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View Full Version : Ryanair 'Maximum' fuel policy

Wig Wag
18th Dec 2002, 09:35
It is my understanding that Ryanair operate a maximum fuel policy at Stansted.

The working practice, as described to me, is that Captains who land at Stansted with more than a prescribed amount of fuel automatically receive a letter of complaint from management.

Can anyone in Ryanair confirm or deny this?

What is the safety advantage of trying to restrict the Captains authority to make a safe decision on fuel carriage?

18th Dec 2002, 10:16
This sounds very much like an evoctive stir, lots of insinuation, no facts.

Be so kind as to deliver the facts, (via PM or Email), and this thread will be unlocked. Many thanks.

BlueEagle - Moderator.