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View Full Version : CRJ AFCS Survey Question

23rd Oct 2002, 21:51
All of you CRJ drivers,

I have a survey question about your company's procedures using the AFCS during a takeoff with engine failure at or after V1.

Upon reaching the acceleration altittude, what mode do you use to accelerate to Vt? Do you keep the AFCS in Speed Mode, and spin the speed bug to Vt? Or do you use another mode to accelerate to Vt?

All answers appreciated.

27th Oct 2002, 21:00
We are using the ALT mode.

5th Nov 2002, 03:20
We use ALT

(We stay Speed mode until reaching Acc. Alt., then select ALT, let the a/c acc. to Vt, then select Speed mode again for climb, fine tuning the speed bug to proper Vt, if required.)

5th Nov 2002, 09:50
alt mode seems to work very well and has the advantage that you simply press ias or clb mode buttons when passing VT to resume the climb

bear in mind that eicas 200 equipped crj will actually normally climb in clb mode not ias mode so have a floor vertical speed as well as a target ias; older fitted crj run the risk of actually descending if a large increase in ias mode is commanded by moving the speed bug while in this mode

in any event the acceleration from V2-ish to Vt is not usually much more than 25 knots and the time period is so short that the aircraft will probably not descend anyway duriing this short period

there is a much higher risk of descent during any subsequent acceleration while on one engine if using ias mode