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14th Mar 2003, 20:42
I recently noticed that the mil forum has a moderator.

I do not wish to re-visit previous forums arguing either way whether the mil forum of pprune needs a moderator, but now that we apparently have one, who is he.

should he be a pilot officer or an AVM ??? why Flt Lt??

I accept that the owners of PPRUNE may be under some legal pressure at times [particularly with issues on the Mil forum & down under godzone - worth a visit]

If we are being moderated [and believe you me, I'm not really concerend], I would like to know his creds...

are there any other threads here that discuss this point?

edited to spell correctly........sorry....

14th Mar 2003, 20:58
His action so far seems to have been limited to shutting down an innocuous thread about the French. But quite why a moderator has been imposed on us is beyond me. Mil forum has generally worked well without one IMHO, using visiting mods from other fora when absolutely needed.

14th Mar 2003, 21:37
Perhaps as the coalition forces prepare for possible war in the Middle East the MoD, which is of British blood I believe, have said to PPRUNE " trim up the banter and trade secrets chaps we are about to go to war....Pip Pip and all that good poop!!"


14th Mar 2003, 22:54
Good spot LJR,

Why has this happened, could some one explain?

14th Mar 2003, 23:23
I note that Flt Lt Pprune only registered with PPRuNe a couple of days ago, and already he's a moderator - rapid promotion indeed! ;)

15th Mar 2003, 02:33
A damned imposter! No-one with a surname like that could possibly be other than a Pilot Officer. Preposterous!!! Its a tradition dontcha know!! :hmm:

Through difficulties to the cinema

Ali Barber
15th Mar 2003, 03:42
I don't mind a moderator as we're pretty good at self-moderating so he shouldn't be too busy. But I just checked his profile and it doesn't say that he is military. Can Flt Lt Pprune confirm it.

Also...... who is going to write his annual report and who will sit on the promotion board? Any volunteers for 1st Reporting Officer? :cool:

15th Mar 2003, 03:57


Does not work this speedy way here. Someone scratched someone's back... just right. :)

Well... Flt Lt, make yourself known..

PPRuNe Towers
15th Mar 2003, 06:27
Present events mean that the Mil Forum has gained considerably greater interest than usual. In the light of this, simply keeping an eye on the forum has had to be reconsidered. Just as it is with each of you, our moderators' anonymity is also very important to us. The placing of that apostrophe is significant: Your moderator is actually more than one person to ensure a both a reasonable level of coverage for us and genuine, long term experience throughout all aspects of military aviation for you.

Your moderators are long time PPRuNers, either serving now or recently serving as military pilots. They are supporters of the traditional 'hands off' approach here but, having all seen active service during conflicts, understand that the site may, on occasion, have to act quickly rather than in reaction to your normal warning letters and notes to us at the Towers.

In every case your moderators have/had never succumbed to the giddy lure of Staff Colleges and advancement and utterly believe in the voice this forum gives to your experiences and views.

Further, this doesn't yet represent a permanent change to the way the forum is run and we will be asking for your thoughts and reactions at a time when you can consider the principles involved rather than short term concerns forefront at the moment.

Regards from the Towers
Rob Lloyd "

15th Mar 2003, 10:49
I guess the FLTLT rank does clear him of the "Bograt" stakes....but in some cases only just, after all some of the definitions of a bograt provided recently on this forum are reasonably accurate account of those JO days......God I miss them!
:sad: :{

15th Mar 2003, 12:35
Rob Lloyd.

So why was the French thread removed rather than merged or whatever? Perhaps this thread should remain as one in which these anonymous mods can justify their actions?

PPRuNe Towers
15th Mar 2003, 15:23
International site, international readership. Far larger thread running in JB. Keeping this forum at least appearing to be wecoming to military aviators from other nations - usual boring stuff.

Mods having to justify their actions in this case would infer they would prefer to go along with a parochial UK-centric attitude. It would also suggest they are only products of UK military aviation - in both respects this is not the case.


