View Full Version : Silicon Decompression

Rwy in Sight
7th Dec 2002, 20:25
I was reading thre thread about decompression and I thought the following:

I heard from two different sources -no aviation related- that silicon improved breasts have "exploded" during a flight.

I know that thousand of woman with silicon enhanced breasts travel every year so it should be a very isolated incident but can this happend?

Rwy in SIght

7th Dec 2002, 21:24
I once saw a TV programme about the Sunday Sport where Lolo Ferrari, the late French ridiculously large-breasted silicone-enhanced porn star who was a regular on Eurotrash, was barred by BA from flying on Concorde and demoted to a subsonic flight instead.

9th Dec 2002, 22:22
That's probably because she couldn't fit into the aisle...:D