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sad sad sad
4th Mar 2003, 01:54
Now that the TV have shown BUFFs arriving at RAF Fairford (No I don't mean Hoons!), what future for RIAT.
Will it be Oakham revisited?

Divergent Phugoid!
4th Mar 2003, 06:06
Will be making a call to said RIAT offices this very morning, Hope to get a reply later today...

Oakham.... now theres a wonderful place.... Thoroughly enjoyed my stay at her majesty's expence...

Natives Very friendly too!!!

Cracking Chinese in the town square as well... would be nice to re visit...

Maybe they should shuffle it every other year and give the poor old residents of Fairford a rest from all the traffic congestion....

4th Mar 2003, 06:11
Will there be any aircraft available at all??!:confused:

Oh yes, plenty of French stuff.:D

I wonder if the security risk may be too high?

I hope not - but I guess it is too early to tell just yet. Fingers crossed.

4th Mar 2003, 19:30
I've been wondering this for a couple of months now. Firstly 'what airplanes'? Even if we're not flying them somewhere hot, it's not like '91, when the RAF was double the size it is now and we had a lot fewer other commitments, so we could afford to give people and equipment the time off after GW1 and still do RIAT. Mind you some unusual stuff from China might be good, and the Russians haven't been for years.

Secondly 'what base'? If Fairford is not a goer, you can bet it will be a brave Stn Cdr that agrees to let this particular bandwagon onto his Stn when the UK will not be top of certain people's Christmas card lists.

Thirdly, last year there was an enormous contingent of personnel for security - where are they going to come from this time? I can't see the security issues getting smaller.

Don't get me wrong - I've worked there and had enormous fun for over 7 years and have every intention of going back this year if it happens - remember the war is not inevitable, Uncle Tony said so. I'm just being pragmatic.

Divergent Phugoid - any answer?

Divergent Phugoid!
6th Mar 2003, 18:50
Folks, Sorry for the delay in getting back...

The show is on!! I believe the dates are 19/20 July. There is at present no intentions of moving the venue elsewhere.

All the relevant participants and exhibitors are being booked on the basis that the show will be based at Fairford. (I can hear the villagers cringing already!)

As for the security measures, can't be as chaotic as last year! (can it?)

Will be in contact with RIAT reception over the next few weeks, if there are any updates I will post them on here.

Cheers DP.


6th Mar 2003, 19:23
Lots of people might think that there are more important issues.

An airshow versus a real shooting war is not a difficult call.

6th Mar 2003, 20:55
If we have service people to spare for RIAT (and I doubt we will), they should be enjoying some well-earned time off in July, rather than manning this show.

6th Mar 2003, 21:49
"Manning this show"?????

or helping keep the RAFBF's largest single income continue?

Is having fun whilst doing it a crime?

swinging monkey
7th Mar 2003, 06:58

Do you honestly think that RIAT is fun:confused:

It is the worst airshow in the world to go to if you are displaying and/or doing 'Pedro' ops. And static is even worse!

Unless you are a foreign dignitary, an airship or chaiman of BWOS then forget it, it is definately NOT FUN:}

Perhaps that's why so many aircrew who have done it once, don't do it again! You are treated disgracefully, sorry.

Still, I hope it does go ahead, if only for the reasons you alude to regarding RAFBF. Maybe if they cut down all the wasteage at RIAT, then they would have considerably more money to hand over to Ben Fund, and the RAFBF and RAFA wouldn't be so strapped for funds.

The swinging Monkey
'Caruthers, al large Grouse please'

Grob Driver
7th Mar 2003, 09:02
Mr Monkey…..

We agree on most things, but I’m not sure if I agree with you on this one!

RIAT is a fantastic weekend away. Yes, it has its problems, but it’s the biggest military air show in the world… What do you expect? Bringing all those people into a countryside location, then trying to find accommodation for them, yes, there are going to be problems.

As for the high wastage’s…. What do you mean? Do you have any specific examples? All in all, I think if you are prepared to take the rough with the smooth, then it’s a good weekend away… Better then being sent to the desert! (any aircrew out there who would care to differ with me?

Well, lets just hope it happens, and if it does, I’ll see you all there (Hopefully!). If nothing else, the 14 B52’s would make a good display!

