View Full Version : Airline Cadet Sponsorship

6th Feb 2003, 02:29
Hey people!
How's it going?
Well, I've applied to those aviation colleges already, waiting for replies.
I was browsing some European airline sites, and stumbled upon Airline Cadet Sponsorship. It seems like an amazing idea, but why the heck don't we have any other these programs on this side of the world? Is there something I'm not seeing? Thanks a lot

7th Feb 2003, 15:21
Sad to say, there are no airline cadet programs here. The simple reason is that we have too many professional pilots chasing too few jobs. Air Canada is not hiring, and this week they have announced that there will probably be 500 pilot layoffs in the near future. Obviously there is no incentive for them to pick up the tab for the training of rookies.

I don't know how old you are but as you are a high school student, you may be young enough to join the Royal Canadian Air Cadets and (if you are lucky) you might qualify for glider and power flying scholarships. That's the closest thing that we have to the European airline cadet programs. See further http://www.cadets.ca/aircad/power-motorise/3_e.asp

7th Feb 2003, 17:50
With the High cost of learning to fly in Europe,and the Air forces drying up ,the main Airlines in europe approached the schools for Aviation Candidates(grow your own).In North America this was not the case.Keen guys bought their own licences,as is done today.Did their own apprenticeships in the Bush,then applied to the majors.
In the 70's the Director of Flight ops Japan Air quieried Air canada where they acquired their recruits.Air canada said we advetise ,and on monday morning we open the door!!
As is the case today!!!!:rolleyes:

8th Feb 2003, 22:07
They're opening the doors on Monday? Thank God all the rumors were wrong!:}