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View Full Version : Trieste Security

5th Oct 2002, 11:05
I flew with FR from TRS to STN yesterday.
No security questions were asked at all during baggage check in process, the bags were also inaccurately weighed.
There was no attempt to check passport details with boarding card names prior to boarding.............
Just like the "good old days"?
John Burgess

5th Oct 2002, 11:44
Doesn't sound good John. In the first instance it might help if you wrote, as a concerned passenger, to FR and asked them why the security was so lax, hopefully they will be obliged to look into it.

We can also hope that the interested authorities will read this web site and make their own enquiries!;)

Given the need for increased security I would have hoped that a whole lot of boxes would have appeared at airports so that passengers could have dropped in a questionaire, (distributed by the airline), on arrival as to how their trip was handled at departure. This way a big picture that would identify the regular offenders, as well as isolated incidents, could be formed quite quickly and the appropriate action taken.