Happy landings

Grob Driver

7th Mar 2003, 09:25
Well I have had fun since 1995!

As Grob Driver says it is such a vast event that some people will always be a bit p'd off.

I have never heard of any crews saying that they didn't want to go back.......... You obivously don't like beer, or invite the right chicks to yr aircraft!!

Yes, there isn't as much as would be like going in to the fund from the show, but that is due to the vast amount of overheads brought in over the past 5 years. Insurance etc is unbelievably high now.

Oh well, see you at teh Sunday Night Party to discuss further!

7th Mar 2003, 12:04
Ahhh, the RIAT Hangar Bash....

"2000 egos under one roof"

The omelettes are good though!

swinging monkey
7th Mar 2003, 13:47
Grob, Alan,

Looks like I am in a minority, maybe!

The wasteage: well, no one can have been to RIAT without seeing every air cadet under the sun wearing hats, t-shirts, sweatshirtas blah!
I know it is good to give them all something, but how can RIAT, RAFBF and RAFA plead poverty one one hand, and give away literally thousands and thousands of pounds worth of 'freebies' on the other?? You cannot have both.

And the hospitality chalets blah?

The last time I did the show (2 - 3 yrs ago) the aircrew were treated shamefully. I know, I was there! No food, no drinks, diddly squatt! However, I managed to sneek a look in at the RIAT enclosure/hospitality tent - holy cow!! I've never seen such a spread, but alas, it's only for the very people I elude too in my earlier post.

Alan, of course we like beer and girlies, what are you suggesting?? But, good hosting isn't for just the post show party.

I agree it's the biggest airshow in the world, but Waddo comes a very, very close second, and if Paul Byram and his team can do it, with their limited resources, then RIAT should be able to do it! Maybe they could visit Waddo to see how the 'participants' should be, and ARE treated. Very much better than RIAT.

Grob, Yes, anything is better than a weekend in the desert, even RIAT (sorry!) and as you say, a flypast of BUFFS will go down a BOMB!!!

See you all there (maybe?:O )

Swinging Monkey
'Caruthers, rant over - fetch me a scotch, and make it a double'

Grob Driver
7th Mar 2003, 14:48
Monkey, monkey, monkey… I think all that swinging has made you dizzy!

Waddo is great, a truly fantastic show, but it’s no where near the same scale was RIAT (FACT!). You just can’t compare the two.

The hospitality tents that you refer to are paid for by the shows ‘sponsors’ No, it’s not for us aircrew, it’s for big wigs in this world who see 9 hawks blasting around the skies and think ‘I’ll have myself 100 of those please’. Or sees an E-3 with CFM’s and think I’ll put those on my 707’s

The air cadets thing…. Ye, cant argue with that, but it’s all good publicity for the RAF, and the powers above would say it pays for itself in promoting the Royal Air Force.

7th Mar 2003, 14:49
Swingin Monkey -

Fair points - must admit that until 18 months ago I was on the Organising Ctte and was the Gala Dinner/Sunday Night Party organiser so saw little of the airshow!!! Lucky to get southside for 30mins for the weekend.

Seriously, I am sorry you were messed around. Yes, it is amazing the mass number of freebies given to volunteers, but then they are just that. Also, the air cadets were used for such great jobs as cleaning the hangar on the Monday morning AFTER the party. Thereore, sponsor funded T-shirts/hats are minimal really. (with BAe Sytems logos on them!)

I had a great thought a few years ago.......everyone planning to come to the show could stay at home, and donate a tenner and therefore not have a show. Would probably raise more cash for the fund, but no fun!!!

Also remember that as a crew you are PAID to be there and maybe are in a hotel - all the support staff are volunteers taking annual leave to sleep in a cot for 10-14 days!

My personal opinion is that it has just got too big really - a victim of it's own success you could say. The sheer scale of the event means a lot of the aircrew side has diminished and you are just another person in a flying suit.

Finally, yes other shows are almost as big, and equally well run. Maybe both Paul Byram and Paul Bowen should get together!

If you make it this year to the Party I will shout you a beer!

