View Full Version : Christmas present list

Grim Reaper 14
18th Dec 2002, 10:54
For BRL - As already stated, a hanky. Also a 'Get out of jail free' card, for the next time he gets caught walking out of a pub with the vast majority of their promotional material under his arm.

Iain Poll - A decent rugby team to play for, and the ability to drink without encouraging others to act like idiots (or go home absolutely rat @rsed and get in trouble with their Missus).

Fu-Fu - An increase in your enthusiasm for flying (!), and a new keyboard for your 'puter. It must get worn out very quickly with the length of your posts (Fnaar Fnaar!!)

Bloke I A A - Dental insurance and the chance to turn the clock back a few months ;)

SOMP - A clean Vegas t-shirt. Are you still wearing the Dirty one?

Eveepee - A tube map

Everyone else (with a few exceptions cos you've already done it), I'd like to give you all the present of the desire and perseverance to attend a 'Private Flying' drinkette in the vicinity of SE England, so that we might all realise what an ugly, sad bunch of to55ers we all are.

Long may aviation bring us all together, so that blood and vomit might be spilled in the name of a good time. ;) :( ;) :rolleyes:

Saab Dastard
18th Dec 2002, 11:38
And for you, Grim, it HAS to be a packet of condoms for your nasal party trick! :D :D




18th Dec 2002, 12:58
Yes, some non-lubricated, non-spermicided (is there such a word?) condoms!

Thanks Grim - appreciate the pressie! Although the new keyboard really isn't necessary, since it's not my keyboard that I wear out - it belongs to the office. A bottle of a girlie vodka-based drink would go down well, too ;)


Grim Reaper 14
18th Dec 2002, 14:32
A bit like your good self Fu-Fu (or so I've heard...;) )

19th Dec 2002, 15:24
Christmas pressies :
For Grim - a photo album to remind him where to put the condoms and for FFF a new lipstick (red, of course) :D

Thanks for my suggestion Grim - Now I know I'll have trouble when I get to Nav PPL :o

In Altissimus
20th Dec 2002, 11:39
Thanks GR...

As I didn't meet either of my stated criteria for attending the last bash (permanent teeth, GFT done) I had to ban myself!

How about _working_ seat height adjusters on the club crates for G_SXTY ;)

p.s. I heard that IanPoll was often seen CHEATING before the Xmas drinkies by PRACTICING in the 'club-house' at Stapleford:cool: Hic!