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View Full Version : Static wing test movie ?

15th Jan 2003, 13:42
I saw a show on the TV a few years ago, showing a static wing test (believe it was a B747) untill it broke. Does anyone know whether this particular spot is available on the net somewhere ?

Rgds. OY

15th Jan 2003, 15:43

Tthe program about the making of the 777, which was on discovery a couple of years back, showed tests of the wings untill they broke.
Dont know if the video clip is on the internet.


15th Jan 2003, 16:40
You could buy the Discovery DVD "GREAT PLANES, Boeing 747 and 777".

20th Jan 2003, 18:21
does anybody know where to get a hold of the movie/documentary of helicopter rotorblade test video footage that show the blade twist and flap?