View Full Version : 744 takeoff

23rd Dec 2002, 13:09
Went to Mumbai last Monday on BA 139- on takeoff, I was looking at the engines and noticed that the intakes filled with water vapour on spool-up, and this lasted until rotation.
I'd be interested to know what causes this, I haven't noticed it before.

Very nice flight, by the way, same goes for the return flight last Friday.

Finally, compliments of the season to all, especially those who post such interesting replies and info here. I've learned a lot since I've ben logging on here.

23rd Dec 2002, 14:08
Low pressure at the front of the engine causes humid air to condense, In very humid area's you will see the same effect over the wings as well once the aircraft rotates for takeoff.


23rd Dec 2002, 15:25
and here's a nice photo......

Condensation (http://www.airliners.net/open.file?id=174130&WxsIERv=TWNEb25uZWxsIERvdWdsYXMgREMtMTAtMzA%3D&WdsYXMg=UGFuIEFt&QtODMg=TWlhbWkgLSBJbnRlcm5hdGlvbmFsIChNSUEgLyBLTUlBKQ%3D%3D&ERDLTkt=VVNBIC0gRmxvcmlkYQ%3D%3D&ktODMp=SmFudWFyeSAxOTg0&WNEb25u=RG9uIEJveWQ%3D&xsIERvdWdsY=Tjg0TkE%3D&MgTUQtODMgKE=KGNuIDQ3ODM3LzMyOCkgIkNsaXBwZXIgR2xvcnkgb2YgdGh lIFNraWVzIi4gQ29uZGVuc2F0aW9uIGZpbGxzIGFsbCB0aHJlZSBlbmdpbmU gaW5sZXRzIGF0IGxpZnRvZmYgZnJvbSBydW53YXkgMTIuICMxIGVuZ2luZSB pcyByZWZsZWN0ZWQgaW4gdGhlIGxvd2VyIGZ1c2VsYWdlIHBvcnRpb24gYW5 kIHRoZSBjYXB0YWluIGlzIHZpc2libGUgaW4gdGhlIGVhcmx5IG1vcm5pbmc gc3VubGlnaHQu&YXMgTUQtODMgKERD=NTExNzg%3D&NEb25uZWxs=MjAwMS0wNy0xMQ%3D%3D&static=yes&size=M)

Merry xmas!

Simon W
23rd Dec 2002, 16:07
And another...

HERE (http://www.airliners.net/open.file?id=298918&WxsIERv=Qm9laW5nIDc3Ny0yMjI%3D&WdsYXMg=VW5pdGVkIEFpcmxpbmVz&QtODMg=TG9uZG9uIC0gSGVhdGhyb3cgKExIUiAvIEVHTEwp&ERDLTkt=VUsgLSBFbmdsYW5k&ktODMp=Tm92ZW1iZXIgMjksIDIwMDI%3D&WNEb25u=RGVyZWsgUGVkbGV5&xsIERvdWdsY=Tjc3NFVB&MgTUQtODMgKE=VW5pdGVkIDkxOSBkZXBhcnRpbmcgZnJvbSBydW53YXkgMjd SIHdpdGggYm90aCBlbmdpbmVzIGZ1bGwgb2YgbmljZSBjb25kZW5zYXRpb24 %3D&YXMgTUQtODMgKERD=Mzc1&NEb25uZWxs=MjAwMi0xMi0wMw%3D%3D&static=yes)

23rd Dec 2002, 16:59
Dufwer,...and here's a nice photo......


Merry xmas!

...Errrr, Is there a condensation at front of the radome?:D :D
Happy Holidays

24th Dec 2002, 07:11

There is a photo out there somewhere of an F-18 just as it hits mach 1. There is a vertical 'saucer' of condensation around the radome, and a 'halo' just behind the pilot. I'll try to dig it up as time permits. Doesn't look like the PA D10 has condensation around its radome, rather just looks like a white radome!!

Merry Christmas everyone

24th Dec 2002, 14:10
Thanks, Wino, Dufwer and Simon W for the explanation and pics.
Hope you have a great Christmas and New Year!

Dave Incognito
25th Dec 2002, 22:58
This is the B1 approaching Mach 1.

B1 Photo (http://airliners.net/open.file?id=252881&WxsIERv=Um9ja3dlbGwgQi0xQiBMYW5jZXI%3D&WdsYXMg=VVNBIC0gQWlyIEZvcmNl&QtODMg=UGVuc2Fjb2xhIEJlYWNo&ERDLTkt=VVNBIC0gRmxvcmlkYQ%3D%3D&ktODMp=SnVseSAxMiwgMjAwMg%3D%3D&WNEb25u=R3JlZ2cgU3RhbnNiZXJ5&xsIERvdWdsY=ODUtMDA2NA%3D%3D&MgTUQtODMgKE=QSBVU0FGIEIxQiBtYWtlcyBhIGhpZ2ggc3BlZWQgcGFzcyB 2ZXJ5IG5lYXIgdGhlIHNvdW5kIGJhcnJpZXIgYXQgdGhlIFBlbnNhY29sYSB CZWFjaCBhaXJzaG93LiBGcm9tIHRoZSAxMjd0aCBCUy8xODR0aCBCVywgS2F uc2FzIEFORw%3D%3D&YXMgTUQtODMgKERD=MzkwMDc%3D&NEb25uZWxs=MjAwMi0wNy0xNw%3D%3D&static=yes&size=L)