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View Full Version : 'The Flying School' Documentary on Channel 5...

Simon W
21st Nov 2002, 09:58
... apparently it's a fly-on-the-wall style documentary all about the runnings of Wycombe Air Centre. Flyer magazine say the programme is due to be shown on Channel 5 on December 1st. I looked up programmes for that day and couldn't see it but keep your eyes open, sounds like it could be very interesting.



21st Nov 2002, 10:29
Don't know anything about wycombe, but if its anything like the place I used to work it could be very funny....

For a long time was tempted to write a Adrian Mole sort of book about the life of a group of instructors living in caravans...

21st Nov 2002, 12:24
Next months Flyer (received today) has an article on it. Should be interesting


21st Nov 2002, 13:59
Any idea when it was filmed? There were a bunch of people running around with cameras when i arrived on my QXC in August... :)

21st Nov 2002, 14:29
It was filmed in July, August and September so your dodgy landing might be a feature :D


21st Nov 2002, 16:50
Had a look on www.radiotimes.co.uk and I can't seem to find it. Any ideas anyone ?

21st Nov 2002, 23:15
I work for Five and I believe it's scheduled for the second or third of december. I will check tomorrow and post again.

22nd Nov 2002, 07:26
They seemed to be filming for absolutely ages - I was expecting a whole series! I believe they've done quite a bit of "in flight" stuff - a few snippets I saw while they were filming looked quite good.

22nd Nov 2002, 08:50
Arrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! :( :( :( :(

We can't get Channel 5 in this area. :( :( :(

Could anyone video it for me Preferably someone who flies from Welshpool, Sleap, or Wolverhampton, so I could pick up the
video(s). Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaase!

22nd Nov 2002, 09:12
So does anyone know when it's on, I'd certainly be happy to record and distribute it but I need to know when it's on.

Anyone ... :confused:

22nd Nov 2002, 09:18
Can do Whirly - so long as you remind me close to the date (notoriously poor memory!).

Simon W
22nd Nov 2002, 09:32

I think we're all waiting for our inside source at C5 "PeteB" to post back with a confirmed date and time. :)


If you've got Sky Digital (or access to) then Channel 5 is on there.


22nd Nov 2002, 09:52
Whirlybird. Can video for you and leave at Sleap or Welshpool, I visit both airfields, but not Wolverhamton spaceport. :D

Genghis the Engineer
22nd Nov 2002, 10:08
Told you you needed a satellite dish Whirly.


22nd Nov 2002, 11:08
Whirlybird I can't get Channel 5, via the terrestrial aeriel either.

But the Sky mini-dish & digibox, not only gives perfect Channel 5, but other total time-wasters (oops sorry - educational channels :D ) such as Discovery Wings. With a bit of planning & searching through the programme guide, you can watch almost non stop aviation related programmes. :)

And BRL this is not an advert, as I have no connection with SKY! (I am just a sad telly addict) :D

22nd Nov 2002, 11:29
Used to get all those lovely discovery channels.... and e4. Not any more though thanks to mr itv digi. sob... sob.... havent seen big brother live since 2001....

22nd Nov 2002, 18:35
Don't worry you're not missing much on Discovery Wings. It's seems to be caught in a never ending loop of repeats .


22nd Nov 2002, 20:41
The only reference I can find of it is in a summary of 'must see' programmes, which says it is to air on the 3rd of december at 2200. Unfortunately, all the master schedules now show a programme called 'hairy women' in that slot(!!).
I can't find any reference to it elsewhere. I'll ask one of the schedulers on Wednesday (my next shift) if they know when it will air. Sometimes these programmes get held back for all sorts of different reasons. Quite often, if they think it will be reasonably popular, they'll wait until the other channels publish their schedules before they finalise where they put that particular program, so that they can compete with that channel for ratings. It may also be for legal reasons, or that they want to do more work on the programme before it airs. We'll see, and I'll post when I find out. Five may begin to promote it as soon as they decide an air date, it all depends on how popular they think it will be...

22nd Nov 2002, 21:07
Flyer mag this month has a bit on it....

says 9pm Dec 1st Ch5



23rd Nov 2002, 14:46
They are still shooting 'pick ups' as they call them tomorrow 24th...so wear your Sunday best, around Wickham Air Centre....
and who is this 'Dicky Bird' who refused to appear on camera?

Dont hold your breath when it is transmitted....although it was funded by CH5, the sole crew person woman had'nt got a clue about operating a camera.....look out for the bus driver from Reading going for his ALTP......

23rd Nov 2002, 15:12
I'd be interested to know why you think the person operating the camera didn't know what they were doing? And how could you tell anyway?

And what's an ALTP?;)

Hew Jampton
23rd Nov 2002, 16:39
Unfortunately, all the master schedules now show a programme called 'hairy women' in that slot So it could still be about a flying club then?

Or are they hairy in that slot?

23rd Nov 2002, 18:36
It certainly sounds interesting, whatever it is....

27th Nov 2002, 14:52

Have a look at the 16.30 slot on 29th December....I think you will find it's scheduled there....

1st Dec 2002, 20:03
I had a look, and it was scheduled in that slot. However, it's been deleted again, and something else (to be decided) is now to air in that slot. Schedules change quickly around christmas!

2nd Dec 2002, 18:34
PeteB Grab a copy of the tape for us and bring it to the bash on sat and we can look at it in the pub......:p ;)

3rd Dec 2002, 07:50

Re: "Dickie"

Presumably you know who he is and and are playing devil's advocate a bit here - anyone who knows WAC will also know,
so there's no need for me to say :D

3rd Dec 2002, 08:26
So.........erm............when the **** is it on????


3rd Dec 2002, 15:15

The name "Dickie" rang some bells but not sure why?
Any clues?

Negative Charlie
4th Dec 2002, 10:28
If you ever see a short bloke hanging around WAC dressed like Biggles - that's Dickie.

4th Dec 2002, 14:00
Hmmm, okay so that was an odd program ! Particularly the two Yanks !

4th Dec 2002, 20:43
Have I missed "Hairy Women"?......DAMN!!!!!!

5th Dec 2002, 07:50

Dickie "dressed like Biggles"!! - LOL

Know what you mean though (but suspect you might have seen him on a day when he was biplane flying)

5th Dec 2002, 19:03
So getting back to the original thread ;)

When is this programme being screened ?

15th Dec 2002, 09:38
Have a look at the 16.30 slot on 29th December....I think you will find it's scheduled there....

The Christmas Radio Times doesn't have it listed :(

Hvaing just got Channel 5 (yesterday!!), I'm quite keen to see it. Will tape it for people if needed.


15th Dec 2002, 12:00
Brilliant PR scam for C5.
Send someone who doesnt know how to use a camera to film lots of shots. Tell people that the programme is on in a couple of months then schedule and reschedule. Cause a flurry of posts to a forum about the programme. Generate more interest than C5 does for its programming generally. Have more people posting than C5 would normally get as viewers.

