View Full Version : LHR Atis Today(Sat)

6th Apr 2003, 01:36
So whats the deal with the lhr atis? Maintain RT dicipline, it said....as if we wouldn't!!
Seriously though, it sounded nannyish, even if it is just a reminder to maintain standards. Anyone else hear it?

6th Apr 2003, 06:08
I didnt hear it, but a reminder to "Stand up, speak up, shut up" does no one any harm, in fact it should be a mandatory requirement IMHO.:*

6th Apr 2003, 18:26
The new stands at LL have made the job of GMC more tricky, hopefully not for too long, whilst both ATCO's and pilots get used to the new numbers. This is the reason behind the RT discipline message. Give it a few days and everything should be getting back to "normal"

6th Apr 2003, 22:12
The RTF discipline message will be broadcast every three months. It has been shown to actively reduce incidents.

7th Apr 2003, 02:24
Figured as much. Have to say I have never heard anything like this in any other part of the world, and it doesn't come across terribly well. What will the Atis be reminding us of next week, do you think?

7th Apr 2003, 18:50
The RTF discipline message will be broadcast every three months. It has been shown to actively reduce incidents

Could you please post the evidence which supports this theory.


7th Apr 2003, 19:49
See here for related topic.
