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View Full Version : Severe Turbulence Questions

15th Mar 2003, 19:02
Not too long ago I encountered what I consider SEVERE Turbulence...barely able to maintain wings level, 3 to 6000 fpm on the VSI along with Barber Pole speed on the ASI with power levers at flight idle, heavy heavy rain and lightning.
Dust,pencils and assorted bits of everything floating ? about the cockpit...screams from behind the cabin door, etc etc.
I had two nicely magenta colored cells left and right on the screen with over 50 miles between them...flying IMC...my assumption is that I flew smack into a newly forming CB of tremendous proportions which probably started painting as I entered into its magnificent development.
Can anyone share experiences with me ?

Thank You


15th Mar 2003, 20:43
Forgive me if I am teaching you to 'suck eggs' (even broken ones :O ), but were you having the odd 'shufti' down with the scanner to watch for the 'bob-the-builders'?

16th Mar 2003, 16:31
Well, sounds horrible! :eek: The previous suggestion would have helped also.......Its only happened to me once and I just held it straight and level as best as I could, but I made the speed come back to max rough air and told atc, unable to keep this altitude due turbulence. Pre-rvsm this was. They were fine about it.

17th Mar 2003, 10:23
Depending on the radar type and the antenna, it may have been attenuation of the return signal caused by the electron flow between the two other large storms. Been in one near death experiance from just that little trick. Up 4000, down 6000, up to the start point all in what felt like a lifetime, but was about 2 mins as I recall.

Allied Signal have, or had anyway a rather good A4 size gizmo with tilt angles, signal widths, and all the info you could need. You need to be up to 10 degrees down to see below the freezing level at 35000 inside 20 miles.

Mother Nature is in charge out there, mess with her at our peril.