I must declare I have nothing to do with C5 or any othetr broadcasting organisation and the sum of my knowledge on this subject has been gained from reading this thread.

Terrain Ahead!
16th Dec 2002, 11:20

Do you think ? Is reading this thread going to make me watch c5 more ??? I reckon not; well apart from this program that is - so i dont see how the rescheduling is relevant, particularly since the thread had been dormant for 10 days prior to TKF post.

16th Dec 2002, 12:09
The latest from Channel 5 viewer enquires today is that this programme hasn't yet been scheduled, but is expected to be shown sometime in the next three weeks!

They are certainly keeping this one under wraps, or maybe they are having problems editing a coherent programme from the material they shot!

Happy Christmas!

30th Dec 2002, 19:20
Hi folks,
Just wondering has this programme been shown yet on C5? If not, any ideas when it is being aired? Hope I haven't missed it!


Simon W
30th Dec 2002, 21:28
I've been checking the C5 schedules and asfar as I'm aware we haven't yet missed it. Can't see when it's going to be on though.

31st Dec 2002, 09:14

Channel 5 hasn't made it to rural North Wales yet, so please can I take up your offer to record it.

I'll take you for a quick helicopter flight in exchange if you want. ;) At least I will if/when we can manage to be in the same part of the country or at the same fly-in.

Fly Stimulator
9th Jan 2003, 09:42
Any updates on whether this has been and gone yet, or is it still to be broadcast?

9th Jan 2003, 16:47
Still to be scheduled.......but dont hold your breath for too much if it ever goes out.....

Why should life be a bowl of cherries when there's icecream?

17th Jan 2003, 21:10
'Flying School' has appeared on the schedules again.
It's scheduled for Sunday, 2nd of February, at 1425.
Looking at how it's been scheduled to air many times in the past, I would say that the above is very much subject to change. I'll try and post as I learn of changes.

Fly Stimulator
28th Jan 2003, 18:58
Well, only a few days to go now and it's still in the schedules for Sunday afternoon.

Whether it will live up to the long build-up only time will tell, but it seems as if it might actually be broadcast this time.

28th Jan 2003, 19:02
This has got to be the most anticipated show since the who shot JR episode on the telly.!!!!!! :p

28th Jan 2003, 19:40
Interestingly - my schedule reckons its a repeat !


Fly Stimulator
28th Jan 2003, 20:35

Should you ever become tired of flying, I urge you to consider a career in IT as a C programmer - it looks as if you can write it already! ;)

28th Jan 2003, 21:05
Fly Stimulator,

either you know me - or you also can write c ......:D :D

31st Jan 2003, 16:15
The Flying School really is in the schedules, at last :D

Channel Five
Sunday 2nd Feb 2003
1425 to 1530
Videoplus 27711734

BUT, in the schedules, it is shown as a repeat

So, did we all blink, & miss it the first time around :confused:

31st Jan 2003, 16:56
Dont get too excited - do you seriously think that CH5 would schedule the programme at this time and day if it was any good.

31st Jan 2003, 17:59
If I get a chance I'll watch it tomorrow and let you all know how good/bad it is....then you can decide wether or not to set your videos!

I think Vizsla has a point - they're not promoting it either....

31st Jan 2003, 19:27
I am positively moist with anticipation.
Who want's to bet that it will be the biggest pile of amateur rubbish ever aired and we will all be disappointed after waiting so long.
Oooooh I feel a poll coming on. :p

1st Feb 2003, 14:37
I've just found time to sit down and watch the programme - wow.
It's actually well worth watching! I watched it an hour ago, and I still have that 'lifted' feeling that I get after a really good flight.
It's well shot, well researched, and manages to put across how amazingly fun flying can be. All of the instructors come across very well, appearing very calm and understanding. (I also have to wonder how much they all spent on new sunglasses before filming started...).
The students that the show followed were a good selection, from all different backgrounds, and again, they all looked like they were having a great time.
The show managed to concentrate on all the good things about flying. After it finished I felt disappointed that it was all over -maybe we can persuade five to make some more? Anyway, I won't ramble on because you'll all get to see it tomorrow - I'll just say watch it, it really is worth it.

1st Feb 2003, 15:06
Your making me dribble.

Good programme planning by Channel 5,
Show a programme about flying training on a Sunday afternoon when most of it's audience will be errr....flying.

Shaggy Sheep Driver
1st Feb 2003, 18:38
I would think Ch 5's screening at an off-peak time is more a reflection of how interested they think Joe Public is rather than how good or bad the quality of the production. After all I expect it:

a) Doesn't involve kicking or batting a ball around
b) Is not violent
c) Isn't a soap
d) Features characters who posess more than one brain cell
e) Uses word of more that one Syllable.


2nd Feb 2003, 13:37
Well, just 10 minutes in to the program...

And I damn impressed so far!

2nd Feb 2003, 13:59
Tom, the instructor, if you're reading this - WELL DONE!!

Now, back for part 3...

2nd Feb 2003, 14:34
...seemed rushed to me.
Definately should have been a series so we could get a bit more 'emotional' with the characters. What happened to the guy who had trouble navigating? Did he pack it in?

2nd Feb 2003, 14:36
Like I said above, I really think that this show could be made into a longer series - If responses are positive I'll try and find out who the relevant person is at Five and e-mail this post to them. Maybe it's worth doing a poll?
By the way - did any body happen to watch the subtitles? They were obviously written by a non- aviation person - very funny in places!

2nd Feb 2003, 14:45
Excellent program and hilarious at times. Brought back a lot of good memories from training.

PeteB definately look into it for us.


2nd Feb 2003, 15:41
Ahhh pants! I can't believe it! I wait months for this, then I go flying, and I forget it! Can anyone sort me out with a tape in return for several pints? Or a flight when I've got my licence... :):rolleyes:

2nd Feb 2003, 15:44
No worries Mike - send me your address and I'll pop it in the post.

That goes for anyone else too.


QNH 1013
2nd Feb 2003, 15:44
Well I was very impressed. Well done to the producer and director and a big thank you to all those brave enough to allow themselves to be filmed.

2nd Feb 2003, 15:45
I was very impressed (even though I was expecting different since it was being shown by Ch5) I saw things which reminded me of my training days, and also some of the reasons why I developed an interest in flying. I agree that it should have become a series, other 'fly on the wall' tv shows are, it is a shame this one isn't. It would have been nice to see how some of the students got on.

Also, it's good to see a programme which promotes general aviation as opposed to constantly going on about the dangers, noise, low flying etc.

I hope another programme like that is broadcast again soon

2nd Feb 2003, 16:56
Very interesting! Maybe its just me but I got the feeling that they were going to make a short series and then compressed it into a one hour show:hmm:


2nd Feb 2003, 17:06
I had heard on the aviation grapevine (yes, there is one other than Pprune :D ), that the programme was originally commissioned as a series.