P.S. Yes the food in the chalet was excellent!!!
P.P.S. What type/sqn are you from?
P.P.P.S. If you like beer that much why aren't you in happy hour??;) :D :cool:

swinging monkey
7th Mar 2003, 15:16

I'm delighted we have found some common ground at last, even if we still differ on a couple of points:D

Grob, the hospitality chalets provide by BWOS, for BWOS guests is fine, and I have no real problem with that. Same goes for CFM and all the others. My gripe here are the chalets provided by RIAT for their guests.
The idea of RIAT, as we all know, is primarily to support and raise funds for RAFBF and RAFA. Why then, do the very people who we are raising money for, need to splash out vast sums of money on people who, quite frankly, don't need it and/or could comfortably afford to pay for it themselves ??!!:confused: :confused:

Alan, I agree entirely that the ATC do a marvellous job at RIAT. But it is no better a job than they do at many other events, but without the lavish freebies. Yes, it does project the RAF. Yes, it is good positive publicity. But, they do get a free day out at what we all agree is the worlds greatest airshow, and I seriously must question the need to further heap freeby goodies on them:} Whether BWOS sponsor hats, T-shirts blah or not is irrelivant. Give the cost of them all to those that need it, ie the RAFBF and the RAFA. Sorry, but they need it most!

As for the chalet food; I bet it was wonderful!
As you will know, to give out my sqn and a/c type will cost me my life!! so I regret I cannot comply!
As for the beer and happy hour, well I'd love to, but firstly I'm a bit of a 'Grouse' man myself. And secondly, if the boss caught at happy hour instead of on call he would go bananas:O I don't think he would appreciate me climbing into my flying machine under the 'afluence of incahol', hic!

I genuingly hope that RIAT happens, and raises millions for RAFBF and RAFA. Times are hard for the old boys, and we must do all we can to help them, just like they have helped us.

Keep smiling
The Swinging Monkey
'Caruthers, put the kettle on old boy, theres a good chap!'

7th Mar 2003, 18:05
Well said ol' bean - but we'll have to agrere to disagree.

As I said earlier, at least the French and Russian's would be at RIAT - even if the Brits and Yanks are away!!


8th Mar 2003, 18:08
I was with the ATC at RIAT 2002.

1. I seem to remember that we had to pay for the cap.
2. Only those guarding the flight line (not me) had a free airshow. The rest of us were busy doing tasks such as selling yearbooks and assembling the lunches for everyone.
3. Who do you think had to do a FOD plod to stop you aircrew getting a cheese sandwich down your air intake.

Surely a shirt (which probably costs 50p each) is worth the savings made. If you wanted I am sure we could charge £4.65 an hour for each of the cadets over the period they stay.

P.S. If you are the member of the B1 in the static display who told a group of cadets they could have a look round at 5pm, you should be ashamed for not being there when we returned. You are lucky i can't see your registration in the photo i have

Grob Driver
8th Mar 2003, 19:04
Theundisputedtopgun…. Ha ha ha!!!

Oh dear! Sorry, no offence meant by this post old boy, but who do you think you are!!!!….. “You are lucky i can't see your registration in the photo i have”. Oh ye, and what good do you think it would do if you could see the registration? Don’t tell me, you’d write the boss of the squadron and have them make a written apology to you because they weren’t there at 5pm to show you around their jet. Sorry, but maybe they had more important things to be doing…. There’s a lot of beer that has to be drunk at these shows! ;) ;)

You make it sound like it’s a real chore having to help out as an air cadet at airshows. Remember, you’re in a military forum here… Most of us have been there and done that before. Your help is most defiantly appreciated, don’t get me wrong, but remember, it’s something that you volunteer for, and you DO get to see a lot of the show. I don’t believe that you were serving food from 8am to 6pm for two days solid. As for that T-shirt, well, first, I’m sure they cost more than 50p, and even if they are 50p, 2000 cadets at a show, that £1000 that COULD have gone to the benevolent fund… After all, I’m sure all the cadets would have helped out even if there was no T-shirt!
:D :D

8th Mar 2003, 19:39
Grob Driver

The point i was highlighting was that the cadets are put to work which probably saves the organisers a lot of money. Prehaps you can provide a quote for the contracting of people to do what we did and then see how much the RAFBF will get.

Naturally i was pi**ed off about the B1.

8th Mar 2003, 22:04

I think that you will find that most ATC Sqn's/Wings get a small donation also. I started sticking up for the good work of cadets, but you are a poor ambassador my frind.

