View Full Version : Becoming an instructor. MIFR or not?

6th Sep 2002, 17:29
I'm facing a dilemma. I would like to become an instructor, despite the poor pay, but I'm not sure of the route to take.

I am a PPL holder and am training for my CPL. When I got my student loans, they were for getting the CPL, Multi-Engine, and Multi-IFR. I've since changed my mind about what kind of career path I would like and now want to be an instructor. The thing is, I don't believe I'd be able to get more loans for the rating, in addition to what I've got already. My degree already cost me a lot.

If I forgo the MIFR, I will have enough to become an instructor, but is that wise? Do flight training establishments look for the MIFR too? Another option would be to do the single-IFR and then the instructor rating. How would flying schools view that?

Your opinions please :)

9th Sep 2002, 16:15
Pay off your accumulated loans before you go any further. You'll struggle to pay them off on an instructor's pay.

African Drunk
9th Sep 2002, 22:22
One option many instructors take is to hold off on your IR. You can build time instructing and some schools will give you a staff rate on the IR training.

When I first applied to instruct many school were anti CPL/IR/MCC prefering just a BCPL as they knew you could not apply for airlines and they would have warning of when you were planning to leave.

Also if you have a IR and no job or are a PPL instructor there is no point paying for an IR renewal each year as it is expensive.

10th Sep 2002, 14:25
Thanks for your views, guys. As I'm only at the beginning of my CPL training, I don't have to decide right away, but this has given me more to think about.

It's probably a really good idea to pay off the loans first, otherwise I'll be stuck with them for a very long time. From what I gather, pilots don't make very much money early in their career, no matter what route they take.