Having just watched the programme, it does look to me as if it has been seriously edited down to 105 minutes (less adverts). And, with the number of lose ends, it does look as if there was ample material for a series.

If so, what happnened :confused:

2nd Feb 2003, 18:43
Actually remembered to watch it...cracking stuff. It was great to see so many people enjoying themselves so much. Shame really it was so short, I could easily have done with a whole series.

More imporantly, I thought it was actually a really good avert for GA in general, I could well see it persuading a few NIMBYs that GA is something which normal people do ie its not a form a devil worhsip exclusivley practised by Ferrari-driving city boys (although if anybody wants to give me a £1m a year job with an Aston Martin as a company car then I'm not going to complain :} )

2nd Feb 2003, 18:59
Brought back recent memories....first solo, passing skill test etc........(i thought the bloke talking to, and cuddling the teddybear on his first solo was a bit dodgy....surely he should have been putting all his attention into flying his aeroplane)..but still,...he made a good landing..........really enjoyed it !! :)

2nd Feb 2003, 19:19
Cheers Ed, you're a dude! Check your PMs...

Wonder if I'm in any of the shots walking past or anything. Remember there was cameras around during the time I was doing my Air League Engineering thingy...Only dawned on me what they were for when I read about this show in Flyer... :rolleyes:

2nd Feb 2003, 19:26
Well done Guys (and Caroline) for coming across so well on air - I think you did yourselves and WAC a lot of credit.

As I said at the start of this thread, I was surprised (and disappointed) that there was only one programme - they seemed to be filming for absolutely ages last Summer.

The ethos of the whole thing reminded me how lucky and I am to have been able to learn to fly.

Strange that the CFI was the one whose unmistakeable tones we heard but who's face we didn't see - (during the aeros sortie) :confused: - being a nosey ****** I'll have to ask him why sometime

Fly Stimulator
2nd Feb 2003, 19:44
I thought it was very good, and could easily stretch to a series.

I'm intrigued to know what happened to some of the characters. Did Mr Teddy get his nav sorted or did he chuck it in? Was Ms ATC-to-be tempted to carry on in the end?

And most importantly, does Wycombe really attract such a high proportion of nice young lady members, or was it simply that all the spotty lads and wrinkled old f*rts typical of most flying clubs ended up on the floor of the edit suite?

3rd Feb 2003, 11:37
I thought it was a great programme but was I the only one that thought Mr.Teddy's instructor was terrible? He seem to alternate between being condescending and sarcastic and didn't seem too interested in his student. No wonder Mr.Teddy had all his confidence sapped. If I had been in his position I hope I would have had the courage to change instructors.:rolleyes:

3rd Feb 2003, 12:13
On the one occasion I've flown with "Mr Teddy's" instructor, Andy, (just on a Club currency check) I found him very easy to get on with - I'd better say that, as he was reasonably complimentary about my flying!

What a pity the producers didn't want to focus on those of us who already have a PPL (I was approached by the production lady one day, and once it became clear that I already have a PPL she lost interest in me!!).

The programme could have covered the fun you can have once you've got your licence, as well as the fun (?!?) you can have getting it - we could have then showed the nice new aeroplanes on the fleet rather than just the 152's.

I suppose if they wanted to do a series, this all might have happened - pity!

3rd Feb 2003, 12:36
I had my first PuT flight with Caroline one glorious summers day - was completely hooked. The programme brought all the memories of that first flight back... now all I have to do is find the money to keep going :D

[edited to add] I've also got a copy of the video if anybody else want's to have a look

Rote 8
3rd Feb 2003, 13:21

I think they made brief reference in the programme to the fact that Mr Teddy had asked his instructor to treat him in that manner as he found it the best way to make progress - each to their own I suppose. I may be wrong of course.

Thought it was fantastic and really wish they would make a decent series out of it. I am just gutted that I forgot to video it.

3rd Feb 2003, 14:59
I've started to feel a bit sorry for MR TEDDY.......DONT PACK IT IN !!!!
I had a couple of occasions where i nearly threw the teddy in.....(i mean the towel)....once i encountered wind shear on final approach....really shook me up ( terrified me actually)..and i started thinking, maybe its not for me....then i thought...every student must have similar experiences/doubts....talking to other students really helped me.....knowing i wasn't alone, thinking these things only happened to me. IT WILL BE ALL WORTH IT WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR LICENCE.....GOOD LUCK..KEEP GOING !!:D

Dave Gittins
3rd Feb 2003, 15:58
After all the anticipation and false alarms, I have missed it ........... drat.

Anybody know when the repeat is on ???????



3rd Feb 2003, 19:53
Enjoyable to watch people you know but only see on the ground doing their stuff in the air.

Regarding accuracy of titles etc, it was a pity to see Pete talk about recovery from a spiral dive, only to cut to air-to-air film of a spin entry and recovery...

I hope that 'hands-on-face-at-the-flare' ATC lady doesn't have the same attitude when faced with two head-on at the same level on radar..:eek:

Well done the guys!!:D :cool:

4th Feb 2003, 17:05
Best TV Prog for ages.

How do we let CH5 know that so many of us appreciated it and want more!?

I would have thought that Joe Public would enjoy the programme as well. Screaming and attractive girlies, young blokes with relationship problems, 'schoolmastery' type gets come uppance on Nav (I thought that that was why the Instructor adopted his style, didn't he say as much?), the 'older woman' who wants a good time, will they pass/won't they, will brave ATC woman keep it up?. As well as the flying, the prog seemed full of the kind of real life soap stuff people watch these days. It was much more interesting than the Easyjet prog with tension built-up around "and will pompous business person get to check-in on time".

It was great to see bus drivers and postmen doing it, to dispell the popular belief that flying is only for rich people.

If you want the video, mail me and I'll send it.

5th Feb 2003, 08:43
Sounds like it was a good programme and worth waiting for. Unfortunately I missed it! If anyone would be willing to lend me a copy please could you email me.
I can offer a copy of the Scraphead Challenge Flying prog. in return.

I can't believe that I forgot it was on!

