View Full Version : How many licences can one have?

10th Feb 2003, 19:25
Somebody once told me that one can only have so many licences of different countries/administrations. At the moment I have my FAA, CAA and JAA ATPL. Now I am toying with the idea of adding a Canadian licence to the list.

And so my question, is there a restriction, and if so, how many licences are allowed?

Sorry if this has been covered before. Cheers!

Sheep Guts
10th Feb 2003, 20:46
Dont think so. I would luv to know where it is written if there is.

I have Australian ATPL, US ATP, NZATPL, JAMIACA ATPL. I have also had validations to fly in Mexico , Panama and Jamiaca off my USATP.

All these are ICAO licences, and are either aquired by revalidation or through written and flight tests. They may or may not be valid unless the original Licence is current (medical aswell) on which the secondary licence was granted.

Never heard of a limit to it. I think there are drivers out there with more than me aswell.


10th Feb 2003, 21:11
Not sure if there is a regulation about this, but there certainly is a maximum number of medicals that i'm willing to undergo and pay for each year, especially if that licence isnt earning me money.
