View Full Version : Who'd become an ATCO??

20th Jan 2003, 07:18
Hi there,

I've seen the NATS advertisements in a couple of magazines and on the internet and I am seriously considering submitting an application.

As I'm fully entrenched in a career at the moment, it will be a big decision to up roots (and down salary) to decide to become an ATCO.

Before you ask it is not a spur of the moment decision, I've been interested in Aviation since I was a toddler, and my current career is Aviation based as well.

Anyway the question is.. What is NATS like to work for? In your opinion is being an ATCO a worthwhile career? IS it a career?

I know a couple of Air Traffic people already and I've heard their opinions, but I'm looking to taker a wider poll on the issue.

Any guidance you can offer is much appreciated.



20th Jan 2003, 10:16
Nearly all of us love the job and why not?

It's demanding . difficult to master , fast moving , rarely repetitive in a boring way , real time - so placing you in a position where you may need to recall all of your skills regardless of time of day/night or wellbeing, and above all it gives you responsibility for hundreds of lives both in the air and on the ground.
It really is the ultimate Computer Game!

But please don't leave a well paid career unless you have a burning desire to become an ATCO.

The timing is wrong.

We are now underpaid for the task we try to acheive and earn less in real terms than we did back in 1970.
European Legislation is going to have a major effect on both Airspace Usage and Controller Licencing in the next few years. Most forcasts predict pressure to bring about lowering salaries as airspace becomes more Managed and less Controlled by the use of technology and a cheaper EEC workforce.

The financial positon of NATS is still ridiculous.
Our Pension Scheme is still at risk.
We are seeing our sectors being farmed out to Foreign Controllers and this may well become a future trend as we look to reduce labour costs and now it appears that some training has been deferred to save money at a time of undermanning.

I'm sure others will add more but basically I'm saying - go for it but with your eyes wide open and leave an escape route back into your old career.

Barnaby the Bear
21st Jan 2003, 13:08
I no longer work for NATS so I couldn't comment on the conditions at NATS.
As for a career as an ATCO. I absolutely love it. I am about the only one of my friends that can say they enjoy going to work!
If you really want to do it go for it. It takes a while to get there so make sure you really want to do it.
Good luck :D

Route Papa 45
21st Jan 2003, 16:10

I've just been posted ( passed my initial training in Bournemouth ) to the new centre in Swanwick and am probably looking at this October to start my training, April 05 before i can talk to planes all by myself! applied to NATS in October '99 so it will be 5 years or so from now before you'll be doing all the things you read about in the glossy advert.

Having said that, it's been great from day 1 and the real bonus is that, in general, the guys you meet along the way have the same sort of outlook on life and will probably become great friends.

Expect around £1100 per month to train but this is supplemented by £100 per week subsistence allowance which, if you can find someone to receipt you for :) , you can easily live of with a healthy liquid diet.

At the moment you will probably never see the aircraft you talk to as there is a dire shortage or radar controllers so get used to the idea of living near Southampton or Prestwick. there are other control centres at Manchester and West Drayton but by the time you get to the coal face they could well have been intergrated to Swanick or Prestwick or bought out by wal-mart ATC.

Hope you make the right choice for you but in my humble opinion, regardless of all the current issues, you'd be missing out on a great career.

Best of luck

21st Jan 2003, 17:29
I submitted my application to NATS by e-mail attachment the other day. Got an e-mail back yesterday confirming receipt and saying that they will be in touch by letter soon.

I'm in the Army just now on £15k a year, can't wait to leave!

Hope I get accepted after interviews and tests, ideally I would like to work at Scottish ARTCC at Prestwick.

Is there much call for En-route controllers at Prestwick or would I be more likely to be sent to Swanwick?

I know I have a long way to go but I have the determination and hopefully the aptitude as well!

22nd Jan 2003, 09:43
Many thanks for all of your comments.

I'm busy filling out my application form as we speak.........


Barnaby the Bear
22nd Jan 2003, 11:02
C&B I would also try to arrange a visit to an ATC unit, whether it is a tower or if possible Swanwick or Manchester ACC (depending on your area).
It will help to give you a real idea of what it is all about, and also looks good if you get to the interview stage. ie enthusiasm.
Good luck with your application.


22nd Jan 2003, 12:15
I have just applied to NATS to become a trainee ATCO.

I've noticed from reading various threads that its advisable to visit a control facility before your interview. Would any kind soul from West Drayton, Heathrow or Gatwick be willing to show me around?:)

Thanks in advance!

22nd Jan 2003, 23:36

Getting someone from here to take you around would be best, and don't just stop at one, if you get offers to visit all, then go to them all as it will look even better in the interviews. Failing any responses, contact 1 Kemble Street (where the application was sent) and they have the phone numbers needed for arranging visits. But without doubt, YOU MUST VISIT AT LEAST ONE PLACE OF INTEREST for the interviews, it shows job interest whichis much needed in the early stages.