Still, as you rightly intimate, the RAF and RIAT is there to support you! (sorry - got my wires crossed......)

Grow up - I got to sit in the B1 and B2 a few years ago! I took a chick with me - great bargaining tool (The Saudi's were gonna swap her for a camel!!)

tee heee

Grob Driver
8th Mar 2003, 23:17

I’m not denying that the ATC cadets aren’t good value for money… Of course they are…. That’s why they use you! Sorry, I’m no personnel manager so I can’t give you a quote! But what’s your point? Everyone agrees with you. Mr Monkey says you do a great job, I say you do a great job and AlanM says you do a great job. All the swinging monkey was saying was that you don’t need the lavish ‘freebies’ that you get at RIAT…. I think that’s a fair point. It’s about raising money for RAFBF.

The reason I picked you up for your message was the way you came over all high and mighty because the crew of a B1 didn’t hang about to show you around their aircraft… And the comment about being a good job that you don’t have serial number…. As the good AlanM says…. GROW UP!!! – It’s a big boys forums!!! :)

9th Mar 2003, 09:19

If Monkey can't accept your kind offer of a beer on the Sunday
night then keep one back for me. I WILL be there and you
probably owe me one anyway after all these years.
Got you thinking now!

P.S The cadets do a great job but wrong attitude from their
rep on this thread.

See you all in July.

9th Mar 2003, 10:09

Am now officially confused and very, very scared!

You can 2 beers of you give me a clue!!

9th Mar 2003, 11:23
Whoever that B1 crew was breached a code of honour if they acted deliberately. If you promise to do something, you do it. If you make a promise which you've no intention of keeping, you are a liar.....

Back to the plot. I've enjoyed RIAT hospitality in the past and it was indeed excellent. But I agree that it seems now to be just too big. I arrived at the appointed hour, met hosts, did lunch, watched the show - but had very little time to look around the static display more than very briefly. I preferred Fairford to Cottesmore- but that was pre-2002. Didn't go last year even though I had a freebie ticket from Breitling - the tales about remote car parking and security searches put me off totally.

Best of luck - and many thanks to all those hard-working volunteers who help out so willingly. Personally I'd sooner go to Kemble to watch the displays being held there. Caught a programme on Discovery Wings with JN chatting up Dave Roome at the big 50th anniversary of the Hunter do - excellent! The 15-ship Delta flypast was proably something that'll never be seen again; wish I'd been able to go but the 'day job' prevented it!

9th Mar 2003, 17:42
Swinging Monkey.

Lavish Freebies, dont make me laugh, Those kids, yes they are kids, do a dam good job, most of them spend the weekend in tents, while most of the aircrew are in hotels, and getting paid.

Those kids will put most aircrews to shame, you never see them throwing there dumies out of there cockpits because of the sleeping accomadation or the food that is supplied. And you moan about them getting a free hat or t, shirt. They dont get it free they work for it.

Who do you think clears all the FOD up before departure day, From very early in the morning till late at night they work like trojans. And they are the future, in ten or fifteen years time they may need the help of the RAFBFM and they have helped to make Riat what it is today.

Leave the kids alone.
I thankyou. Ps you any relation to Hangus the monkey.:mad:

Grob Driver
9th Mar 2003, 18:29
Ye monkey man… leave the kids alone!

Trout… what are you talking about. The ATC aren’t the only ones to be out at airshows doing FOD plods. I’ve seen the swinging monkey there too, swinging along picking up rubbish… I’ve been there myself too. Ye, the ATC take part, but they’re not the only ones. Yes, they ‘work’ for their hats and T-shirts but we were talking about money raised for RAFBF, and that should always be the number one thing on RIAT’s mind… Not giving away freebies, but raising money.

It’s obvious from your post that you’ve never done any display flying… You cant put aircrew in a tent for a weekend, feed them packed lunch, and then expect them to fly display routines… That would be a flight safety nightmare. :* :* :*


Grob Driver

swinging monkey
10th Mar 2003, 06:40
Well this has stirred a hornets nest hasn't it? sorry for being late to reply - busy weekend with the gales etc. (at work that is topgun, and for not a cent extra pay!)

