View Full Version : What is the origin of your pprune callsign/login?

3rd Feb 2003, 14:19
Just wondering how/why we came by our pprune callsign/login?

Charlie-india-mike was the last 3 letters of the reg of the aircraft in which I first solo'd

What about yours?


3rd Feb 2003, 14:25
I can't remember :D

3rd Feb 2003, 14:29
rustle is made out of paper... ;)

3rd Feb 2003, 14:32
After one of the characters from one of the greatest films, Zulu.

Think I'd tried to register under a couple of other names, already taken, and must have been watching the aforementioned film fairly recent to registration. Thought it'd be a safe bet no-one had the name.

3rd Feb 2003, 14:43
My first landings;
Bounce and Go-Around was too long!

3rd Feb 2003, 14:47
My real name is sometimes shortened to AB, and I often sign emails that way. One of my colleagues started making up other names for me with the initials AB... and came up with this. Couldn't have airbabe as it was already taken.
Couldn't think of anything else!

In Altissimus
3rd Feb 2003, 15:00
It's a decoy.

In reality I am a girl on a Cessna ;)


Fly Stimulator
3rd Feb 2003, 15:07

Through an amazing co-incidence this very thread (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=79091) is already up to eight pages on Jet Blast.


(Edited for sppelink)

3rd Feb 2003, 15:15
Sorry if this is duplicated but I don't frequent Jetblast so I was not aware that it was there.

Maybe the threads could be merged?


3rd Feb 2003, 15:19
Not everyone in JB reads Private Flying, and vice versa.
Amazing, but true! ;) :D

Fly Stimulator
3rd Feb 2003, 15:38
Amazing but true indeed. That's why it was so helpful of me to point out the goldmine of wit and wisdom lying just a click away! :D

Anyway, I have noticed that some people get a bit peeved at those who start duplicate threads without using the search facility first. There was an example here (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=79879) just the other day. ;)

3rd Feb 2003, 15:52
Duplicate threads, within the same forum, just weeks apart... *sigh* Of course, by 'weeks' one could mean 52 weeks. It all depends on bias. ;)

I still find it hard to believe that some people don't read Jet Blast? :confused: One learns so much on all aspects of daily living. And errr, not living. Amazing resource. :D

Genghis the Engineer
3rd Feb 2003, 15:57
A nickname I picked up about a dozen years ago working surrounded by scientists. It was the result of a slight difference in opinion over our relative approaches to scientific endeavour.


3rd Feb 2003, 15:59
Anyway, I have noticed that some people get a bit peeved at those who start duplicate threads without using the search facility first.

In which case, 'some people' should rearrange the following words into a well-known phrase:



Fly Stimulator
3rd Feb 2003, 16:10
Whoops - flame retardant time!

QDM - the comment was a good-natured little tease pointing at one of AerBabe's own posts, to which she replied in an equally good-natured way.

And it had a smiley. ;)

3rd Feb 2003, 16:14
Sorry. End of a grotty afternoon surgery. I am feeling curmudgeonly (more than usual).


Fly Stimulator
3rd Feb 2003, 16:21
I shall start a new thread now so that we can discuss something to raise the spirits - Cubs.

3rd Feb 2003, 17:32
Oooh, men in uniform! Well, boys. Hmm, not my thing.

QDM - I bet you work wonders on your patients. Are they too scared to remain unwell? :p

Anyway, now I'm going to stop hijacking this thread! ;)

3rd Feb 2003, 18:00
Hey guys!

My name originated from the callsign 'Tiger' the Tiger squadron callsign of the Hawks in the Royal Air Force.

Have not been posting for a long while due to other comitments. Hope you are all well, i'd like to welcome myself as a trainee aviator and make myself known to you all. Looking forward to some great discussions! :O

3rd Feb 2003, 18:05

Otherwise we'll have to ask BRL to send you to the Flyer Forum!

Joking apart:

What is the origin of your pprune callsign/login?

Have a guess!



Fly Stimulator
3rd Feb 2003, 18:28

Fear not, sweetness and harmony reign again here!

Have just looked in at the Flyer forum and they appear to have lost the plot altogether. Even the old hands there seem to be accusing each other of being imposters, and anybody who asks anything is immediately accused of being a troll. Still, some of the postings are quite funny (intentionally and otherwise) and it is the first time in months I've been able to read that forum without an attack of narcolepsy.

Just goes to show, every board needs its 'Jet Blast.'

High Wing Drifter
3rd Feb 2003, 18:37
I fly a Cessna and usually end up calculating a track a error.

Plus I quite like Clint Eastwood films.

3rd Feb 2003, 18:53
When I first saw Pprune I was flying a 65hp Cub so the basis of the name was obvious :D. LowNSlow was the next best thing to Low 'n Slow which was already taken by somebody who posts a lot in Mil Aircrew.

Please note: said Mil Bod has opinions and a manner VERY different to yours truly.

PS I did think of changing it to Slightly Higher and Quicker when I got the Auster but decided against it :D :D :D

3rd Feb 2003, 19:03
Mine came about when lined up and an aircraft with 1 letter difference in call sign was given take - off clearence on a different runway!!!! I moved 10yards after readback!!!! we all make mistakes and this is one I'm sure will never make again.All in all ATC were excellent about afterwards, well after the 5th pint they were:)

3rd Feb 2003, 19:32
Working on a car just before I logged on and didn't realise you needed a username so looking at my grubby hands on the keyboard called it after the car.

