View Full Version : Do you get bored with Happy New Year

31st Dec 2002, 17:42
I hear a lot of flight crew wishing you all a Happy Christmas/New year, whilst their hearts are in the right place , do you not become bored with this? especially as you cannot celebrate in the appropriate manner, BTW, Happy New year:D

eastern wiseguy
31st Dec 2002, 19:40
only tonight when I am on nightshift ......HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!!

31st Dec 2002, 20:25
Standard RT is the boring bit - getting away from it once a year was utterly brilliant. You ought to have heard the RT at Heathrow when we used to put Christmas Cracker riddles on the ATIS... those were the days!

HNY Everyone...

31st Dec 2002, 21:05
It only gets boring when people start saying it with about a week to go to the event.

It`s not half as annoying as "Have a nice day"; fat chance!

Charley B
1st Jan 2003, 09:45
As Loki said the greetings sound really friendly at right time --I heard Swiss crew wish Happy Xmas to controller on 135.32 a good week before Xmas!!
It was lovely listening on Xmas day when lots of freq were bandboxed onto above frequency -the young man was really enjoying giving out his Yuletide greetingsand gave us something nice to listen whist slaving away in the kitchen!!
Happy New Year to you all -- especially my friends on 135.32!!

2nd Jan 2003, 18:09
BAH HUMBUG!!! Personally I find it really irritating- I imagine it to be like standing in the doorway of a plane with a uniform on and saying ''Happy New Year'' to 300 people getting off a 747...

Vlad the Impaler
5th Jan 2003, 06:07
HAPPY NEW YEAR.................................

5th Jan 2003, 07:42
A bit of human contact when I am sitting in this big white box is most welcome, so I try to dredge up some enthusiasm whenever a pilot attempts it.

I used to really like getting Christmas greetings (at Christmas anyhow) from the radio operators from Bali & Jakarta radio, considering they probably weren't going home to a decorated pine tree and a bloat of turkey...

5th Jan 2003, 08:12
I also have to say that being in a Muslim country and getting Christmas greetings from Muslim Qatar Air Pilots (well the few that aren't Aussies anyway) and Omani Air is nice as they are really making an effort. Still getting New Year greetings on the 5th of January is probably stretching it a bit, but its in place of the usual G'day, cheers, seeya, and Marssalamah(sorry only in the UAE I spose), so whats the problem. By the way Spod, I heard Bass screwed you guys and you won't be doing arrivals till Carlton next wins the AFL Premiership, is that true??

8th Jan 2003, 23:50
Hello Shoe-chewer! Happy new year. Probably won't have to do arrivals until after you pay tax again... Buggared if I know what they are up to, I'm just kicking back on CANTY. Happy new year.

Beware of the donkeys (http://millenniumaircrew.users.btopenworld.com/iraqiscudlaunchernew.jpg)

And finally, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

12th Jan 2003, 12:54
Happy New Year, I hope you had a good one. I worked a morning shift New Years day(at least the morning shift here starts at 0730am), so I had a pretty quiet one. Yeh I heard off the bus that they'd royally shafted you guys and put you in a Super Crisper. That sux royally but to be honest doesn't surprise me. Have you applied for TMA as I heard that was on the go? Anyway hope all is well and pass on my g'days to all the guys.

P.S Thanks for the pic, but with the lack of women here I think the locals have a better use for a donkey, if you know what I mean.

17th Jan 2003, 06:43
Just a bit of change for changes sake, I can put up with it but will never understand it. The plans are being produced, amended & discarded at a feverish pace, but (sooner or later) I get to do YWE which looks cool. Having CAN next to YWE is actually great, we work together much better than when we was strangers. I wouldn't blame The Bus for being irritated, his CAN sentence has been increased:p

TMA? Be f@cked:D

18th Jan 2003, 16:23
Hmm dunno if I could work with Mr Potato Head and co. from Bass Group, but I hope it all works out for you guys. Got final checks in 3 days and all is going well so should be no drama. No bombs dropping here yet but shouldn't be long, judging from the Septic activity lately. Rang ASA 2 days ago to confirm I've resigned, so all over red rover. cheers I'll keep in touch.

18th Jan 2003, 16:33
I will quite often reply in Welsh to the greeting, most pilots think Im swearing at them.......