Trout, 'me old trout

I regret to say it, but you have completely lost the plot:}
Never ever, in any of my postings, have I questioned the value of the ATC at major airshows such as RIAT. Indeed, if you had taken the time to read my earlier comments, you will have seen that I have nothing but praise for them. I simply made the comment about the amount of money 'given' to cadets in light of the impending financial crisis facing RAFA, together with the RAFBF's constant need for money.
Patently you know nothing about the RAFA situation, otherwise I am sure you would take a much more adult view of my comments.

As for your remarks about aircrew, dummies blah, well now you have really lost it, big mistake on the credability stakes there trout. I don't have the time or the inclination to enter into childish banter with you like that.
It is obvious you are not aircrew (so what are you doing on this forum anyway??) and if you had half a brain cell of understanding about flying, you will know that we all do our own fod plod before leaving somewhere like RIAT - our lives depend upon it. As for being paid, well I'm confused by you now. Let me in to a secret - I get paid every day of the year, whether I fly or not, whether it's a weekend, daytime or night time. The big issue for current front line aircrew like myself, is that we don't get that many weekends free to spend with our families. So I take great exception to your ill-informed coments about being 'paid' for the weekend. I don't get a penny more, and nor do I get a couple of days off 'in lieu' You are sadly very wrong. Now who's the dummy?

theundisputedtopgun (what a fantastic name!)
the same really goes for you also my dear chap, please read my comments. You will see that there is no complaints or otherwise about ATC cadets, on the contrary.
Finally your comments about the B-1 crew just sum you up perfectly, a very, very sad muppet! - go try and get a life!

Finally, AlanM
I too got to sit in the B-1 - what a machine. The trouble was, there was this camel in the co-pilots seat making eyes at me!!!

Love to all
The Swinging Monkey
'Cauthers, do you think I should change my name to something sily such as:

Toddington Ted
10th Mar 2003, 07:41
I agree that perhaps RIAT has become too big, truly a victim of its own success. My unit was volunteered for duty there back in 99 and we got to see the show everyday, as that was part of the job, so I guess we were lucky. There are a number of Qx regarding RAFBF funding from RIAT and I've heard various rumours but don't feel it appropriate to opine further unless others know better and could tell more. I think many people, not just the Air Cadets, tend to be used as a free labour force but again, they perhaps do get some payment in kind. I also agree that some other displays are more interesting, for me the Duxford Flying Legends Air show beats all, perhaps I'm getting too old.
We could have a good airshow out here at the moment but its a bit sandy!
PS. Talking of B1s, it might be possible to sit in the cab of No 1306, based quite close to Wittering. However 1306 is a Thompson B1 4-6-0 built in 1948 for the LNER and lovely she looks in her apple green livery! Hmmm, must be the sun, sand and lack of beer!!!;)

10th Mar 2003, 14:54

Here's your clue.
The jets didn't appear inside H1200 pre and post Gala Dinner
by themselves.


10th Mar 2003, 15:42
Mmmm........should I start by guessing at the top as there are many people who do ME A great favour during busy and (should be) sleeping times?? How can I guess without giving a name away!

If PL mail me direct - click on WWW here on this post and then CONTACT from one of the pics!! If not - still mail me!!!


P.S> I thought that the tooth fairy delivered the aircraft. When i started drinkning they were there, when I sobered up they had gone!! Oddly happens every year!!:)

10th Mar 2003, 20:12

Sent you a private message.
See you in July.

Grob Driver
11th Mar 2003, 17:30
theundisputedswingingtopgunmonkeylifesavingaceofthebase.... I like the new name! It's a bit more complicated than, the swinging monkey, but I can see your point!

I sat in the B1 too..... Thats one hell of a machine!

No camel though... The pilot said she's gone off with some monkey... I'd hate to see the end result of that romance.... A camel that scratched it's arse while swinging from the trees!!! :yuk:

11th Mar 2003, 21:21

If it was a sunday I have no defence to offer, but if the offer of a look around was made on the Sat, then it was probably partly my fault they weren't there. I work in Aircrew Reception, and we run a very tight schedule on the aircrew buses to get the crews back to their hotels. It is entirely probable that the crew had no idea what time the bus was going back (we don't know ourselves until mid-morning, and the crews pitch up at oh-dark-thirty-hours oclock). We tell them to send a crew member back to check. They may well have had every intention of doing the tour, then been chased back to Reception by my happy band of chasers to ensure they got the bus. Sorry, that's just the way it is.

