

Perhaps a responsible journalist or the Sunday Times Insight team would care to do an unbiased, in depth investigation into the financial situation of the whole of UK airline and tour inclusive industry. I am sure that the ensuing article would be enlightening and I repeat that all I am asking for is fair and balanced treatment. I do not expect any section of the media is going to ignore MT’s past, current and future situation.

I fully accept that MT has gone through and is going through an extremely difficult period in its history and has some major hurdles still to over come to ensure survival. We are not out of the woods yet, but trees are being cut down.

As I have asked you privately, I now ask you publicly to move this thread back to its rightful place on Rumour and News.

surely not
2nd May 2003, 23:48
Hey chill NACUD, the steam is fogging your glasses!
Danny didn't state publicly that he was

'fed up with MYT pilots'

he said he was

' fed up with ACCUSATIONS from a FEW naive MYT pilots'

I don't work for either company, and I sure as heck don't believe everything written on the forums because so much of it is way wide of what I know to be reality, and as we are warned when we enter the site the views expressed by contributors might be might be very biased for all manner of reasons.

Fact is everyone has known the MYT group has had troubles for quite a while, NOW it appears that a group previously considered sound also has problems. I am quite sure that the press boys and girls will pick up on this and make it news. The trouble is MYT will almost certainly get a mention as well in any article simply because they were in trouble first.

Unfair? Sure it is, but that's life and yelling at Danny and others wont change it, nor will seeing demons in every posting or move of posting.

The best news for everyone is that the industry starts to recover and ALL airlines become stable employers again.

My own view is that this is unlikely and that the industry will undergo yet more change before it settles down.

U/S President
3rd May 2003, 01:04
Actually Danny, your behaviour fits very well with the definition of censorship. The Oxford English Dictionary specifies that it is the practice of suppressing certain material. And whilst shipping the Thomson thread straight off to a minor PPRuNe forum isn’t erasing it, it certainly is suppressing it. Especially when you let the MyTravel thread fester on the main PPRuNe forum for a month; and leave it titled ‘The End of MYT’ for a good period too.

Trying to blame PPRuNE for somehow directing the media and highlighting MYT's problems is pathetic
We’re not blaming PPRuNe for directing the media. We are blaming PPRuNe for telling whoever reads PPRuNe that MYT are going out of business. After that a-hole niteflite01’s original post, so many crew were ringing in to ask it they still had a job that we had to bring people in over the weekend to man phones and field their questions.

This thread is NOT about a major UK tour operator.
So because Thomson/Britannia are owned by Germans, it’s off limits for PPRuNe? Get real. MyTravel UK and TUI UK are both the UK arms of pan-national groups.

the people who make the real decisions are the banks and the major investors (the ones who make a difference)
The people who make the biggest difference are the potential customers. We’re not stupid enough to think that banking syndicates are influenced by inaccurate negative reporting, but the public definitely are. And if the public stop buying holidays from a tour operator then the end result is still as bad.

There’s no way MyTravel is going under. :D

3rd May 2003, 01:14
Guys................ Chill

As u can read from the title of this Forum its "Airlines Airports and Routes".

As we are all aware MYT is an Airline which im sure everyone wants to see grow and flourish like any carrier.

In fairness this forum will give you the chance to discuss the various discussion as Rumours and News is a very busy forum and it may slip to page 2 or 3 in 2 hours.

Nobody moves threads from pages to pages on a forum, when a certain amount of threads appear they may move to the next page in succession automatically.


U/S President
3rd May 2003, 03:09
Hogg: You’re totally missing our point here. We know that “Nobody moves threads from pages to pages on a forum” - we’re talking about moderators moving threads from one forum to another. Namely, MyTravel’s financial problems being allowed to sit in Rumours & News for a month, whilst TUI’s financial problems were quickly moved off to Airlines Airports and Routes.

A bit of even-handedness is all we ask.

3rd May 2003, 04:11
Hey Danny Boy, while you have your dictionary out look up "Nepotism" :rolleyes:

NACUD, thank you for your measured and factual reply. Perhaps more people should check your link and read the real truth for themselves. That includes you boys and girls from the press !!! www.companieshouse.co.uk

All I would like to add is that the mud slinging (from every quarter) failed to bring MT down. Indeed it has had the opposite effect, camaraderie and resolve in the face of adversity is higher than I have seen it in 10 years. I hope that when others suffer, as they will, that we are a little more magnanimous. What goes around comes around, and methinks there are a few more black holes shortly to be uncovered at an airline near you.

ps. Mr Moderator.........just to keep you in the loop, neither thread ever moved from page 1 on rumours & news !

carlos vandango
3rd May 2003, 06:21
alas I fear the moderation of these forums has certainly something to answer for here. If the MYT thread had to 'sweat it out' on the frontline forum then I see know reason why this one should be quietly sidelined. All a bit sad really.