Trainee pilot
5th Feb 2003, 22:40
Hi, I am the Instructor that took Steve, the one with the teddy (called Charlie-Echo!). I'd just like to give my view on the doc. I am very dissapointed that they portrayed Steve as they did, they basically made him out to look like an idiot which he is not. He has had problems just as everyone has but is coming on well now. The reason for my attitude towards him was this: They basically showed him getting lost and also not sure how to get back into Wycombe Airfield, they were both on the same flight! That flight was supposed to be the one before his first solo so we decided to cut the chatter and get serious to make sure Steve could do it (his request). He also seems to like the role I played for some reason. I couldn't help him as you can't when you are trying to get someone solo otherwise they can't go solo! He got lost and I wanted to make sure he understood how serious and important it was not to do so! That is where Channel 5 left him and what they failed to show were all the great flights we had together before and even after that! My normal instructional technique is that of most, people are doing it for a hobby so you have to make it fun yet safe. But at certain times you do have to be more serious and change your technique to suit your student. Anyway, we were not happy with all of this and since then Steve has mastered diversions and has already done his first solo nav route! He is in soon for an intensive week and might even get his PPL in a couple of months! The new rumour is also that Flyer magazine were also upset with how Ch 5 left Steve and want to do a special follow up report on him to show that he has carried on and is enjoying it too, which is the best news he could have, what we have to remember is that television can portray you however they want even in it bares no resemblance to the truth, and that is what they did to him and to me.
On the rest of the Doc, it was good but it would have been nice to have seen more PPL students rather than the ATC lady and the screamers. The Producer was not happy with it and it was supposed to be on in the evening about 2100 (prime time), but Ch 5 basically wanted lots of screaming which they did not get fully and therefore showed it at 1425!
We are all a really happy family at Wycombe and will continue to be so, keep an eye out in Flyer in about 2 months or so incase they carry on with Steve which I hope they do. If you have any other questions about the doc please post below and I will try to get round to replying to them, stay happy!

Barnaby the Bear
6th Feb 2003, 08:50
I wouldn't worry too much about the ATC student. When I was doing my 15 hours (wish it was more!), we had a couple of people that hated the flying, but are doing very well at ATC.
I just caught the end of the program. Didn't see it hidden in the TV times.:}

Hew Jampton
6th Feb 2003, 11:13
But isn't there something basically odd (and perhaps inappropriate) about a person controlling aircraft about which she has what appears to be a clinical phobia?

I used to instruct at WAC but in those days we never had our own "Test Pilot". Presumably he can conduct CofA airtests etc but that's not quite the same thing!

The CFI was more than somewhat camera-shy.

6th Feb 2003, 12:36

The word I have from the Club (admittedly, not the aforementioned CFI directly) is that he "didn't want to be in it".

As I said in a previous reply, it does seem a little strange - bearing in mind his position at the Club, you'd have thought this was a golden opportunity to promote it??

At least the "Test Pilot" (sorry, Chief Engineer) let us see his face!

Good news is that I'm told they've had plently of calls requesting info since the programme was shown :O

Andy, must be very frustrating for you - to your credit I think you've articulated how it fits into the "bigger picture" very well.

6th Feb 2003, 16:58
More useless info. I heard that the girl who passed her PPL and whose parents were also pilots actually own the airfield!
Is the CFI also know as "Biggles"?

Hew Jampton
6th Feb 2003, 23:07
Unless she is the result of some form of union between BA and the local authority, no.

No, he isn't.

Barnaby the Bear
7th Feb 2003, 08:50
HJ, I understand your concerns, but at the end of the day she is at the very early stages of her training. If she is not up to it, they will find out at the college (hopefully).
Good luck to her (Sorry didn't get her name):}

7th Feb 2003, 09:49
Saw it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thought all the participants came across very well and were a good advert for WAC and GA.

If I had to criticise anything, I would say that footage of the one-off Trial Lesson screamers and joyriders was too lengthy and had little to do with learning to fly.

7th Feb 2003, 12:53
I'm not a regular in this forum but saw this thread and couldn't resist! Thought the program was pretty good but wanted to say well done to Tom, he was my CPL inst back in June last year, you came across well m8...nice one! hope all's well with wife and bin lid etc etc.........get a proper job someone was trying to kill you there :D


7th Feb 2003, 16:33
Saw the film, and, as a newly qualified pilot, thoroughly enjoyed it. As Jayemm said: it gave a good picture of how egalitarian flying really is.

It was sad, however, that the one serious flaw seemed to be the partial depiction of Steve on a cross-country. I for one felt that, when you think about it, his self-imposed grounding - to sort out his navigation on the ground before trying again in flight - showed a really positive approach to a difficulty. That sort of mature thought, caution, and determination, seems to me to be very valuable.

I do hope he gets his PPL shortly - and I wish him and the school concerned all the best.

8th Feb 2003, 07:46
For those who are interested, I contacted the relevant people at five and informed them of the positive response to 'flying school', and gave them a link to this thread so that they could see for themselves.
I received a response on thursday which basically stated that the program was made for them by an independant production company, and that they have the rights to show a repeat but have no plans to do so at present.

8th Feb 2003, 14:35
....no plans for a repeat.
I understand there way of thinking, they would have to find a space in the schedual amongst all the other top quality entertainment that Channel 5 show.


High Wing Drifter
8th Feb 2003, 16:40
The production company may be able to sell a series to another channel no doubt...who knows?

9th Feb 2003, 10:14
In common with a few people here, I blinked and missed it. TKF, I'll be taking you up on your offer of a copy if it's still available :D

I'll PM you my address and compensate you when we meet up (as I'm sure we will) sometime during the glorious summer full of wonderful flying weather that we are going to get this year........

9th Feb 2003, 12:15
Well luckily I managed to see the show but only cuz me mate who is totally unconnected with flying had the kindness of heart to phone me up and say "oi you, there's this f*$£&*g programme on channel 5 about these people learnin' ta fly!". It was a good production in my opinion and we all enjoyed it.

One thing however made me think and that was the girl who was determined to fly even though she was scared stiff the entire time. Now I know most people will say "good on her" for trying to conquer her fears but I just thought "why bother?". I mean if she has no intention of going into a commercial flying role and is merely trying to fly a plane to prove to herself she can do it then what's the point in spending all that dosh? It's not as though flying a plane is something to be compared to say, swimming whereby you might find yourself in a situation where your skills are needed! In short, flying is not exactly much use to Joe Average in a day to day crisis so I was kinda perplexed at that.

Still, I've got respect for her not giving up.


9th Feb 2003, 12:24
Watched the tape this morning and thoroughly enjoyed it , it brought back all those memorable and not so memorable training moments.

Just remember that it is television and has been edited to show the best & worse moments, the documentary is a product and has to be tailored be sold to a TV company. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

No mention of the cancelled lessons and hours spent waiting for the weather to improve.

I have to confess that Mrs Kolibear does have an impressive collection of fluffy toys and that one or two of them, the pilot ones, have been known to stowaway.

Are any of the students/PPLs featured ppruners??

9th Feb 2003, 14:15
Just looked in out of interest as I know the producer & things were somewhat taken out of her control once she had done the actual filming. Channel 5 told the TV papers that the prog was a repeat (oops!) & so nothing was done to promote it. Channel 5 wanted a programme with lots of screaming (Driving School style) & when they found that it didn't happen hid the whole thing as it wasn't felt that any one would be interested. Don't want to winge on her behalf but thought you should know.