BTW, does anybody else remember the "flying spotter" display caused by the B1 at Cottesmore. My favourite R/T quote was "My God, he's been blown into Norfolk", or something like that. My apologies if any of you were involved, but we were ROFLMAO.

12th Mar 2003, 09:58
SpotterFC, I think you might remember myself and one other (big-footed) gent from Scotland's Finest. I remember "something" about those radio calls in 2001. Fun had by all. And, if I hear correctly, you are changing jobs this year?
I'm sure I'll see you there :D

BLW Skylark 4
12th Mar 2003, 12:27

I think everyone is geting a bit hot under the collar and missing the point here. Yes I am not military and I'm not aircrew so I recognise that I am a 'guest' in this forum and hope in the main that my comments and actions reflect this.

For two weeks in July however though, I get the chance to do my bit and help repay some of the debt I owe to both the RAF and the RAFBF thanks to the skills I can offer.

Yes its very hard work, yes its frustrating and yes it does mean I have to beg, borrow and take annual leave to be there, but it allows me for two weeks to be part of something that I only wish I could do full time.

All I can say though is that this alone and the hanger party on the Sunday night make it all worthwhile!

So please dont knock the ATC, the volunteers or begrudge them a hat (it was the only freebie I got!) for seven + days of hard work. Put it this way, the 'day job' couldn't afford the level of commitment, effort and work that 90% of all volunteers willingly give and the problems they put up with.

I'm already counting the days until July - I must be mad!


p.s. I'm turning down an opportunity to go wave soaring in Finland for the RAF this year!

12th Mar 2003, 15:35

On the sunday of course wouldn't crews be starting to think
about the hanger bash and getting there earlier rather than
later!!!! Just one of many reasons why they didn't appear as

What job have you got this year then and how could it possibly
be better than Aircrew Reception????


Did you get my message and are the beers on?


12th Mar 2003, 20:52
BLW - I agree

Fareastman - sent you a PM - and of course the beers are on!! (you know me better than that!)

13th Mar 2003, 12:51
I sincerely believe that RIAT has become too big, and too full of it's own self importance. Bigger is not neccesarily better, or even best. Sure, host your major sponsors and repay them for their coffers, but how can a Director of RIAT (allegedly) fly to 'liaison' meetings in the US and elsewhere, FirstClass (both ways,) and use the money from the Benevolent Fund to pay for it?


13th Mar 2003, 19:17

Still in ACR, just a different job (more stress, less time off, no more pay - just like my move into training at work!) if I can get the time off. Summer bad time for various reasons this year.

I said I had no excuse for Sunday - oh ok I lied - we actually have to chase people back to the party. We can't go until we've shut down all the tail gate parties on the C130 line!

Spacer - See you there

swinging monkey
14th Mar 2003, 06:49
Trumpet Trousers,

My point exactly Sir.
I too have heard about the 'jolly' to the States at the expence of RIAT 'good causes' It simply is not necessary, and unless RIAT (and others involved) get a grip of it, then the level of this 'wastage' will become common knowledge amongst the public, and they will simply start to boycott the show. Although, haven't they already started to do that??

Lets cut the wastage and the not-needed freebies, and give the money to those that matter. After all, thats what it's all for! not for the benefit of a few.

And as for all the comments about cadets and 'cheap labour' - so what??
Do they not get a free day out at the worlds biggest airshow?
Are they 'forced' to attend RIAT?
They DO NOT spend the whole day working.

BLW - if you feel so passionately about giving up your day job to help repay the debt blah....then you, more than anyone should understand the points I make about the unneccessary spending that goes on at RIAT. You must know how many cadets attend, and therefore you can give us all an estimation to the amount of freebies given away in the form of T-shirts, sweatshirts, stickers, badges, hats blah. My point is but a simple one.....
It all costs money (and quite a lot of money I would suggest) At a time of very serious financial worries and problems, I believe that the money would be far better spent giving it to the RAFBF and RAFA.

And let me close by reiterating once again that the ATC cadets do an outstanding job. I have nothing but respect for them, and in no way do I attach any blame to them for what happens at RIAT. But, we must get our priorities right. There is little or NO money available for RAFBF and RAFA, therefore lets stop wasting it please.