John Purdey
15th Mar 2003, 16:12
Even aces (as we all are) need someone to keep the emotions at an acceptable level! :O

15th Mar 2003, 22:58
Well I just hope that the "mods" contain more than just the obligatory Crabs. Military Avn takes the form of all 3 services, each with their own take, traditions, personality types, experiences, and viewpoints. I would hate to see this forum become even more RAF-centric so as to further marginalise those of us from the other services by biased moderating. While there are a few RAF types who frequent this board whose opinions I respect as balanced, there are those who no matter how senior they may be in their own service and no matter how much they are respected within their own communities annunciate views and opinions which do nothing to promote inter-service understanding and who demonstrate a profound ignorance of army and naval doctrine. I know of one PPRuNe user who is also a moderator of ARSSE being banned by one moderator here because they disagreed with his very informed point of view and because he systematically dismantled that PPRuNe moderator's argument in a thread on Iraq (in JB). I suspect that there is every danger that threads and posts which offer counter-argument to an RAF dominated agenda will be edited, culled, or blocked simply for disagreeing. This forum is entitled Mil Pilots, not RAF Aircrew, and I belive that steps should be taken to ensure that it is not dominated by one service culture over another. The choice of the name "Flt Lt PPruNe" suggests to me that this is not the case.

I would suggest that if you want to preserve the integrity of this site that the user names we otherwise know these moderators by be published so we know who and what we are dealing with. If you fail to do that then I fear that those of us left here from the army will finally defect to other forums and Mil Pilots will become a closed shop of a few RAF and the opportunity for tri-service understanding will be lost for a long time to come.

Flt Lt Pprune
15th Mar 2003, 23:12
The moderating of this forum is not about controlling or directing whatever debate is going on. It is purely about policing the conduct of those debates, and to ensure, particularly in our current circumstances, that those debates don't compromise the forces that may soon be engaged in combat.

The participants in this forum are not just of all three UK services, but of a number of military arms of many nations around the world. The collective persona known as Flt Lt Pprune encapsulates individuals of more than one nation and service. The name was chosen simply because it had both military and parochial relevance.

We have the utmost respect for those professionals who operate aircraft in green or any shade of blue (or grey, or whatever!), and will not seek to promote any one service, or country, over any other.

Flt Lt Pprune

16th Mar 2003, 06:59

Just a small point but a valid one. This forum is actually called Military Aircrew (not "Pilots") as you say.

Like you I am army. But I have never felt 'threatened' or intimidated by our flying counterparts. They do what they do and we do what we do. We even sometimes do it together! Now ain't that a thought. :eek:

There are times things get a little bit out of hand and I guess moderators on here is no bad thing. At least we should see how it goes.

16th Mar 2003, 12:12
Flt Lt PPRuNe, I have no argument with any of the points you raise. I think that it was a poor decision to firstly choose that name, and secondly to moderate behing a cover of anonymity. As it turns out I know 2 of you personally and am happy to discuss this over a beer or on the phone. My point though remains, either moderating should have been done for OpSec reasons unannounced, or you should have been listed by the names we know you by. Using "Flt Lt PPRuNe" as a collective name simply adds to the already held perception that this forum is dominated by a single-service culture that in the past has seen the AAC contingent leave because it feels less and less like a forum worth being part of, especially when it turns into a mud-slinging contest. Take a look at the "Bag of pooh" thread as a prime example. That turned from a comment about Gen Mike Jackson into something close to a character assassination on the man by a few RAF types, and when those of us who have been fortunate enough to serve under him defend him we get accused of an anti-RAF tirade. What message does "Flt Lt PPRuNe" send to the forum other than a semi-official sanction to opinion that has been voiced by some in the past that this forum should only be used by the RAF community and that brown and grey jobs are not welcome on their forum (ref "Are we all pilots?" thread). The decision to put moderators on this forum is not a contentious one, Rob and the other mods have always taken an interest in what goes on in here albeit discreetly, rather the process has been poorly considered.

Just a small point but a valid one. This forum is actually called Military Aircrew (not "Pilots") as you say.

Splitting hairs. The point is the forum is "Military" not "RAF".