9th Feb 2003, 16:08
One thing however made me think and that was the girl who was determined to fly even though she was scared stiff the entire time. Now I know most people will say "good on her" for trying to conquer her fears but I just thought "why bother?". I mean if she has no intention of going into a commercial flying role and is merely trying to fly a plane to prove to herself she can do it then what's the point in spending all that dosh? It's not as though flying a plane is something to be compared to say, swimming whereby you might find yourself in a situation where your skills are needed! In short, flying is not exactly much use to Joe Average in a day to day crisis so I was kinda perplexed at that.

She was an training ATCO, and so needed 15 hours flying training to get her licence. Seems a bit strange especially as she's unlikely to be controlling little Cessnas often.

IIRC NATS have now got rid of this need for flying hours.


9th Feb 2003, 16:18
Ah, I seeeeeee!!

That must've been explained in the first 10 minutes or so which I missed. I thought there might be more to it than was first apparent.

Thanks for the info.


9th Feb 2003, 17:03
Hi I'm Steve, the guy in the Channel 5 Documentary some people are referring to as Mr Teddy. My instructor, Andy told me of your forum and having read your comments on the programme I thought you might like to know a little more about my part in it and my opinion of the programme....

I was approached by the producer (Janet Harris) very early on in my flight training at Wycombe Air Park and readily agreed to appear in the programme. Janet explained that the format of the show was to concentrate on exactly what it took to obtain a PPL. I thought this was an excellent idea and I was naturally flattered to be invited to take part. Having watched the final cut of the programme however, it is clear that following intervention by Chanell 5 who were clearly looking for a different type of show, Janet's original intentions were not realised. What we ended up getting was a compilation of set pieces which although in itself illustated some of the high and low points of flying, it failed to adequately highlight just what it takes to obtain that coveted license. In my opinion the only joined up thread throughout the programme were the sections featuring the ATC lady. I thought she did extremely well under the circumstances and I applaude her courage.

The rest of the progamme that featured myself has left a rather bad tast in my mouth. Apart from a pretty good beginning featuring my first solo flight, I have been shown as incapable and a potential quitter. 2 weeks before the programme was aired I was given a pre-view of the show and I requested that the broadcasters add something like 'since filming this programme, Steve has mastered diversions and is well on the way to getting his license' (my current situation) but this went unheeded. Instead I am being remembered for being 'Hopelesley lost'. I suppose that is the price of agreeing to appear in a documentary where I had no editorial comment! I am just sorry that you were not treated to some of the more fun moments I had with Andy such as when the Carburettor Heat Knob twanged straight out of the control panel in my hand or when I dropped my map on the runway after being told by the tower that it appeared the pilot's door was not properly closed, or even the moment when the air turned blue as the camera fell off the windscreen when I was banking steeply over Silverstone and nearly scared me to death!

Before closing, I would like to set the record straight regarding Andy. I have asked Andy to be fairly strict when I am blatantly in the wrong. I think it foolhardy to be mollycoddled when trying to learn a skill such as flying and at £136 per hour, pointless and very expensive to pussyfoot around.

Andy is in my opinion a very competent instructor. He is neither condescending nor scarcastic. I am very comfortable with his style of instruction and the incident broadcast when I was getting 'hopelessley lost' (the narrators words not mine) was following a particularly bad day of flying on my part. However, in 54 hours of flying together, that moment is the 1st and only time that Andy has had to 'take control'. It was our bad luck that Chanell 5 chose to use that footage out of an apparent 300 hours of filming.

9th Feb 2003, 17:21

Well said!

My training is sufficiently recent for me to remember, well, the lessons I had when I flew like a drain! I'm sure we all have them - though I'd not like to to be thought of as speaking for all the very experienced posters on this forum ;)

Hope you're still enjoying flying.

Best wishes,

QNH 1013
9th Feb 2003, 18:32
Mr Teddy,

Thanks for posting here and giving us your background to the shots shown in the programme.

I certainly didn't think you came across as incapable or a potential quitter. In fact (although I don't claim to speak for others) I doubt that anyone who has actually trained for and obtained any pilots licence would view the shots shown as indicating that. I would be very suspicious of any pilot who claimed to never have become lost. During training it happened to me all the time.

Good luck and hope you soon get the thrill of writing a cheque to the CAA for your licence. I look forward to sharing the sky with you.

9th Feb 2003, 19:01
Dear Mr Ted,

Firstly, my commiserations. Are you really paying £136 per hour to learn to fly a C152?? And I thought that I was being a bit of a Nazi putting my prices up to £91 per flight hour in an IFR Warrior! Including FI!!

But really, visual navigation isn't difficult. It can't be, because even mere navigators can do it! Pilot navigation is supposed to be a very simple process; the emphasis being on flying the aircraft with a bit of navigation, not the other way around! I define the objective of pilot navigation as being "Maintaining straight and level balanced flight along a pre-planned route using visual fixing methods".

Set off overhead your turning point on heading, at the right speed and in trim, start timing. Note the time and NB your ETA. Then sit back, enjoy the view but fly accurately. Apply a correction or two if needed, but look out for others.

Diversions can be made much easier if you:
1. Set off only from a known point once you've done the calculations.

2. Measure the track and distance accurately and factor in the wind. My checklists have a blank laminated scratch pad on the back which has a convenient 1/2 mill scale. Just shove the checklist between start point and div point and read off the distance; scribble it on the blank bit of checklist with a chinagraph pencil (NOT one of those water-soluble pens which need 2 hands!), then use the checklist like a parallel-rule on a convenient VOR rose to measure the track.

3. Put map down, do sums.

4. Set off when ready, do a bit of map reading along the way.

Most of the people upon whom I've conducted PPL Skill Tests have found this a doddle; just don't let people make it complicated because you're paying a lot of dosh and think that you should be working hard as a result!

I thought that the programme was.....'interesting'. But I was quite surprised at some of the 'instructional technique' being demonstrated!

Good luck with the rest of your course!

9th Feb 2003, 19:45
If anyone still hasn't had a chance to see the programme then I have a copy on tape, not the best quality due to poor tape but more then welcome to borrow, just give me a shout, cheers

10th Feb 2003, 08:18

Yes, £136 p.h. is steep for a 152, but they have to pay their instructors/pay BA to use the airfield etc etc.

Things may have changed, but when I was a student at the Club at the "secret Oxon Airbase" (proud to say I did my first solo from the mid-point of 26!), most of the instructors were Mil aircrew (doing it to "keep flying light aircraft" or while HMFC had sent them to fly a desk) or Civ hours-builders.

So, some aspects of your cost model must be different??

Not criticising that, just making the point for those that may not be aware of how you are able to charge the very good rates that you are.

WAC isn't cheap, but you do get what you pay for (which for me is a professionally run outfit, with brand new well-equipped aeroplanes to fly)

PS - To you, and all in Cartoontown, keep flying safe ;)

10th Feb 2003, 13:58
Just how much of that £136 per hour do you think the instructor actually gets? A lot less than you might imagine..:mad:

Brand new aircraft... some of the 172s, but they're more than £136 dual per hour! The 152s could not be described as brand new..

As you say, however, the instructors act very professionally and give of their best to their students, as the programme showed.;)

10th Feb 2003, 15:28
1) £130+ dual is not uncommon in the south east.

2) I find it somewhat amusing that some people think that there should be more of these programmes, a series or whatever, because it was popular. It was popular on this forum certainly, but a programme about flying was always likely to be fairly popular, right? I expect people that do a lot of fishing like programmes about fishing. I reckon even 5 knows more about scheduling than I do and they chose to postpone it several times and then put it on in a less-than-prime-time slot.

3) Steve (Teddy) - did you really think that the programme makers would show you in the best light? It was a documentary for god's sake! I would guess that to the average person on the street, you approaching the Luton zone was the most interesting bit of the programme. (As a pilot I thought the most interesting bit was the girl whose solution to everything was to let go and put her hands over her eyes. That being said I was very impressed by her accomplishments) However, I don't think you looked stupid or otherwise incompetent. Personally I wouldn't like to be filmed talking to a stuffed bear, but your instructor taking the controls was nothing in my eyes. You were shown flying solo very well so I don't think people would come away with a bad impression. Have you finished your PPL yet? If not, keep at it - you can't be far away now.

4) I'm surprised anybody has used this thread of discussion to outline their method for navigation. I agree it is not incredibly difficult but I don't know how helpful saying it is easy really is. Navigation is much easier when flying the plane ("accurately") and talking on the radio is second nature (i.e. not at 15 hours), or better still when you're doing neither of these things, as per the instructor (who has flown the same route loads of times anyway).

10th Feb 2003, 16:00
A number of people have thought that I might have been a tad irresponsible bringing and indeed talking to a stuffed bear on my 1st solo flight.

May I just set the record straight by saying that the bear was given to me the night before my solo. I thought it might be a laugh to show the bear as a stowaway. I really was only playing up to the camera. For those who have only seen the short excerpt of my solo (I am fortunate enough to have a copy of the complete circuit from start up to close down in which I can assure you the bear played no part) it may look like I was relying on it for a bit of company...but really...it's just a puppet!

Those who know me realise that I take my flying very seriously. The bear was admittefly featured in further sections of the show however it was at the request of the producer that I kept showing him...oops...it! So please, don't judge me on a few moments that were intended to be a bit of fun.

Fly Stimulator
10th Feb 2003, 16:16

Nothing wrong with flying with teddies! I flew one over to Ireland myself last year, as did a few dozen others, for a charity fly-in.

They make excellent co-pilots, being calm at all times, as well as refraining from making impertinent remarks regarding one's imperfections as a pilot. ;)

I thought that you came across well. There's certainly nothing wrong with showing that recreational flying is still allowed to include having a bit of fun. I'm sure that there are hordes of bureaucrats working to correct this oversight, but they haven't quite beaten us yet.

Glad you liked the 'Mr Teddy' moniker!

10th Feb 2003, 20:24
Mr Teddy....i should have known better...we (the band) did a music programme for t.v......which involved do about 6 takes of a song. On one of the takes i played a terrible "bum note"..and made a point of begging the producer to use one of the other takes........of course the only one they used was the "bum note" one..................Keep going friend !!! ;)

10th Feb 2003, 20:47

The only the thing you can be accused of is beating yourself up too much - hardly a crime, and quite frankly much more reassuring than if you hadn't given a toss at all.

Who cares if you want to carry a stuffed toy when you're flying, is this any stranger than the countless number of us who sing or talk to ourselves when flying (just me then.....:O ). Most of us must have at some point almost considered jacking it in when we hit a block during our PPL, only for it all to come together when we were least expecting it. Of all the people in the show I was wanting you to succeed. No doubt that lovely curry-brown wallet will be winging its way to you any day now!:D

11th Feb 2003, 05:07
Wycombe - fair point. No doubt the aeroplane you did your first solo in is one of the ones we're still operating! Though nowadays it has FMI radio, GPS/Comm, twin VOR/ILS plus ADF, DME, Mode C etc etc....

Financial modelling is very difficult as you say. Does one budget for a replacement aeroplane programme? Probably not - but certainly for engine replacement, avionics and contingencies!

I reckon that to 'employ' a FI, one should allow about £10-15 for each and every hour flown and for each FI. Alternatively, try to forecast the dual:solo ratio and add the FI cost to 'dual' hours only?

I wish that we could rely on a few military FIs to help out as used to be the case - but lack of time and the cost of licensing and rating revalidation means that virtually none are available any more.......

Back to the thread - good luck to Mr Ted and I hope that you conclude your training very soon!

11th Feb 2003, 09:57

Yes, you're right in all that you say, but the comments I made are based on my own use of WAC's facilities....I don't fly the 152's and only fly the 172's dual when I have to. In the last year, I've only flown the R and the SP's (which for Club hire aircraft, are very nice).


First solo was either in 'JP or 'JR (don't have logbook to hand). Instructor that sent me was tragically killed in a very nasty accident at Oxford not long after

Got some dual and solo time in 'RG in the logbook aswell.

11th Feb 2003, 16:00
I have sent a number of personal notes of thanks to various contributors to this topic, however I would like to take this opportunity of thanking everybody for the kind comments they have made and the encouragement they have given me in the previous threads.

I am currently trying to get in a week of consolidated flying as I have found myself with some time on my hands. So far I have managed 30mins in 4 days! Having studied and passed the MET exam I now know precisely why I am unable to get airborne...it doesn't help though! What does help is being able to refer to the past comments about the documentary which keep my spirits lifted.

Best wishes,

11th Feb 2003, 16:05
Wycombe - those 3 are still serving us well! 'RG was nearly destroyed by the antics of a visiting East European ac in 2001, but is back with us now at much cost to us! We also have a sister for her - another Warrior II looking just as smart!

If you ever wish to come back, we're allowed to take a number of 'associate' members - send me a pm or just ring the Club!

Nice to hear from Mr Ted - sounds like he's got diversions well sortd out now!

12th Feb 2003, 12:37
:* Ahhh, S*d it!

Sky box on the blink for a few days (don't get C5 in my area) and I miss it.

Holdposition, check your PM's as I'd like to take you up on your offer. :O


12th Feb 2003, 19:25

hi no probs at all, got your details and will oblige:)


18th Feb 2003, 17:01
Having visited this topic a number of times over the past week it would appear that interest in this subject has waned somewhat.

However if there still are some die hards out there who are looking in and might be interested (I hope I'm not being too presumptious) I am delighted to report that I passed my Navigation Ground exam with flying colours (Pun Intended!) on Sunday 16th Feb.

So now it's just my 1hr solo Local Area, solo Newbury Grove, Navigation Check Ride, long distance dual qualifier, long distance solo qualifier, GFT and actual Flying Test to go!!

I know there is light at the end of the tunnel but it's still looking awfully dim!

Best wishes to all,
Mr Teddy.


18th Feb 2003, 17:10
Hi Mr. Teddy,

I finally managed to watch the C5 program last night (courtesy of others on this thread) - and jolly enjoyable it was too. I thought you came across well in 'grounding' yourself to concentrate on your Nav skills. Congrats on passing the exam.

Keep plugging away at each hurdle - you're obviously enjoying the flying and I'm sure you'll get there.

Send my regards to Mr. Ted.

Fly Stimulator
18th Feb 2003, 17:23
Well done Steve! :ok:

You've broken the back of it now! The rest of it is all fun since it all involves flying. The solo qualifying cross country may seem daunting, but if you do it with your instructor first and get familiar with the route, the landmarks and the airfields you'll be landing at then it should seem like much less of a hurdle.

Once you've been to an airfield once, got the hang of the joining procedures, the circuit, the taxiways and the holding points then it's always much less stressful when you go back there next time.

Going along as a passenger with other PPLs can be a good idea too when you're training. There's no pressure and nobody is judging you, but it can be a good chance to practice navigation, listen to (or help with) the RT calls and generally get used to being further away from home base. I certainly found it useful when I was training.

Please keep posting as you keep progressing through the training. There were quite a few students last year who were recording their progress - see sennadog's thread (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=81818) asking about the class of 2002.

PS - sorry I missed you on Friday. I did fly past Wycombe but had to press on so didn't have the time to drop in.

18th Feb 2003, 18:31
Having just watched this courtesy of Holdposition (cheers HP - I owe you one), I think its the best bit of reality TV I've seen.

Best of luck Mr Teddy on your QXC - this was my favorite part of the course. Then again, I didn't have Luton to contend with :eek:

Aussie Andy
19th Feb 2003, 07:37
Can't wait! Is the tape still in circulation then!?

19th Feb 2003, 07:43
Well done on your progress so far Mr. Teddy. I've yet to see the video but have been assured that it is shuffling through the system towards me :D

PS Don't listen to bcfc , Luton are very heplful. Well they've helped me a lot over the past few years :D :D

19th Feb 2003, 08:11
I have a copy aswell...there's one friend who needs to see it first, then it's up for loan for anyone else that requires....

19th Feb 2003, 12:36
I didn't mean to imply anything derogatory about Luton - When you see the tape LownSlow, you'll know what I mean.

I can supply a tape made by Holdposition if anyone is interested.


20th Feb 2003, 07:47
Thank you once again to all those who have responded to my latest progress report...I am really pleased I was introduced to this site as it is a great source of encouragement.

Fly Stimulator...sorry you were unable to make it to Wycombe last Friday...perhaps some other time.


Aussie Andy
20th Feb 2003, 08:44
Mr Teddy - hi there! I just read your earlier post (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=769505#post769505) - it sounds like you've been given a bit of a rough ride if they portrayed you that way (I'm getting my copy of the tape from Fly Stimulator at LFAT this Saturday :)). We all, by definition, go through mistakes etc. while we are learning! Obvioulsy you're not going to let any of this put you off!

You'll have your license before long, I'm sure. I also fly from Wycombe (BAFC) and work in the City (near St. Pauls) so if you want to meet for a beer or lunch to discuss anything, then please let me know.

I'd also encourage you to think about coming along on our trip to Lubeck in May - would be a great way for a newly minted PPL to gain experience, within a group setting, of flight on the continent over this coming May Day bank holiday weekend - taking in Belgium, northern Germany and probably a little bit of Denmark.

Send me a PM or email [email protected] if interested mate,


Fly Stimulator
20th Feb 2003, 08:57
Memo to self.... Must remember tape! Must remember tape! ;)

Aussie Andy
24th Feb 2003, 22:05
Thanks Fly Stimulator for the tape you loaned me at Le Touquet - watched it tonight and really enjoyed it!

MR TEDDY - I thought you did well!

Found it hard watching the young girl go around twice on 1st solo - yikes!

Really enjoyed watching all the different people take their trial lessons - such a different range of responses, makes me want to take up instructing for the fun of it ;)

Best to all,


25th Feb 2003, 07:44
Also just seen this. Mr Teddy, you came across very well, I thought. So what - you made a mistake - you're not perfect. Nobody is. I honestly think that if the program makers had wanted to portray you as an idiot they could have done a much better/worse job.

Good luck with the training - looking forward to seeing the mandatory 'skills test passed' post.

25th Feb 2003, 12:16
i watched "mr teddy" waving his teddy around during his first solo. he's lucky he flies fixed wing. try doing that in a helicopter and see what happens....

Circuit Basher
25th Feb 2003, 15:51
Thanks to the good auspices of tKF, I managed to watch this around 10 days ago, but have been out of the country on business since.

Steve - I reckon you were doing just fine and congratulations on your progress since! You should soon be one of the class of 2003!

The ATC Screamer really got on my t*t$ - the instructor really earnt his pennies on that one!!

Aussie Andy
25th Feb 2003, 16:33
I disagree abou the "ATC screamer" - I kind of felt sorry for her (well, kinda - until they explained she was a prison officer :ugh: ) and it helped to remind me that some people really are that scared of flying, which is hard for us that just love it to understand!

25th Feb 2003, 19:39
Has anyone got a copy they can send to OZ

Will gladly pay for tape and postage

Please email me


26th Jun 2003, 00:40
At long last I completed my Cross Country Solo Qualifying flight on Tuesday 24th June! The trip took me from Wycombe to Cambridge, then onto Leicester and finally back to Wycombe.

The flight went well and was essentially uneventfull. The vis from Cambridge to Leicester did start to deteriorate around 15:00 but not sufficiently to hinder my progress even though there are few ground features along this portion of the route.

I finally returned to Wycombe with a sense of triumph and relief....so now it's hopefully just knuckling down for a week of GFT revision and basic instrument training around mid July and just maybe I might be approaching the final hurdle to my licence!!

26th Jun 2003, 01:07
Nice one - did your Teddy enjoy it?


Aussie Andy
26th Jun 2003, 02:07
You've proved the cynics (or rather the editors!) wrong - well done, hope you enjoyed it!


Fly Stimulator
26th Jun 2003, 05:32
Well done Steve! :ok:

Funnily enough I was just wondering the other day how you were getting on, so it's good to know you're still at it and getting close to the licence.

Keep up the good work!

26th Jun 2003, 06:13
Great stuff mate, well done.

Do you think you will be done in time to bring teddy to our fly-in at Compton Abbas (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=93031) at the end of August??

Charlie Zulu
26th Jun 2003, 12:59
For Mr Teddy to get to to Compton Abbass would require the Campaign Against Aviation to issue his licence in less than two months.

Do you reckon that is possible?


Mr Teddy, congratulations on your QXC and may you have good luck and best wishes for your Skills Test.

(The CAA has been known to issue licences within a week of sending the application to them - mine was, but that was back in Jan 1999 with quite bad weather that winter etc).

26th Jun 2003, 16:39
I don't think Mr Teddy would actually need to have his license in his hand to get to Compton Abbas - just a sign-off from an instructor. Unless the teddy counts as a passenger, of course? :confused: :D


Northern Highflyer
26th Jun 2003, 23:04
Well done Mr Teddy

Saw the programme but forgot about it until I saw this thread.
Can't have been easy knowing the nation would get to see everything you did, good or bad. Good on you for agreeing to do it. Made you famous (at least on here) onwards and upwards.

Enjoy the flying and hope to share a pint with you (and teddy of course) one day. :ok:

29th Jun 2003, 03:05
Thank you:

The Kentish Flyer;
Aussie Andy;
Fly Stimulator;
Big Red L;
Charlie Zulu;
Flying For Fun;
& Northern Flyer.

My computer's been on the blink since I last posted to the forum so appologies for the late response. It's great to see so many people responding!

The QXY was quite daunting but I really did enjoy it and it was a very big step for me. I am so pleased that I did it and it showed me that with a bit of confidence and good planning, my future solo flying should be safe and rewarding.

As for Compton Abbas, I mentioned in my posting that I am due to fly most of the week 19th to 27th July following which I hope to take the Skills Test. Naturally I am hoping that I will make the grade in July, but I remain philasophical. I believe that, particularly in my case, the initial licence to fly will simply be a passport to further learning and if I should be lucky enough to pass the skills test my initiall sorties will be pretty close to home for a fair while.

I will try to keep the forum posted regarding my progress, however in the mean time best wishes to you all, safe flying and I hope you are all enjoying the fab weather we are having of late.

Mr Teddy.

29th Jun 2003, 13:43

Can anyone send a copy to Australia ?


16th Aug 2003, 01:45
I am delighted to report that after many months of blood sweat and tears (not to mention a mountain of cash) I have finally passed my skill test (August 13th)!!!! That's just 2 days shy of one year after taking my first solo trip.

I have yet to receive my licence, but as soon as I get it Miss Teddy and I intend taking to the skies whenever we can to go exploring.

Lots of our friends would like to go up with us too and it looks like I'm going to need to take out a 2nd mortgage to fund all the trips....maybe I should show them the t.v. programme where I nearly busted Luton's airspace and was having problems with diversions..that ought to put off a good percentage of them!!

But seriously, I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thanks all the wonderfull staff up at WAC who have always been available with a smile and a chat, helping me through the tough times as well as the good ones. And a special mention must go to my 2 terrific instructors Andrew and Caroline without whom I would probably still be trying to navigate my way back from Timbucktoo. Thanks also to our C.F.I. Dickie Bird for having the confidence in me to let me go it alone at last!

It has been suggested that I write a potted history of my somewhat bumpy route to the coveted licence. I hope to do this soon, but with Charlie Echo blue penning my expletives it could be a while before it's posted.

Safe flying everyone....Mr Teddy

16th Aug 2003, 02:08
Thats brilliant mate, well done and great to hear you done it at last. I hope some of the support you had on here helped, if not then oh well, still a great achievement and we hope to see you at some of our fly-ins...
Brl. :)

16th Aug 2003, 08:23
well done Mr Teddy! getting my PPL was one of the best things I've ever done, opened up a whole new world to me. Now you can do a trip to France! have fun and enjoy! happy flying!

16th Aug 2003, 10:16
hope it feels great to have achieved this. Gives us all still on the process hope it can be done.

i happened to be filmed by the same lady as i started my ppl course but moved my training to Oxford. I saw this topic and am just wondering know if they used the material they took of me.

If there is a coloured dude there named joseph then unfortunately thats me. so anyone who has a copy of the tape if they would be kind enough to lend it to me i would be more than greatful to see it. but if not it would be still good to see what i missed.

once again congratulations to u Mr Teddy

16th Aug 2003, 19:02
Well, done indeed Mr T. Extremely good news.

Hope to see you at EGCJ sometime soon....

Aussie Andy
17th Aug 2003, 04:34
Hey, well done fella: enjoy the privileges of your new license, and remember that the learning isn't over yet! Pace yourself, and stay safe!


Circuit Basher
18th Aug 2003, 15:19
Excellent, Mr Teddy - congratulaions!!

Just been checking the CAA database for suitable registrations for the A/c you're obviously going to want to buy now and G-TEDD, G-TEDI, G-TEDY and G-BEAR are all gone. G-MTED, G-TEDO, G-TEDP, G-PADD and G-PERU ( ;) ) are all available. :) :)

Fly Stimulator
18th Aug 2003, 19:37
Excellent news - many congratulations :ok:

Perhaps we'll see you at one of the PPRuNe fly-ins?

18th Aug 2003, 19:46
Congratulations Mr. Teddy. Hopefully you will get your licence before the autumn weather sets in :ok:

Regarding taking your pals flying, it is quite legal for them to contribute to the operating costs of a private flight ie, how's about a tenner each for the petrol then chaps :cool:

19th Aug 2003, 21:03
Mr Teddy,

Congratulations !! I know you've had a hard time of it, and were rather dispondant last time I saw you.

I'm glad that you've finally cracked it. Check you PMs for my contact details if you want to take me up on the offer I made last time we spoke.

Hehe - that may get you guessing:O


29th Aug 2003, 19:56
Hello again.

I just wanted to say a quick thank you to all of you who have posted your congratulations and kind comments. I am most grateful for the support I have received from the PPRUNE'rs.

I am particularly pleased that my efforts have spurred others to keep plugging away with the training when I read comments such as....."hope it feels great to have achieved this. Gives us all still on the process hope it can be done".....Well believe me if I can do it, anyone can!!

My licence is still in 'processing' so I'm still technically a student I suppose, but the day is drawing closer when the postman will deliver that special envelope and it's time for Mr Teddy to leave the nest and take to the skies in his own right.....watch this space!

Regards to you all,
Mr Teddy.


3rd Oct 2003, 03:36
Dear Puners.

Just a quick note to let you know that I finally have my licence. It was waiting for me when I arrived home on Tuesday evening...just missed the London post strike, phew!

I plan to take to the skies this Saturdy (4th October) with my partner Karen who will be my 1st bona fide passenger. Considering karen has about 19 hours training and has completed the safety pilot course I reckon I'm going to have to put in a pretty good performance. At the moment I have eveything crossed in the hope of fine weather!!

Regards to you all,

Mr Teddy

QNH 1013
3rd Oct 2003, 04:54
Thanks for letting us know, and Congratulations !

Hope the weather holds for you on Saturday, and have a good flight.

Aussie Andy
3rd Oct 2003, 18:15
Way to go fella! Will have my fingers crossed for the wx for you!