Kind regards

The Swinging Monkey
'Caruthers, please tell Grob Driver that I have no carnal knowledge of a camel, and do not wish for any - thank you'

16th Mar 2003, 09:51
Just for record, if any of you go to Riat this year.( if it happens ) and you see some people in nice new t shirts, with Riat transport dept on them, we paid for them ourselves.

And if you have any problems getting anywhere, just pop over to Riat transport and ask for snowman, and i will try my hardest to get you there.

10 volunter years at Riat and paying to much tax gives me the right to look at, and reply or post anything thing i like. Also we as volunters can claim mileage money for taveling to and from home, but some of us refuse to.

The reason we do it every year is because we have a bloody good time. We only see each other once a year ( in some cases thats enough ) we work hard and play hard. And are saturday night bbqs take some beating. All welcome. No, some of us have never been in the services, some of us could not get in for one reason or another. But we like to think we are doing are bit.

Yes i can see where we could save money, but who is going to take any notice of little old me. Stick it to the big boys, if you can get to them, lets face it if the aircrew say no, we wont have a show. You are the guys in the front line, im sure there must be someone out there that has contacts in the right place, make your feelings known to them.

I have made some very good freinds over the years, both aircrew and civvie, and would like to see it continue. And if the guy from 9sqn who i took to swindon hospital is out there, yes you, take care buddy, and thanks for what you did for that young lady, it really made her day.

And to all the drunken lot that i get back to there hotels, getting my ears bashed, cus i aint driving fast enough for you to get to the hotel bar, i will come and collect all those drinks you promised one day. That will wipe the smile of your face`s.

Well you no where to find me at Riat so if you get there please come over and say Hi. Perhaps we can have a few beers and put the world to right, lets face it, we could proberly do a better job than the lot thats doing it now.

Oh, and swinging monkey, you never asnwerd the question, are you any relation to Hangus the monkey?

Thats all folks. Regards Trout.


swinging monkey
17th Mar 2003, 07:41
'Me dear ol' trout!'
Thanks for the reply. Firstly, No I'm not related to Hangus the Monkey. Indeed, many say I'm not related to anyone, so, sorry, it's not me.

You make a very good point about saving money, and I for one, admire you purchasing your own T shirts. I'm not going to rant on (got to get airborne in about 20 mins) but just wanted to thank you on behalf of all the aircrew and groundcrew (drunk or otherwise) for the great job you and your mates do.

Many thank, and hope to see you at RIAT

The swinging Monkey
'Caruthers, get the Snowman a drink. Or is the trout? who knows?'

Divergent Phugoid!
18th Mar 2003, 08:15
Does anyone remember the farce of the security checks at the hanger bash lst year? Made our crew laugh somewhat...

Queue to get in Three miles long, bruiser type in his black 'Genuine US ARMY Flying jacket' marching up and down the lines, ordering everyone to empty pockets into Polly bags... only to walk straight round the metal detector, (maybe it was too technical for them to opperate) ignoring the contents of the bags completely and how many A/C survival knives on the suits got through??
When past the Security Checks asked one of the Bruisers what was that all about and got the reply.. ''Its a security Fing Guv, Gotta be carefull these days''

Still it gave us something to chortle over whilst waiting for the first Carling! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

BLW Skylark 4
18th Mar 2003, 17:42

I remember it only too well...!!!

I'm sure any other volunteers reading this will recall with equal fondness the checks required whenever you wanted to go from your place of work to your accommodation in the staff campsite or even from your accommodation to the mess.

I know on several occasions guys on our team decided it really wasnt worth the hassle and either went without food or bought it on site on the public days!

Still, I suppose it is in everybodys interest at the end of the day.

I'm still looking forward to July though - heres hoping the unpleasantness is settled by then.


Gen. Bombdabastards
18th Mar 2003, 19:22
It has been announced today that Cosford has cancelled this year.
The show is funded by a charity organisation and to prevent major losses due to advanced fees being required, they have pulled the plug early. They also believe that the military aircraft participation will be severely limited.

They are now focusing on next years event.

22nd Mar 2003, 06:02
Well its all kicked of big style over in arab land. Just to say a big respect to all you guys and girls, and please come back. There will be a few extra crates of beer at transport towers this year, come over and share them with me.

Take care. Trout. :ok: