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27th Jan 2003, 21:58
Tell me about the worst and meanest check airman you’ve ever met?

28th Jan 2003, 07:10
There was the time when the mongrel DCA Examiner failed me on a rating renewal, for turning the wrong way on a NDB approach. :eek: Or another mongrel DCA Examiner who failed me on an instructor rating test when I began to shut down the wrong engine after a simulated failure. :eek: Yep, I was robbed! :D :D

28th Jan 2003, 10:59
never met any mean "check" airman before....but plenty of "polish" ones......( bit crap, that one.....ah well ) :rolleyes:

3rd Feb 2003, 18:15
I've known a few who never buy a round at the bar - mean or what?

(What do you mean, the candidates are supposed to buy the beer - doh!)

6th Feb 2003, 21:42
What did you expect after doing the mistakes ? and what would you have done if you were the check airman?.

7th Feb 2003, 10:58
Johnman... I AM one of them CAA mongrels. Does that answer your question at all? :D

Genghis the Engineer
7th Feb 2003, 21:08
The scene, an RAF airfield in the midlands, a crew of student and QFI climb out of a Bulldog. Time, more than 10 years ago, but since the Bulldog was introduced.

Dramatis Personae: A young Genghis, an elderly RAF QFI

Walking back to the squadron buildings, the following conversation took place...

"Mr *****, that is the end of your flying training"
"I beg your pardon sir?"
"You can't fly, I'm stopping your training, we'll have you off the squadron this afternoon".

And he did, as well as out of the RAFVR in about the same timescale.

Fortunately I subsequently proved him wrong by doing military test flying as a civilian FTE, and civilian test flying as a CAA approved FTE and later test pilot. But that particular QFI get's my vote.

If anybody thinks they may have flown with him, his nickname had something to do with alcohol withdrawal symptoms, and he was noticeable by his remarkable bushy eyebrows. At the time I flew with ??UAS, his student choprate was around 90%.


Onan the Clumsy
7th Feb 2003, 22:25
I'd love to know which UAS. Especially if if was say twenty years ago.

Twenty! :eek:

Right I'm hijacking this thread: What about the worst/meanest student?

10th Feb 2003, 11:31
The reason this was raised is to find out about the attitudes that some check airmen have towards students. Also even with the airlines you still have check airmen or instructors who lack the correct evaluation or the ability to instruct, this is obvious from the feedback from both students and instructors .We all can improve if we discuss this in a positive manner. This problem of attitude was realized, that’s why you'll find out that the questions by check airmen during the check are replaced by a written test before the check in order to avoid stressing or distracting the trainee while dealing with an abnormality or even a normal flight phase. Sometimes the reputation of an individual is enough to cause stress that we can do without, as the check in itself is enough to test the individual.

21st Feb 2003, 21:33
Years ago I was taking the practical test for my initial CFI with and older pilot examiner. This gentleman was famous for an excessively high bust rate, and a charming personna to boot. Female applicants were often greeted with "I didn't know girls could fly, are you sure you're in the right office sweetie?" In the course of my oral examination, this august aviator asked me to explain how a spin is caused. I launched into what I thought was a brilliant dissertation on aerodynamics and stability and control as reletad to spins. As I was blathering on, the gentleman reaches into a drawer, inserts and then withdrawls his hand, now covered with a puppet....of a parrot. "RRHHAA!" the parrot sqwuaks, interupting me. In a shrill, parrot-like voice the bird continues: " Polly wants an answer in your own words! Quit parroting what the book says!" I bit my tongue to keep from laughing and continued. I passed. What a goob.

2nd Mar 2003, 04:35
He hated me for having earned more bucks than him, and was patronizing me for coming from a former commie land... Fortunately he had to eat humble pie in the end...

Failed my interview with Emirates in Sep 1997 for no aparent reason. Suspect the same thing. Them Ozzies do not like commies that much...

It's a bad thing to say, but unfortunately 9 years of expat jobs cannot change my mind, that people still look at your passport before your logbook and licence...

More so if u don't have a recognizable Brit, American, RSA, Oz or Queen's English accent...

2nd Mar 2003, 05:06
Yep here in South Africa we've had them too. Some mean ones!

But there are always 2 sides to the story !

The Testee reckons the Testing Officer is the meanest thing
while the Testing Officer finds the Testee -stupid, arrogant
& with a serious -often dangerous -attitude !

Ask yourself : If you were the Testing Officer how would you handle a poor performance from a Testee ? i.e.

I've seen many holding patterns , where a bloody tall mountain would await the bloke who turned the wrong way !
Likewise bust a MDA & there'll be a chunk of Mother Earth looming
ahead ! These are rather terminal mistakes.

A book could be written on the Testing subject & often will be full of humour.

7th Mar 2003, 11:23
( laughing my head off)...........fantastic story.... " the parrot "......
would love to have seen it !!!:D

Burger Thing
9th Mar 2003, 01:22
LJDRVR I can't stop laughing... What a great little story. Do you still have the name of the examiner? A collegue of mine wants to finish off his FAA ATP, so I want to make sure, he will be sent to the right person... :D :D :D

9th Mar 2003, 07:50
Blimey, do you really call your pilots "testes" in south Africa :D

sudden Winds
10th Mar 2003, 22:16
Good topic !!

This guy somewhere in TX (don´t want to give any details on locatons because it´ll be obvious who I am talking about).

He was so mean he would conduct 14 hour ground exams.

I recall this girl taking a checkride with him and after 12 hours of ground he failed her because she forgot 1 of the 3 most common methods of figuring out TAS. She told him about the dial in your a/s indicator, where you plot PA against OAT and read values at the needle. She told him about the 2% of the indicated per 1000 feet and she forgot to tell him that she could use her flight computer to figure her TAS out. It was a CFII checkride. Word is that he would do flight tests so long that they had to be interrupted to REFUEL !!!!


21st Mar 2003, 11:47
Thanks for the replies and the participation, wishing you all good and constructive checks, and safe enjoyable flights.