FD Standby
3rd May 2003, 18:13
Here Here NUCAD & Scallywag

Never fairer words spoken!

Prince Of Darkness
3rd May 2003, 20:05

I'm sorry, but my feeling, along with many others, is that you, or another moderator, were wrong to move this thread to Airlines, Airports & Routes.

As has been pointed out, the State of play at MyTravel/Kestrel thread (only very recently moved to this forum, btw), was allowed to continue on the Rumours and News forum for over 34,000 'hits', despite the tone and content of some contributors being more blatantly scandalous than any other posting I've ever seen here!

Yes, it was lightly moderated when necessary. But, when NACUD first posted on this subject, this post was moved here in a matter of hours. Most unfair.

Now, Danny, like it or not, any aviation/travel/business-related journalist worth their salt, WILL look on this Bulletin Board for information. You used to warn about that very fact. To think that what is written here does not affect what the press investigates/publish, is nievety personified. To say that "...This thread is NOT about a major UK tour operator" just beggars belief! If, God forbid, TUI were to cease trading, then so would Thomsons and Britannia. Is that what it would take to make you see that this thread IS about a major UK Tour Operator? I do think that NACUD's post was a wee bit gloating, but nowhere near some of those on the State of play... thread, and nowhere near as sanctimonious as your reply here. Yes, it is your toy, but like it or not, what is written by the press, using material gleaned from any source, can even affect the company that you work for, as they have operated third-party work for most of the major operators.

What is written here, and how it is moderated, has a direct effect on how people, from all walks of life, perceive what is going on in our industry. Be they industry professionals, SLF, journalists, etc. It also affects the morale of those employed by those companies, and their families. Ask my wife, who, thanks to the previous management team of our company, coupled with some of the absolute garbage that has been printed here and in the press, is now on medication for a stress-related complaint!

You and your team profess that they have a duty to be even-handed.

It's time for you to practise what you preach.

3rd May 2003, 20:47
Pathetic. The threads move according to how many other threads have more recent replies to them.

As for which page they appear on, that is down to your own personal settings. You can change how many days worth of posts your see and how many per page. if you haven't figured that out yet (use the UserCP link at the top of nay PPRune page) and you are accusing me of somehow 'manipulating' a thread then you had better see the psychiatrist for your paranoia!

Because I decided to move this thread to this forum is not supression. It is editorial control. The original MYT thread was actually a merge of several similar threads that appeared over a few days. I left it in the R & N forum because it was a quiet news week and the thread was very popular. Eventually it got a bit too repetitive with the same few people hand wringing about the discussion but at the same time keeping the thread at the forefront.

I decided to move the thread to this forum as it was moving away from pilot issues and descending more into company issues. Next thing we see this thread posted by NACUD in the belief that it somehow would deflect attention from the financial troubles at MYT. I saw it as a blatant attempt to create news and also it was not relevant as far as I was concerned directly to pilots but more to company issues and so I also moved it to this forum.

Obviously NACUD was not happy about my editorial decision and his subsequent attempts to undermine my decision which involved him emailing my moderators and others only served to prove to me that he has a personal agenda and I would not be dictated to on my own bulletin board which has managed without his feeble input until now. He obviously wants to pick a fight and if he believes that he is going to coerce me into puttinghis posts where he wants them when there is no merit then he has another thing coming.

As for supression... get a life! :rolleyes: This thread has been read over 1100 times in the two days it has been up. If that's supression then keep pressing the point and I will show you what supression is.

Never have I see such naivety from a very small group of pilots who are so quick to throw their toys out of their pram that they fail to see that if they just shut up and let the 'uninformed, unwashed masses' have their say the whole thing would have been old news within 24 hours of it being reported. Instead, they just keep on harping on about other companies being in trouble too as though that is going to make their own bad news go away. :rolleyes:

Now this thread is also remaining at the top of the list because as long as someone posts a reply it jumps back up. No doubt I'll be accused of somehow manipulating this too. In fact, why don't I give NACUD his own forum where we can focus on his attemt to get the Sunday Times Insight team to do an in depth investigation as to why no one is writing about TUI's financial problems but picking on MYT instead.

In fact, I have just gone back and had a look at the original thread and until the forst post by Kinsman where he states "Sounds like one of our competitors has slipped the papers a story to add a bit more pressure to our situation." it was just discussion about a press report that was circulating several newspapers but after that it became a delusionally paranoid thread with a small group pleading for the thread to be closed so that it would all go away!

