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View Full Version : Help with ILS systems please!

empty pockets
6th Mar 2003, 16:11

I am an aero engineering student, and have an assignment whereby i have to compile a report on the maintenance of ILS systems and present my findings.

This is for a reliability and maintenance course module, so the emphasis is on this side of things rather than how it works. i have to include:

1] a history of the developments made to the system to increase reliability

2] some details of maintenance schedules / MTBF / failure rates etc.

3] example of how incorrect maintenance of the system contributed to a near miss incident or aircraft crash.

I have searched to web and so far havent found any relevant info. I would appreciate it if any of you guys could point me in the right direction.

Phil :)

6th Mar 2003, 19:53
Well, for starters, maintenance techs leaving the system in the test mode after finishing their duties....does NOT help.:eek:

6th Mar 2003, 22:22

We would prefer that you only post a new thread to one forum .. will leave it this time as it is relevant to both TechLog and here.



7th Mar 2003, 10:40
I've already replied in TL, so won't repeat it here.

Captain Stable
7th Mar 2003, 13:54
I agree with JT. Closing this thread. Provide any answers in Tech Log.