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View Full Version : Career Destruction !

Captain White
11th Sep 2002, 04:13

From the relative sanity of Europe all I can see is ....

* New Pilots joining CX weekly
* Everybody ignoring the AoA and IFALPA Ban
* CX making acceptable profits
* Contract Compliance irrelevant
* More ads for Cadets

What I hear is....

* AoA defections increasing
* No chance of 49rs getting reemployed
* Nobody at CX refusing promotions
* Disaffection at the AoA Subsidy continuing
* Worry about the AoA's threatened October escalation of action
* Anger at the AoA refusal to drop Contract Compliance in order
to meet with CX management

Outsiders suggestion is.....

1. Get new AoA management team
2. Talk to CX Management


1. Careers enhanced.
2. Stress Levels Fall
3. Families Happy again
4. Lifestyle stability
5. Enhanced success of CX hence better career prospects


A few egotistical and self centred 'negotiators' get on their horses and ride into the sunset !!!

Yippieeee ey ehhhhhhhh !!! :D :p :)

11th Sep 2002, 08:50
If your window onto the situation is this forum then you aren't getting the whole picture. An uninformed opinion perhaps. But thanks for the input.

11th Sep 2002, 09:27
The ban is being ignored, all courses are full....... but, according to the AOA VCD Ive just watched (on this glorious typhoon 8 day)..... THE BAN IS WORKING.

......... it is officially a fact. Whats is now up for debate is the definition of "working".

More tea vicar?

11th Sep 2002, 09:38
If all courses are full then why are they advertising on AEPS? I would think paying someone to gather people you don't need is a bit redundant.

They aren't full. You are being lied to or maybe even telling porkies yourself.

And by the way, great show of support! Why are you still a memeber?

11th Sep 2002, 13:14
Courses are definitely filled into next year, but there are plenty more spaces to be filled yet. Given the high number of applicants and the high standard they are mainly displaying then all spots will be eventually filled. If China opens up then expect even more recruitment and more ads everywhere.

11th Sep 2002, 15:31
6ftunder.... fair enough. Maybe the sticker should read 95% AOA?
I cannot, hand on heart, support a ban and take an upgrade! I also cannot ask the newbies to carry the can when I am not willing to go the extra mile.

Like many Ive listened to the company "facts", the AOA "facts" and the "facts" put forward on this forum by the likes of you, benji and shortly. They are often so contradictory that it is obvious someone is out-right lying. (and not always the same person?) As it is my career, I have a duty to listen to and weigh up the arguments..... then I decide.

I support the AOA conceptually but I cannot support the ban.

One mans education is another mans intimidation. I am willing to listen and learn but please dont tell me how to think. The "youre either with us, or ag'in us argument" is fatally flawed because if we're asked to go over the top into the company machine guns..... we wont go.

11th Sep 2002, 20:35
tone-whatever, how many of the victims of this mess do know personally? Explain to them why you can sit beside a replacement worker.

12th Sep 2002, 01:47
Get used to it 6FU...ain't going to change in your lifetime, I suspect.
The AOA missed their opportunity to change things a very long time ago. Should have listened then...but had their collective minds(?) made up, never mind the facts.:rolleyes: ;)

16th Sep 2002, 12:44

I do know victims of this whole mess personally- Former AN pilots who have either turned down Cathay and lost everything (Unrelated to the ban, but we just had another suicide. I know you had one, but this is our third including one of my best freinds), or joined and now face a career marred by the intimidation promised by your lot.

For some reason, do you think your freinds are more worthy than mine?

16th Sep 2002, 17:09
Here we go with the AN stuff again, there are lots of other forums for you and your mates.

16th Sep 2002, 22:33
Well is that's how much you care about fellow pilots, is it suprising so many are telling you where to stick your ban and joining Cathay in defiance of you?

17th Sep 2002, 07:55

Join Dragonair !!!

Its a better company and the Flag Carrier !!! :p

17th Sep 2002, 09:07
Good luck to you and all who sail on her.

The SCMP reports today that your major shareholderr CNAC is doing a number on the other major shareholder, Swire et al.

The reporter also writes that there has been a concerted effort from certain parties for him to "colour" the picture in their favourite shade.

17th Sep 2002, 10:57
With over 170 new joiners since the AOA committe instigated (NOT the AOA Membership) 'ban' one could ask 'What ban?' It is only hollow words from ND and friends.

At last count with over 1600 pilots and less than 1000 AOA members, with 20 more new joiners every month and normal retirements and 'quitters' leaving the AOA, the AOA is now an ineffective and irrelevant club of fools.

If only we had a professional body to look after our interests. The cancer of the AOA mis-leadership has competely busted the AOA. And they have down this with my $ and future. These are the scum I will not share a beer with nor welcome into my cockpit.

17th Sep 2002, 11:09
This is evocative stuff so please remember to leave personalities out of it in your replies, thanks.

BlueEagle - Moderator.

Cpt. Underpants
17th Sep 2002, 12:37
Dear pilot etc., thanks for your outburst.

I trust that one of DT's, NR's or KB's deputies will report this to them. The state of affairs is truly appalling and it needs to be addressed with urgency. If this animosity is as widespread as I believe it is, it won't be long before we see a brushwing on CNN's "breaking news".

It's time to put the personality and "face" issues aside and get down to the business of professional aviation. CX deserves better than the past 18 months (and 9 years(!)) There can be no winners in this.

This has to end before it becomes another "You won't believe this" anecdote in CRM classrooms.

17th Sep 2002, 17:58
"Banning" the AOA might be a good start.:p

18th Sep 2002, 12:38
oh please get a life 4-whatever...
somewhere within the bounds of realism is the truth.
Regards; the Spleen.
P. S. you ain't gonna find enlightenment on your current flightplan... :rolleyes: