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View Full Version : Crappiest part time jobs instructors do to get by!

Tonker Towns
14th Feb 2003, 20:49
Dear all,

Bit barking i admit but sometimes things aren't always to light hearted here so thought i would start a bizarre thread.

As we all know instructing isn't fat pay cheques,RayBans and air hostesses and we all need to make ends meet.So am wondering what is the most strange,funny or original way of keeping the banking wolf from your door.

Today Tonker was a library book delivery man delivering books to none other than Palace of Westminster,i got access with no hastle,didn't show id and drove my van(contents not inspected by Police) the entire length of Lords and Commons service tunnel without any ID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

£50 more for the kitty

Regards Tonker

ex Iceland,B&Q,Water board etc

14th Feb 2003, 23:10
Psychiatric nurse


Wee Weasley Welshman
15th Feb 2003, 12:21
Sold ice creams off the back of a Victorian bicycle wearing full regalia including straw boater.


Onan the Clumsy
17th Feb 2003, 22:19
drove my van(contents not inspected by Police) the entire length of Lords and Commons service tunnel without any ID

Be careful now. Wasn't the last person to do that called Guy Fawkes :eek:

Charlie Foxtrot India
18th Feb 2003, 14:45
When I stared instructing part time, I had three other jobs.

I would start the day in overalls and apron milking cows, then shower thoroughly before putting on a navy suit and being a supermarket manager, twice a week changing into the unbelievable costume of the hire car firm (the boss's wife wanted all the hire car chicks to look as hideous as possible) ....then back into the fragrant overalls and wellies for the evening milking.

One day a week I actually got to dress up as a flying instructor. That was usually the day after I had been up all night with a calving cow. *yawn*

At least I never had to waste precious seconds deciding what to wear. Those were the days!

Sometimes students can be difficult but at least they don't tend to poo on you, kick you, shoplift, complain about the queues at the checkout or crash your cars.

19th Feb 2003, 09:55
Wow! I didn't know Guy Fawkes drove a van:eek:

That probably explains all the burnt out cars aroud here. They're not the result of illicit criminal activity, but a tribute to British history. How sweet!

Now where did I put Simon Schama's telephone number;)

20th Feb 2003, 02:37
I plan to work in a bicycle shop to help make some money while instructing. Not a crappy job, though. Worked for Orville and Wilbur, anyway. : )


20th Feb 2003, 04:37
I used to sell playstation2 memory cards and 1-10g gold bullion bars on ebay.

Tha' what?
21st Feb 2003, 09:23
I used to cook and sell burgers at McD's to make ends meet.