I too have never felt "threatened", but I am arguing that the culture which has grown on this forum is not necessarily a good one because it is dominated by the prevalence of RAF, and in the minds of some we are seen as intruding on their their ground. The choice of moderator name may (and I use that word advisedly) add credence to the opinions held by some that this is an Air Force/RAF forum to the exclusion of other forms of military avn, and thus is poorly advised.

Now that I know who "Flt Lt PPRuNe" is, I am more comfortable with the handling of content, but still unhappy about the choice of name. Those of us who came in for a shower of abuse just over a year ago from a few individuals for not being RAF FJ a/c took matters into our own hands and started ARSSE where most of the AAC guys defected to. We have our own talking shop now, but I still believe that PPRuNe has much to offer the AAC/FAA, but I do not believe that the choice of name for forum moderator will do much to inspire some of the guys that left here to come back. This may be an uncomfortable position to reconcile, but I am quite content to stand alone in my opinion on this, irrespective of what others may think.

PPRuNe Towers
16th Mar 2003, 13:52
KBF, choice of the moderators' collective handle was made on the fly just to get coverage up and running. Cuddly, warm and inclusive sadly it isn't - couldn't get a focus group together in time.

But don't ever think those who've run this board from the outset don't truly appreciate your feelings. This site came about because Danny and I grew so totally frustated on an immense, wideranging and supposedly international site that was in actuality just incredibly parochial, unimaginative and inward looking.

Whether you and folks like Gash fight from within PPRuNe or outside of it we say stick to your guns, use your energy, brains and wit to prevail and never, ever stop shaking the tree.


16th Mar 2003, 15:38
OK Rob, I accept it was done on the fly, but why not just name the moderators? No-one on here would have an issue with them as individuals as their experience is well known and understood on here. All of the other forums name their moderators, why not this one?

My point of centention is not who they are, or the rationale behind having them (I always believed that one of the things which seperated this forum from the others was that we didn't need a moderator to sort out our squabbles, coming from the environment we do we can sort them out ourselves, but times and circumstances change and I see the logic of this decision in its time and place), rather it is the perception that may form in the minds of those who use it that it is becoming more and more a partisan forum for RAF aircrew to the exclusion of others.

When we started ARSSE and set up the boards by cap-badge the view was taken to name the relevant forum "Aviation" and not "AAC" because of the many aspects of army avn (a/crew incl AGs, BATS, GrndC et al) as the intended audience was different. Here the focus is less on what we do as an operational function within the OrBat and more to do with the art and craft of flying operational and training aircraft. The sad thing is that because of the mindset of a few this forum is fast loosing the benefit of multi-disciplinary input. We never intended to poach people from this site and that was part of the decision not to have an AAC but an Avn forum, though inevitably those who found their way into ARSSE have chosen not to return because of their perception of the RAF dominance of this forum and the posturing of a small minority of users of this site from (what we can only presume are) members of the RAF. There are a number of RAF guys who welcome a bit of banter and debate but there are some that take things too far and see this as their forum and theirs alone. Again, I ask how do you think the positioning of the moderator is potentially interpreted?

Rob, you use the word "fight", I don't think this is in the sense of the word as you use it. I merely contend that it would have been better to give the people you have assigned mods of this forum admin rights and kept quiet about it for the time being or to name the designated mods outright. If I am fighting for anything it is the preservation of this forum as a multi-disciplinary environment and the perception that it is not and a return to what it was about 3 years ago when I joined when there was more life and vibrancy to it, when now it is mainly a sounding board for RAF grievances of one form or another (and I am not for a second suggesting that they are not genuine issues, merely pointing out that it forms the majority of the content).

I am quite content to argue this point through, and expect that it will go no further than to be an argument of point and principle (i.e. I'll loose!), but I think that the point needs to be made as I still use this forum albeit not as much as I used to.

16th Mar 2003, 16:14
Not quite sure what all the fuss is about. Personally I think the generic Flt Lt PPRuNe is a reasonable collective nom-de-PPRuNE and the accumulated wisdom of some in ensuring that potentially sensitive information is quickly removed is entirely correct.

I don't think that 'banter' is being moderated, but someone posting something which might be of use to an enemy should indeed expect to have their post deleted..........

oh - and sky is blue, mud is brown! :)

Sick Squid
16th Mar 2003, 16:56
It is worth making the point again that what has always been perceived as an unmoderated forum has been in reality anything but; it's been the remit of the supermod/Admin cadre who have global moderating rights over the public areas of the site to take an occasional glance into this particular officers' (and ranks') mess and act quietly, also to act in response to the many "report this post to a moderator" alerts we recieve.

What we've done with Flt Lt Pprune is create a service-experienced group to front-up the moderating of the forum, with a brief to keep it as light as before. There will be no bias one way or the other, rest assured on that, but having a dedicated team allows the moderating decisions to be more accurate ones based on experience of the forces rather than having civvies like me try to second-guess and get it wrong, as I did just last week. I know which I would rather see in place were I an end user of this forum.

KBF1, the software does not allow us to assign "invisible" moderators to a forum and for forums with a high potential to bring the wrath of the Gods down upon our poor heads at the Towers (such as this, and Dunnunda) it is considered preferable to use a single ID. In this case the decision allows serving or reserve personnel to moderate without any threat to their status, as we see it here. I hear what you are saying about the perceived bias, indeed you and I have talked about this before and I think you've done an excellent job with your site. I would respond that any bias you feel here has not come from the moderating side, rather the contributing side. Therefore, perhaps it is a leap of intuition one step farther than necessary to perceive an increase in bias merely because of an airforce rank in the name chosen to moderate, and therefore hopefully pro-actively reduce any bias on the forum? As I see it, all we did was promote the old Pilot Officer up a rank... and the name chosen is quite appropriate based on the forum and its heritage.

Why not give the "new" status of the forum some time to bed in, and then feedback to us based on the experience in the field over the next month or so. We all are well into constructive criticism here, welcome feedback from the people without whom the damn board wouldn't exist, and no decisions are ever set in stone for those reasons. Unless Danny's in a particularly bad despotic mood that is... ;)


Sick Squid

Flatus Veteranus
16th Mar 2003, 18:26

...I believe steps should be taken to ensure that this forum is not dominated by one culture over another...

Well I suppose steps could be taken to ensure that the Rockapes did not dominate a military forum and that the RAF marine branch did not dominate a naval forum. The RAF is primarily an air service, which the army and navy are not. It is only natural that the RAF should dominate the Brit input to a miltary avaiators forum. :D

16th Mar 2003, 18:44
FV - sadly, like many other things we once held dear, there is no 'Marine Branch' any more........


Flt Lt Pprune
16th Mar 2003, 19:23

Please rest assured on a few points.

1. As one of the new Mil mod bods I am, and have always been, totally colour blind as far as the shade of blue/brown uniforms worn by military aircrew. I have worked with masses of different colours of uniform and nationalities all over the world and have the utmost professional respect for military aviators from all over and all shades.

2. Anyway, it doesn't actually matter, as what I am here for is to ensure that the web-site does not (due to lack of forethought or knowledge of the problems) end up in the deep poo. Also to ensure that nothing secret or sensitive (or perhaps insensitive) is posted that could cause problems for either the site or (arguably more importantly) the guys and gals involved in the current situation.

3. I don't care what I am collectively called (Lt/Capt/Flt Lt - in seniority order you will note) because of the fact that I am uniform colour blind. You may guess what colour I actually wear but you may well be wrong!!!!! You may wish to assume that all of us are light blue, and you may wish to know who the mods are. But you do not NEED to know and maybe we don't want to be known. Anonymity may be preferred for all sorts of reasons! This also does not matter because I am NOT here to resolve or take sides over inter-Service rivalry. And anyway, I know full well that you and others like you are able to solve such arguments yourselves. Amazing what the occasional "wind your neck in ya daft crab git" will do to an argument.

Have faith and trust mate! You should. ;)

16th Mar 2003, 20:12
Flight Lieutenant P Prune is thoughtless and misses a trick and has wound up at least one AAC contributor. On two counts Pilot Officer would have been an improvement.

16th Mar 2003, 20:32
All seems fair enough to me. But then I've been an advocate of a moderating team for this Forum for a long time.

Now more and ever we need to keep a restrainig hand on things.

Courage, mes amis.

PPRuNe Towers
16th Mar 2003, 22:13
Different boards, different experiences kbf. Also the traditional damned if we do and damned if we don't. The prefered light hand and moderation only in extremis doesn't tally with us stopping the winged FJ master race dominating and subsuming the forum. If moderation is needed we favour the group approach and we are using it here. Some background:

One of the great successes of the site in recent years has been on the Australian forum, home of fear, loathing and 95% of our legal problems. The Woomera moderator ID is also that of a collective. When Woomera steps in true expertise is implicitly acknowledged. Every possible aspect of aviation from legal/regulatory through airline to instruction is covered by genuine experts. We're not beating our chests about that by the way. The change has been so significant that for the first time ever a regulatory authority has formally requested a forum to be set up on an independent internet site to discuss future airspace, safety, law and regulatory issues.

So, no named moderators here. But why? Have a think about it - aren't you actually asking for more of what you dislike about the place? Oh him, good egg - would always have pint. All a bit clubby, squadronish isn't it?

Isn't that actually saying that while in no way do I want my ID to be known to people senior to me in the services I am only happy with moderators effectively known to me and who I can therefore accept as equals or peers??

It is a function of the software that moderators' names appear at the top otherwise they can't access the control functions. Therefore moderation can't be low key whilst ensuring prompt attention to a problem at a time when people may well be coming into harm's way. The time lag inherent to military PPRuNers oft quoted claims of self policing is, to us here in the Towers, smug and complacent. It seems closely allied to the 'he's OK, I know him' attitudes I discussed earlier.

Many of you visit other areas of the site. You soon develop a nose for who writes well, makes consistent sense and writes with some care. You can respect them even if their views and background differ hugely from yours. You have absolutely no idea who they are, where they live or what they do. Respect for someone's words and integrity do not require you to know them, know of them, have served with them, known their dad, gone to parties with them, served in the same unit or got pissed with them.

Despite all the unit, squadron, service, look after each other but only because we're military banter it's all actually bluff because regulars here accepted the argument in the paragraph above when they joined up on PPRuNe. Each made the judgement on our integrity; that it was worth sending your details to a pair of scally, scouse civilians.

When it comes down to it, Danny and I have the only easily accessible names and addresses attached to this site so you have to live with our solution for now. We bear the brunt of any problems and isolate/defend you from aggro, comeback and the attentions of ModPlod and m'learned friends. You accept our time, effort and integrity in bringing this forum for you safely - it has to be a two way street and we are finally insisting on something back.

To reiterate. No-one ever steps in here unless it is important. The vast majority of interventions on this forum have been by the direct written request of well respected military aviators contributing to the forum. We have clearly stated that the whole thing is up for discussion when life has calmed down in the Middle East and elsewhere.

The team we're assembling are extremely experienced aircrew and long time contributors to this forum who totally believe in its value. It is human nature to judge them. Readers will however judge them on their work, writing, judgement and integrity rather than brevet, badge, rank or reputation. You accept it on the rest of the site - it's time to accept it here.

Meanwhile I'm still working on getting a second army or navy/helo colleague on board - failing that how much for an ad on AArse?


Stop Press: 2nd AAC mod and long time PPRuNer sorted and coming on line. Present location now gives us full back of the clock coverage.

17th Mar 2003, 11:56
There are far too many points for me to answer each in turn, and in any case, I have made my point and hopefully provoked some thought and discretion being the better part of valour, I'll leave it there and allow the system to bed in.

18th Mar 2003, 20:02
kbf1 says "I'll ... allow the system to bed in."

There's magnaminity for you!!:*

Isn't it always easy to be acquiescent when you have no choice in the matter? :)

18th Mar 2003, 21:57
I'm nothing if not mgnanamoos..mnganamasoo..magna...oh fcuk it! What he said.

I reserve my right to whinge, just following in the best habits of the RAF.


Wg Cdr PPruNe
20th Mar 2003, 23:52
Flt Lt P

How on Earth did you acquire moderator status? I'll have to have a word with your boss when he gets back from his cruise in the Middle-East.

If you're going to preside over this place, be gentle with the sensitive chaps from the other services, they can't take the sort of banter that you're used to.

swinging monkey
21st Mar 2003, 07:24

My dear Chap, you really need to take time out, sit down and have a large glass of the famous Grouse!! Then you will see, that as the forum says we are all military aircrew!

I admit I am RAF, but I would have gladly pulled you out of the water, irrespective of what colour uniform you wear. Indeed, as has happened many times I would pull you out even irrespective of what nationality you are:O

Flt Lt PPrune, Admiral PPrune, Brigadier PPrune - who cares, and does it even matter?? I somehow think not old boy.

Anyway, like I said, nip down to Tesco's, buy a litre bottle of grouse, sit in a large chair, and take it easy:p After half and hour or so, you simply won't care, and you will appreciate that you have been just an incy, wincy bit silly:O

Love to all
The Swinging Monkey
'Caruthers, send lbf1 a spare bottle (if we have one)'

For the good officer PPrune - can you confirm that when the conflict is over, we can start to give the French a hard time again??

21st Mar 2003, 15:47
If I were in the pooh somewhere SM, I may even let you rescue me.

Silly? You may think so, of course if they were still here you could always ask the aac guys that left here never to return when it all got out of hand not so long ago.

The fact remains that there are some people who used this forum who steadfastly believed that it is the sole domain of FJ crews. My argument is, and was, that perception is everything and that a bit of thought about the name of the mod wouldn't have gone amiss. Up until a year or so ago this forum was quite lively and there was as much discussion as there was banter, but that stopped when a lot of people had enough of the slagging that was going on against users who weren't RAF. Frankly I miss that time and would like to see it return, but the perception is that this forum is still very partisan. If we can move away from that then some people may return in future.

I'll still take that Grouse if you are offering though.

swinging monkey
21st Mar 2003, 15:59

I'm glad you have cooled off a bit. I do take your point about FJ crews, they can be a pain in the old 'bum area' but, they are not worth having a coronary for my dear chap.

Alas, my days of leaping out of my Bright Yellow egg whisk are now at an end. Today I handed in my goon suit, and had to part with my dear trusty watch, which has been with me for years - sad, poo poo.

But, look on the bright side Monkey, more time to enjoy a Grouse, and meet new friends like kbf1!!

Take it easy kbf1, and best wishes to your mates out in the sun.
best wishes
The Swinging Monkey
'Caruthers, a large one please my good man'

Grob Driver
21st Mar 2003, 16:09
The monkey swings no more!

Oh well me old mate, I’m sure that after 30odd years, you’ve probably had enough anyway!

May I be the first to wish you a happy retirement!

All the best

Grob Driver.

Ps - If you ever get sick of being on the ground…. Give me a call!

21st Mar 2003, 19:34
There is a WGCDR PPrune now!! registered yesterday I note.

Copy the banter

By the way sir, can you tell me if we are to get desert kit soon.??


Wg Cdr PPruNe
22nd Mar 2003, 01:25
Desert kit? You mean a lightweight flying-suit and shades? I'll have a word with the stackers and see what they can do.

To all our absent friends, good luck, God speed and be careful with your aim.

Wg Cdr PPruNe
22nd Mar 2003, 09:15
Ah the good old 1369. Sadly now replaced, twice actually, first by the 7500, and now by the OJAR.

I'd be delighted to be Flt Lt P's 2nd RO, and what a top idea to have a brown-job in the chain somewhere. I'll see if I can find some bumbling Colonel to sign whatever I write in the 3rd RO's space.