Anyway, it's in here now and no one can accuse me of supressing anything! :hmm:

3rd May 2003, 20:54


3rd May 2003, 21:26
Agree Danny - depressing reading

3rd May 2003, 21:28
This thread has been read over 1100 times in the two days it has been up. If that's supression then keep pressing the point and I will show you what supression is.

I think the reason this thread was viewed so much was that people knew a fight was brewing and wanted to see the outcome.. :ok:

I agree with Pinni that this has been a laugh to monitor, but it's time to let it go... Arguments will get you nowhere NACUD because Danny is the top dog here on the board, you need to put your points to him simply and diplomatically (theres so much use of people saying use a dictionary here i figure i might as well say it to... ;)) - then im sure he will answer them all to the fullest extent he can. If Danny has managed to keep this forum running since 1995 i doubt he will loose any sleep over you being upset but i dont think he will want to be #1 on your hit list either...

Theres my two pence -


3rd May 2003, 21:31
Without getting silly, I do think the comment that it was moved because it was an Airline issue not involving a British Airline is a bit rich.

Over the past few months, there have been several threads in R&N about the state of American, United, Swiss, Aer Lingus etc. These are not British Airlines and they were not moved...............

Paranoid is a strong term to use, but after 7 months of bad press, constant sniping by sections of the media and the emotional roller coaster that the MYT staff have been through, it does just make you wonder if they are out to "get you". The almost immediate moving of the thread when others have remained does appear, on the face of it, to be a little "coincidental". I' m NOT paranoid....honest... :)

I (would like to) think that we are all mature enough to realise that deflection will not make MYT's problems dissappear. As I've said numerous times before I hope all companies come through, what can only be described as probably the worst spell in the industry's history, fitter leaner and wiser. If we could all just be left alone to get on with it, it would be a lot easier!

Safe flying,

A4 :D

John Boeman
3rd May 2003, 21:44
Danny, I’ve been a lurker and occasional contributor since the earliest days of Pprune and I have to say that your post on this thread is the first time you have ever disappointed me.

The treatment we have had to deal with and the utter crap we have had to read on these forums in recent times, admittedly from just a sanctimonious and bitter few, has been pretty hard to take.
I must say that the support and good wishes of the majority helped a great deal.

But I do not recall another occasion where a company has faced such a sustained vicious campaign by a newspaper (no need to name which one is there?) and such a sustained “bad mouthing” within our business, by two companies in particular. With regard to those two companies, my colleagues and I never doubted that they needed us out of the way to shore up their own struggling operations. It does appear that we were not wrong. However that gives me no warm feelings whatsoever. I feel nothing but contempt for those that contribute unfounded “facts” to the debate in an attempt to undermine any of our companies.

I do not condone the tone of NACUD’s initial posting but it is understandable in light of the above. However I do not believe it contained anything that was not verifiable, did it?

The further post by NACUD and those of kinsman, U/S Pres and P of D, eloquently covered the reasons for my disappointment with you Danny. I know you have good friends at MYT but if you think that you’re handling of this has done them and the rest of us anything less than a disservice then I am sorry but you are kidding yourself.

I read this thread just after 1230 and it took me a while to get around to writing my post. I had a quick look at the refreshed page and after reading your latest posting Danny, - I give up. You are not the guy I thought you were.

And you think it’s hilarious do you pinni?....................Jeeeeeeez!

3rd May 2003, 21:55
The point I'm trying to make is that not everyone can have their favourite topic on the front page. At the end of the day editorial decisions are made based on many factors. I don't claim to get it right every time and it is becoming obvious that there is no convincing a few people that their accusations are misplaced and wrong.

This temporary forum was set up to prove a point. Yes, it is petty and after an hour or so I can step back and see that whilst it is amusing to some it doesn't do much else except to highlight the editorial issues and not the other more serious issues about MYT.

I will move these threads back to where I think they should be when I get a chance. Not everyone is going to be happy about my choice but you are going to have to live with it. Just don't accuse me of some hidden agenda to put pressure on MYT in order to expedite their possible demise.

Hopefully the latest news on the other thread will provide a morale boost to the crews. The discussion about how the banks operate and why they make the decisions they do is all valid although some of the speculation about why they are holding on will not be welcome by some it is only discussion.

Haven't got enough spare time to deal with all this at the moment so in light of the 'good news' thread that started today I'm going to close this one and the original MYT one that has upset some of you so much and see where it all leads.

Good luck for the future.