3rd Feb 2003, 20:13
Hi all

I love my British heritage; of which I am very proud. However, got sick of the cost of flying, and the petrol prices!! Came over to the USA for an adventure after finishing university. I got married 2 weeks ago, so I guess I'm here to stay!!

Cheers :p

vintage ATCO
3rd Feb 2003, 20:57
You have to ask. . . . . :D :D :D

Trinity 09L
3rd Feb 2003, 21:12
My place is visible 8 miles DME on 09L to EGLL, bootiful views from lounge:O

3rd Feb 2003, 21:43
Guess what I learned to fly on:D :D :D

QNH 1013
3rd Feb 2003, 22:27
Discovered pprune when doing training for my Instrument Rating in Bournemouth. The altimeters (2 in an IFR aircraft) have always to be set correctly if you are not to fail and what with airfield QNH, different regional QNHs, and flight levels (1013) I thought that there would be one less scope for error if the Bournemouth and Solent QNHs were 1013 at the time of the (very expensive) CAA flight test.
Hence QNH 1013 was really just wishful thinking.

3rd Feb 2003, 22:49
Don't ask!

Safe flying


3rd Feb 2003, 23:05
No prizes for guessing that TZ was the last two of the aircraft I first went solo in

For anyone interested G-BXTZ at BFC @ EGHH


4th Feb 2003, 07:26
Because I was ... but am no more :cool:

coning angel
4th Feb 2003, 07:58
Just trying to be clever reading the hubbys helicopter books, of which there seem to be lots. Maybe nobody gets it.

4th Feb 2003, 08:17
6FT2 and drive a 152, which is cosy to say the least! Getting out much harder than getting in!:p


Negative Charlie
4th Feb 2003, 08:30
Well, there's this little switch that I keep forgetting to turn...

4th Feb 2003, 09:10
Rogers Profanisaurus, page 24, under Cumulo Nimbus :O

Circuit Basher
4th Feb 2003, 09:29
Went through a phase where it seemed like any time I got to fly it would be for a club currency check OR with weather that was just unfit to stray from the airfield. Hence a lot of Circuit Bashing!!

4th Feb 2003, 09:32
My name's Alan. Friends call me Al. Simple really.
As for big, it doesn't relate to my waistline....

4th Feb 2003, 09:37
Named after what I fly.

4th Feb 2003, 10:01
Named after my first landing in the Trident Sim.

Bit insensitive in light of recent events. Time for a new one.


4th Feb 2003, 10:40
Named after a band i play in. :D

Final 3 Greens
4th Feb 2003, 10:54
Just a little reminder to myself to check that the roller skates are down, so I don't embarrass myself.

(Nothing to do with golf courses, as been suggested in the past)

4th Feb 2003, 11:24
The G60 is a big supercharger thingie that makes my car go too fast. Officer. :p

4th Feb 2003, 11:40
Refers to what I could do after being hospitalised a week after my trial lesson. Not quite true now and hopefully won't be true at all after the medical!:D

4th Feb 2003, 11:41
Named after where my money all went!

4th Feb 2003, 15:27
6ft 5ins and 122 kilos
Any bigger PPL's?


Hersham Boy
4th Feb 2003, 16:02
Lived in Hersham at time. Am a boy. work for a music broadcaster, so a musical handle was appropriate. Come on the Sham 69!


4th Feb 2003, 16:15
I'm a 15 year old student PPL, and many of my flying mates refer to me as the Fledgling, and I live in Kent :ok:

I think it was Keef, stiknruda and Cusco that really thought up the name!!


4th Feb 2003, 17:54
When I registered, all the relevant flying names I thought of had been taken, so I looked around for inspiration and saw the name on an old Clarks shoe box I use for storing cables, etc.


Chilli Monster
4th Feb 2003, 18:07
Eating habits ;)

'nuff said

4th Feb 2003, 19:39
Because I haven't got two!

5th Feb 2003, 08:33
Always Treat Your Kite...........................

Like you treat your woman...........:D :D :D :D :D :D

5th Feb 2003, 09:34
It's a lighter-than-air thing, which is my current GA activity.

Could have been Dumpline , I suppose, and Crownline seemed far too pretentious...

OK, so where's my sig gone? It appeared in the preview! :confused:

5th Feb 2003, 09:49
Mine was a tough one.

The alternatives were Doyle or Cowley.


5th Feb 2003, 10:23
Was born in Africa, now stuck in Europe, and I spend all day dreaming of soaring free like an eagle in the african skies, while closed in a dull office.


5th Feb 2003, 11:08
6ft 8ins 120kg

Not a PPL, yet.

5th Feb 2003, 11:23
6ft 8ins 120Kg!!

Please tell me your training in a C150! :p

5th Feb 2003, 11:56
No i didn't even try.

P.A 28 had enough room though.:p

5th Feb 2003, 12:11
Sad nostagia for a bygone era: UAS callsign

Happy days!