Flt Lt Pprune
22nd Mar 2003, 11:11
Sorry chaps, but as in Jerry Rawlings' Ghana, Flt Lt is the absolute top of the dictatorial tree. Wg Cdrs are way down the food chain, and ever more will be so.


Pprune, Flt Lt, AAC, RAF, USAF, part-rtd.

swinging monkey
22nd Mar 2003, 11:34

May I relate a very brief story to you? .......
After the Falklands bun fight (where people like myself spend weeks living on Ascension Island) we had the usual 'post war' washup. One of the points I raised then was the need for 'lightweight' flying suits. The airships were left in no uncertain terms that operating in those temperatures, in our normal flying kit was pretty uncomfortable, and potentially hazardous.
About 10 years later, we all went off to war in Desert Storm. Again, in the post war washup, the lack of lightweight flying kit was highlighted to those at the top, and assurances were given that the problem was 'in hand':p
Not long after that, many of us were involved in the punch up in Bosnia. More requests for lightweight kit - no joy
The same went for Kosovo.
And guess what, we pleaded yet again after Afghanistan whilst operating in Oman.

Are you getting the thread of this yet mate??

I notice that many of the aircrew currently out in the gulf, are still having to wear their normal flying kit mad: :mad:

Wg Cdr Prune. Can you please shed some light on why the boys are still waiting for lightweight kit, after 20 years+ of the problem being highlighted to your colleagues??

Grob Driver. Thank you for most kind words on my impending retirement. I had just about had enough, however, I am already sick of being on the ground, and so I may just take you up on your offer, thanks.

Best wishes and God Speed to all our friends and comrades in the Gulf. Our thoughts are very much with you all at this time.

The Swinging Monkey RAF, CGB, BBC, AFC, TB, IRT, TNT & bar!
'Caruthers, do you think we should go into the 'lightweight flying suit' making business?'

Possum 15
22nd Mar 2003, 16:36
Hey Mike Jenvey, you nearly got it right!

P.O. Percy Prune (1922- ) is the last of a long line of Prunes. I believe that the ancestral home is "Ineyne Manor", Prune Parva, Sussex. His story was told by one Anthony Armstrong and, in fact, illustrated by "RAFF". For the complete genealogical tree of P.O. Prune see "Prune's Progress", author Anthony Armstrong and published by Herbert Jenkins Limited, of London (circa '42, and no ISBN number available!! ).

Prune himself is the fool, the poop, the boob, the mug, the butt, the clot, the affable dimwit of the RAF (with close cousins in other organisations, including a few that I have within been incarcerated). He contemplates, as one authority has said, "with a hurt and puzzled detachment the incomprehensible eccentricities of a world which is never quite within his grasp: a world in which under-carriages don't come down of their own accord, and he never quite understands why." He is willing, but wet. He is dutiful but dumb. They say he is one in a thousand, or even one in a million, but, alas, I would have to disagree with this as even the most casual perusal of pprune.org, and many of the current crash comics, would have me, at least, believe otherwise.

Hooroo, Possum15:D

P.S. Only a rumour, but I did hear that he has, since retirement from flying duty, been an active consultant to one of the better selling CRM package providors.

Wg Cdr PPruNe
22nd Mar 2003, 19:52

Interesting post about lightweight kit. We do have lightweight flying suits (green, not sandy), but as with a lot of things we get from supply, they take an age to get hold of.

A few years ago I was in flying-clothing one January, about to go off to Norway for a winter detachment, when I had a burst of inspiration and ordered two lightweight flying suits. They took three months to arrive, and by a stroke of fortune I was able to wear them that Summer in Kosovo.

Lt Gen Pprune OBE
24th Mar 2003, 16:17
Whats all this shouting?

is that my grandson as a Mod?

Jolly good show

24th Mar 2003, 20:52
Oh dear! Not another - how very tacky. How very peurile too. :yuk:

Green Flash
25th Mar 2003, 11:52
Oh dear. First Flt Lt, then a Wing Co, now a Lt Gen. All these Pprunes are going to have an effect on the old digestive system!:ooh: